( 2 days later, Radiance)

" This is serious guildmaster Neatwit, an old monster has just reappeared and took over the Vampire Throne, the entire vampire society is in shock and disbelief, Regus Aurelius is recuperating from heavy injuries, Max Rajput is still missing and you are sitting here laughing? " Patricia said as she slammed her fists on the table in frustration.

A very concerning report had made it to Patricia's office yesterday where the news about Dracula's return were circulated with great detail.

Ixtal no longer had a single modern vampire on its soil, as the broken and tectonically active planet was now the base of operations for Dracula.

Not only did he destroy the teleportation gate directly connecting the planet to the rest of the universe, he also raised an army of blood soldiers made purely of the Sanguis that worked as foot-soldiers for his re-imagined primordial army.

In the past 24 hours, 17 destroyer battleships were sent to Ixtal, the goal was to destroy the planet from distance using powerful blast guns.


The first order that Regus gave after regaining consciousness was to destroy Ixtal as he knew that if he could not sit on the throne of the holy land, he would not let anyone else sit on the vampire throne either.

Unfortunately, all attempts to damage Ixtal turned out to be horrible failures as Dracula's strength was on full display dealing with these threats.

To make matters worse, the werewolf prisoner's sealed underground had been liberated and Dracula ordered Ulrich to take his time and reorganise the werewolf military.

Dracula was rapidly consolidating power and apparently eating a voracious diet to recover strength.

His goal was the destruction of modern vampires and he was not shy to declare it by sending a werewolf envoy to every single vampire controlled planet and making the declaration of war.

Unprecedented chaos began to brew within Vampire Society, the death of 17 lords and the news about Ixtal's fall spread quickly through the masses.


Even if the authorities wanted to hide the reality behind the situation, it was impossible to do so after losing 17 Vampire Lord's at once.

The stigma against the primordial vampires was strong within the vampire society and the potential return of one of them sent shivers down the spines of commoners.The mass hysteria was even worse than when the declaration of the dimensional war was made as many were convinced that this event marked the start of the very end.

" You need to relax, matriarch Patricia, the elites will protect your borders come what may if Dracula tried to attack you.

Also, you are forgetting that we have the strongest fighter in the universe on our side.

I don't care how strong Dracula is, if Max were truly dead, Dracula would be 6 feet under by this point, no doubt about it " Neatwit replied with a laid back attitude as he expressed full confidence in the prowess of Shakuni.

" Even if that were true, the war within the vampire factions cannot be a good thing, if it really is Dracula as people are assuming him to be, then our history books say that he might be the most dangerous threat the universe has ever faced.

The man destroyed a thousand planets for fun, had an unstoppable army under his belt and had the potential to conquer the universe if he wanted to.

We cannot take him lightly, I suggest we call a council meeting and put a target on his back using the queen " Patricia suggested as Neatwit scoffed at the proposal.

" No offence matriarch but that proposal is dumb and you know it.

Today we put out a hit on Dracula, tomorrow the council decides, okay, Micheal is too big of a threat for the rest of us, let's kill him!

Day after it will be Augustus Won Knight, until finally everyone is dead!

There is a reason why we could only banish Shakuni from returning to the universe and not put out a hit order on him.I think you should take a look at

The queen is not a tool for the bidding of the monarchs, she's there to maintain universal balance.

The moment we change her from being an administrator to a weapon at our disposal, everything will go to hell " Neatwit explained rather strongly as Patricia bit her lips listening to his reasoning.

Neatwit was right, they could not just manipulate universal laws every time they felt threatened as once that gate was opened there was no saying whom it would be used against.

" So we just sit tight and do nothing? " Patricia asked, clearly frustrated by how things were turning out and Neatwit just threw his hands up in response.

" I don't know what to say matriarch, if the Vampire's are a big market for your export products, find other customers.

If they sell you a lot of raw materials, find other sources.

If you have affection for a particular planet or individual, offer them protection.

But in general, stay out of it.

It's not our opponent and not our war, no need to get worked up about it " Neatwit said as he left the room with a deep sigh.

In some way he too understood that doing nothing had a risk of letting Dracula grow unchecked in power.

Then if someday after he conquered the Vampire society, he turned his head towards other monarchies, it would be troublesome to contain him.

However, Neatwit would rather start preparing today for an eventual fight against Dracula years down the line, rather than send his troops in to fight him today.

If Dracula could improve and consolidate power with time, so could they!

They were a coalition of several monarchies and if things became extremely tough they could always band together to fight a common enemy.

Either way, he did not believe that sending in troops now was the right decision and it was the same way that every other monarch felt.

The Hazelgroove Empire

The Angels

The dragon's

The elves

The dwarves

The beasts

None of them sent aid to the vampires.

Everyone but the Kingdom of Life under Beniogre, who mobilised her holy paladins and sent 7 legions to war!
