Julia was taken aback by Max's demands. It wasn't that Max was demanding something unreasonable, as the right to succession was a fundamental right of any clan in securing their future.

However, by denying the Caesar clan a seat at the lord position Max was also depriving them of the opportunity to ever come back to the forefront as one of the strongest vampire clans.

Giving up the right to succession meant that despite the workings of the inner council, the Bloodfall clan would forever remain the ruling clan while the Caesar clan would be a subsidiary.

When Julia initially suggested that there be an open and fair voting on the next successor, she was secretly hoping that when that time came the Caesar clan would have enough influence within the Bloodfall halls to appoint one of their own as the leader, effectively cutting off the Bloodfall reign with Max.

However, Max proved to be too shrewd to fall for such tricks.

His second condition was also equally important and fair. If as the lord he was ' Supposed ' to look after the entire army, he was entitled to command that same army with absolute authority.


However, if the Caesar clan gave up the control over their own military then there was no way to safe-guard their own self interests against Bloodfall oppression should such a situation arise.

Giving up the military was akin to de-fanging oneself and removing one's ability to fight back. It was a stupid move by all regards and the Caesar clan could not accept such a condition.

While the entire premise of the merger was ' Good Faith ', only idealistic fools believed in happily ever after and did not put up fail-safes for themselves.

" I- I don't think we can accept those conditions, Lord Max, I'm truly sorry but we just can't….

The Caesar clan wields immense power even without Julian and to give it all up doesn't make sense without tangible securities in place " Julia said as Max cursed under his breath.

He had really hoped that the Caesar clan merger would be successful, as the merger would give his claim to the throne legitimacy, however, it seemed like the proud Caesar clan were not willing to be practical with their approach and would rather wane in power slowly rather than secure their future. " Very well, I understand…. " Max said with an expressionless face as he did not let his disappointment show on his face.


Stoic as ever, he kept his calm and walked away with his wives like this rejection was no big deal, however, internally he was constantly wondering about his next move.

Since the straightforward approach had been blocked, he could only try unorthodox methods next and try to convince the majority of the vampire lords to rally behind him. However, he knew better than anyone that such a feat was easier said than done.

Over the course of his rise to stardom there were many who he had made jealous and several who did not take him seriously since he had not been around for as long as they had.

Those lord's were undoubtedly going to make trouble for his ascension and Max was worried that things could boil down to a show of strength at the end.


( Meanwhile Odin and Rudra )

" Master, as per your instructions, I have located yet another seed, however, I must warn you that putting one more seed in your body might turn you mentally unstable " Odin said as he carefully observed the changes in Rudra's expressions.

If Rudra had become overwhelmed with the power of the seed of chaos, the narcissism within him would have been unable to take such criticism with candor and would have immediately lashed out at him, however, incredulously, Rudra showed no such tendency as he displayed clear critical thinking abilities.

" I'm afraid of the same, at times the seeds overwhelm my mind, it's like I'm constantly fighting a battle against my own brain. I think you should take a look at

I feel like I'm surrounded by several swordsmen and have to parry them around constantly.

It's tiring….

I have no doubt that a weaker mind would have undoubtedly failed by now ". Rudra admitted as Odin's eyes perked up.

Rudra's condition seemed to be improving, he seemed to get the side-effects of the seed under control as time passed, however, several factors could contribute to this behaviour and maybe under duress his nature could change drastically.

" If you want, I can keep the seed safe for you till you feel ready enough to incorporate its power " Odin said as he suggested to Rudra that he delay his hunger for the seeds till he's confident in handling more.

" I can never figure you out, you know? Are you good? Are you bad? Are you scheming? Are you not? I can never understand…. " Rudra said as he patted Odin earnestly on the back.

This was a big compliment coming from the greatest mastermind to ever exist as there was no-one else who Rudra could not figure out.

" The perfect warrior prefers that I be that way- " Odin admitted as Rudra let out a soft smile.

" So how is he really? " Rudra asked out of curiosity as Odin let out a deep sigh and decided to reveal one of his deepest secrets to Rudra.

" I've fought him several times, just like all the other celestials have, infact, I was the first warrior from this entire universe to transcend beyond the tier8 barrier and become a celestial.

I even did it the hard way by mastering my emotions, compared to the method you are taking.

When I was defeated by him for the first time, I felt miserable and humiliated, so after that moment I fought him every 100 years.

Soon, other celestials started to join me but even 5 on one we could not land a single scratch on him.

After like 200 attempts, he came up to me and offered to remove my celestial core and make me his ' Soulmancer '

He told me that it would be my job to nurture talents that could someday beat him as by that point it was abundantly clear that I desperately wanted to see him getting beat, but did not have the necessary foundation or talent for it.

I accepted, and he granted me immortality after removing my celestial core and banishing me to mortal realm.

However, the funny part is, even after losing my core, If I push myself to my limits, I can use a portion of my tier9 stats and show abilities that no monarch can.

But I don't…..

I stay within my limits and observe the laws of the controlled universe, while trying to nurture individuals that can maybe challenge him….. " Odin said as he candidly admitted to Rudra about one of his biggest and most protected secrets.

Odin had expected Rudra to show shock or emotion at this information, however, Rudra only seemed surprised at the part where even 5 celestials together could not land a scratch on him.

" So the path to tier10…. It's defeating him right? That's the condition to be promoted to the top of the food chain isn't it? " Rudra asked, with an almost maniacal look on his face as Odin gave him a wide grin and replied " *** ".
