' So what have we got now? ' Max asked Drax, as for the first time ever, Drax manifested himself over Max's palm as a small holographic figure made from flames.

Drax now had a semi-physical form and was no longer just a voice in Max's head as the old AI stroked his long beard and said " Well we have got a lot "

Max freaked out and stared at Drax's flaming holographic figure wide eyed before erupting with Joy.

" Whoaaaaaaaaa, Let's goo!!!!! " Max said as he gave Drax the biggest smile his face could manage before starting to chuckle madly.

Drax was pretty much exactly how Max expected him to be, an old man with a stern face and kind eyes.

If A.I's could be handsome then Drax would definitely be considered as handsome as he looked like a Chinese grandmaster with a long beard and sharp facial features.

" I have no face per-se, from your memories and recollections this is the form I have chosen, because you seem to hold esteem and respect towards individuals who look like this ". Drax clarified as Max nodded and began listening intently as to what the upgraded powers of his Agni-Astra were.


" Well let's start with the basic upgrade.

There are two modes you can use the Agni-Astra in now, which is passive mode and battle mode.

Passive mode is pretty much what we have been used to uptil now, which is you call upon the Agni-Astra's power to carry out specific tasks.

Battle mode on the other hand, increases the weapons power output by 50%, meaning your spells would be much more powerful and much stronger, while you will be covered in a Flame Armour.

Flame Armour will prove to be excellent in magic defence, however, because of its elemental nature it will still be lacking in physical defence although it can melt away arrows and debris coming your way if they are weak.

But it would work best with a proper armour to properly increase your defence". Drax said as Max nodded with satisfaction and said " Battle-Mode " as instantly a Flame Armour emerged from his right hand and covered his entire body as Max looked like the reincarnation of the flame god himself and extremely cool." Hahaha, nice " Max commented as Drax sighed and chose to ignore Max's childishness.


" Next we have spells-

Your existing spell casting limit is increased by X10, meaning you can now cast 100 Fireblasts, 30 Inferno spells and so on.

While the power magnification of all fire based spells is increased from 1000% to 10,000% meaning that your tier 3 fire attacks will be akin to a peak tier4 attack.

It will give you an unbelievable edge in offensive abilities and will raise your overall combat potential to whole another level.

But apart from your existing spells, you can now cast 3 new spells, namely

[ Fire Rope ]

[ Fire Compression ]

[ Flame Shield ]

Fire Rope is a spell that was created by the God Of Fire, Agni himself and it can create a rope of fire capable of restraining individuals 2 tiers above your strength.

It will consistently deliver burn damage and will keep on tightening around the enemy the more they struggle.

Fire Compression is a spell by which you can compress a fire attack and increase its power by 3-5X

It's a forbidden spell that not many modern users know, because it is one of the rare spells that can be used on top of an attack spell to increase its power.

If you think of it one way, the entire Agni Astra is a giant fire compressor, clearly much more advanced than your abilities, for which it can give a 100X power increase to you at this stage, but while you cannot do a 100X power increase, even if you manage 5X, it will eventually lead to a 500X power multiplication, meaning you will be able to launch a pseudo tier5 attack while being just tier 3!

The final spell is Flame shield, and while it's a defensive spell and not one that's exciting to you, it's extremely practical.

It's a handsfree shield that will help you with blocking physical attacks, just like the flame wall.

If you learn to use it right, you will be fighting the enemy with 3 hands instead of 2, as you will be able to block their attacks with just your willpower without the need to move a muscle.

The fire god Agni used this spell a lot and to much success at that " Drax said as Max felt his mind being blown at the declaration.

He now had a 10,000% power increase to all fire based spells, which meant that any spell that he cast would have 100 times its base power!

Even the tier 1 spell ' Fireball ' would have power of a tier2 spell Fireblast, and with Max being able to rain down fireballs non-stop on an enemy it was practically a end of boss level cheat!

Apart from the increase in power and limit of his spells, he also had 3 new useful abilities which would help him bridge the gap with high level opponents when he fought them.

" Your fire resistance has now increased from advanced to near perfect, meaning you are now immune to all fire based attacks below tier6.

Only those who have mastered the laws of fire can now hurt you " Drax said as Max banged his chest with pride.

Now this was some OP shit, something worth celebrating.

" Lastly and most importantly, the second piece we just fused with contained the soul treasure of the fire-god called ' Mirror World '

Inside the mirror world, you can fight and train against your own self image, having the same abilities as you.

While you will be left with your own consciousness, your enemy will be the peak version of you according to my A.I intelligence.

By fighting against your perfected version, you will learn how to hone your abilities and attack patterns, as well as analyse your own weaknesses from a third party perspective.

With every fight you will evolve but so will your mirror clone, and while you will lose all your fights against him, you will grow a lot as a warrior ".

Max felt sweat drip from his forehead at this information.

He had heard about such treasures, but they were the prized possessions of powerful people like the monarch's and not something a weakling like himself could ever hope to have.

However, with such a place to train, Max was sure to progress by leaps and bounds in the coming days as he could spend every second that he was not busy or physically training in the real world, to mentally train in the mirror world.


/// A/N - Bonus chapter for hitting the GT target, good job everyone! ///
