Three months had swiftly passed since the fall of Ulrich, the commander of Dracula's forces and the Vampire Kingdom was still reeling from the echoes of this monumental victory as it found itself at a transformative crossroads.

Max, now a little better seated on the throne, was no longer just the kingdom's mightiest warrior.

Wanting to expand his legacy and establish himself as a visionary leader, he knew that introducing civil reforms was a must and he already had several ideas on what needed to be changed, however, the only question was ' which reform to push first? '.

Change was a gradual process and could not be achieved overnight and even though Max wanted to change a lot of the vampire society, he could only do it in phases and bits and parts as if he tried to change too much at once, it would be met with negativity and resistance.

Max understood the intricacies of power. Victory in battle against Ulrich had earned him respect, but true authority came from the stability and prosperity of his people.

The challenges of implementing his vision were manifold, yet the momentum he had garnered from his recent triumph over Ulrich gave him a unique window of opportunity. It was time to capitalise on this, to reshape the kingdom in a way that would secure his reign and ensure the longevity and prosperity of his people.


He had spent long nights in counsel with his trusted advisors, debating and devising the framework for the reforms. Each discussion was a careful balancing act between preserving the essence of their society and introducing progressive changes. In these sessions, Max's strategic mind shone brightest, weaving together the threads of loyalty, strength, diplomacy, and innovation into a tapestry that would redefine the kingdom.It was a declaration that would not only assert his rule but also chart the course for the future.

With a firm hand, he issued an Imperial Edict, a document that would soon be etched in the annals of vampire history.


[ Imperial Edict- Induction of two major reforms

To the Esteemed Lords, Venerable Elders, Valiant Warriors, and the Honoured Citizens of the Vampire Society,

In the wake of our beloved former king's passing and amidst the turbulent seas of change, it has become incumbent upon my shoulders to steer our venerable society towards a future of unparalleled strength, unity, and prosperity. In pursuit of this noble objective, I, King Max Rajput, do hereby decree the following reforms, effective immediately upon the proclamation of this edict:


### Reform I: Establishment of the Merit and Loyalty-Based Clan Ranking System

In recognition of the paramount importance of loyalty and merit in the sustenance and enhancement of our society, a new hierarchical system for the ranking of vampire clans shall be instituted. This system shall be founded upon the pillars of unswerving loyalty to the crown and demonstrable merit in service to our society.I think you should take a look at lightsnovel.cοm

lightsnοvεl.cοm 1. ( Ranking Criteria ): Clans shall be evaluated and ranked based on a multitude of factors, including but not limited to, acts of valour in defence of the realm, contributions to the cultural and economic enrichment of our society, and unwavering loyalty to the crown.2. ( Rewards for High Ranking Clans ): Clans achieving higher rankings shall be bestowed with privileges commensurate with their standing. These privileges shall include, but not be limited to, priority access to essential resources, influential positions within the royal court, and exclusive rights in trade and diplomatic endeavours.

. ( Penalties for Rebellion ) : Any clan found guilty of acts of rebellion or disloyalty shall face a swift and significant demotion in ranking. This shall entail a curtailment of privileges, increased surveillance, and, in severe cases, punitive measures as deemed fit by the crown.

. ( Oversight and Transparency ) : A Council of Loyalty, comprising esteemed members of our society, shall be established to oversee this ranking system, ensuring fairness, transparency, and dynamic responsiveness to the evolving landscape of our society.

### Reform II: Entry into the Tri-State Alliance

Acknowledging the need for strategic alliances in these tumultuous times, it has been resolved that our society shall enter into the esteemed Tri-State Alliance, which includes the Won Knight monarchy, the Hazelgrove Empire and the True Elites guild, thus elevating it to a Quadra-State Alliance.

This historic step is taken with a vision of mutual prosperity, security, and respect among the allied states.

. ( Diplomatic Engagement ): Our entry into the alliance shall be marked by a series of diplomatic engagements aimed at highlighting our strengths and potential contributions as a new ally. We shall endeavour to carve out a role that not only benefits our society but also contributes significantly to the alliance.

. ( Benefits of the Alliance ) : Through this alliance, we anticipate enhanced security, access to new resources and knowledge, and an expansion in our political and economic spheres. This partnership is a testament to our society's strength and our commitment to peaceful coexistence and mutual growth with our allies.

. ( Addressing Internal Concerns ) : I am fully aware of the diverse viewpoints within our ranks regarding this alliance. Be assured, this decision is made with the long-term welfare and prosperity of our society in mind. Dialogues shall be held to address concerns and foster a unified approach towards our future as part of the alliance.

In conclusion, these reforms are not merely administrative changes but a renaissance of our society. They mark the dawn of a new era, where strength is coupled with wisdom, loyalty with rewards, and alliances with strategic foresight. It is with a spirit of optimism and unwavering resolve that I invite every member of our society to embrace these reforms and join me in forging a future that will be the envy of all.

To those of you who are strung up on the ghosts of the past and do not wish to accept these reforms, I invite you to rebel against me, so that I can weed out the unnecessary evil in our society myself.

In the name of progress, unity, and prosperity,

King Max Rajput ]
