Chapter 870 Parental Love  

By dinner time, Rhea had understood that her daughter had absolutely no game when it came to seducing men.

As the trio sat down to eat the grand buffet and talked about nothing in particular, it frustrated Rhea to see that Mira did not laugh at any of Max's jokes or pretend to be interested in what he had to say.

She conversed with him like she would normally do with any other individual and was 100% genuine.

While this was an admirable trait, as an experienced woman Rhea knew that it would take Mira nowhere in the romantic sphere if she kept behaving this way.

It was common knowledge that Men like women who laugh at their jokes and praise them endlessly for their bravery while pretending to be mesmerised by their words.

The flirtatious laughing, the subtle touching, the lip biting were all part of the seduction game and Mira absolutely sucked at it.


As a mother, it was impossible for Rhea to tell Mira to behave like a loose woman around Max, however, she gave her all the subtle hints that she could to encourage such behaviour without explicitly stating it.

Finally, when Mira did not seem to respond to any of her indirect hints, Rhea decided to undertake a dangerous and sacrificial plan to ensure her daughter's future.

Although it was a plan which if discovered by anyone would bring untold embarrassment to the dragon queen, Rhea was ready to risk it all for the sake of her daughter's happiness. Rhea knew how much Mira wanted to be around Max and how her happiness was linked to being married to that man, however, since she could not win over his heart on her own, Rhea decided to intervene just this once to smooth out all the roadblocks.

" Well this was certainly enjoyable, Mira honey, why don't you join me in the conference room after dinner? There is something important that I must talk to you about.

I hope Max won't mind me borrowing you for a moment " Rhea said as Max threw his hands up in surrender as if he did not mind at all while Mira simply nodded at her mother's words.



( In the conference room )

Mira followed Rhea into the conference room never expecting what was about to happen next.

Out of nowhere, Rhea turned and smacked Mira hard on her neck, knocking her out cold before she even had the chance to react to the sudden ambush.

There was visible shock and confusion on Mira's face as she blacked out as she could not understand why her own mother would attack her or all people?

Not letting her body fall, Rhea catched Mira and gently placed her body on one of the conference room chairs with her head safely resting on the table.

To ensure that she did not wake up for the entire duration of the night, Rhea lit sleeping incense all around her which was sure to keep her in deep sleep for the next 12 hours.

It was a desperate and drastic measure, one that Rhea was never going to admit to doing, as come tomorrow morning she was going to pretend as if this never happened. " Oh dragoon forgive me for what I'm about to do " Rhea said as she After changing a few strands of her hair to golden blonde, she looked like a mirror image of Mira and a quick change of clothes meant that she became indistinguishable from her daughter's visage.

Rhea, in her desperate bid to smoothen things out with Max had decided to seduce him by herself tonight in Mira's form, so that come next morning Max would start treating Mira like his woman and Rhea could force him to take responsibility for the previous nights actions, forcing his hand into marrying Mira.

It wasn't the most noble of plans and it involved Rhea selling herself out for her daughter, however, Rhea was ready to suffer the indignation as long as nobody was any wiser and as long as it helped her daughter live a fulfilling life.

A quick look in the mirror and Rhea realised that she was blushing like a young virgin girl before her first night as she wondered what was wrong with her that she was feeling nervous?

' It's just a young boy, how hard will it be to seduce and satisfy him?' Rhea wondered as she tried to calm herself thinking surely Max could not be as terrifying as dragoon in bed, however, little did she know that while Max was only half-dragon, he was ten times the beast in bed.


( Meanwhile Rudra )

From the comfort of his living room within the Rajput mansion, Rudra coldly glanced at a particular barbarian planet, which was divided between the previous dark and light faction regime.

After Rudra abolished the dark factions' lowered status in society and their movement ban with immediate effect, he became a Messiah of the dark faction, however, became unpopular amongst some light faction mortals.

Within planets where both sides co-existed, frictions rose between changed her appearance from that of her own to a slightly youthful version of herself which looked EXACTLY like Mira.

the light and dark ideologies which were still prevalent after the Dimensional War.

The light faction citizens burned Rudra's human-sized figurines and chanted anti-shakuni slogans in a protest against the abolishing of dark factions restrictions on movement.

It was a peaceful protest with no real threat to Rudra's power at all as even if a trillion mortals protested against him, theoretically he couldn't care less, however, for some reason Rudra did not let this event slide.

" Queen, purge the entire planet " Rudra ordered as the queen indiscriminately obliterated the entire planet, light and dark faction supporters alike within a few seconds time, turning the once populated planet with over 25 million residents into a barren wasteland.

The worst part was that Rudra did not even flinch after committing such a mass murder as he simply proceeded to inspect the next areas on today's list as he resumed his duties as the Supreme Lord of the universe.
