" Look, it's a tier 3 venomous snake sleeping soundly on that tree branch.

It's probably worth a lot of exp for you kids, how do you plan on taking it out? " Kremeth asked with excitement behind his voice as the other three focused on the tree branch above, only noticing the snakes camouflage after much focusing.

Max and Miracle began thinking seriously as after a minute Miracle spoke to Kremeth in Draconic as the few day old baby gave her thoughts on how to kill a snake.

" Wow, so you will breathe fire on it to attract it and when it attacks you, Max will jump from underneath this rock and slash its head off by surprise, while Sebastian becomes your meat shield?

What a genius plan! " Kremeth said kindly as Miracle patted on her own head with her front legs in embarrassment.

" What about you kid, what do you think? " Kremeth asked Max, who gave a more serious answer.

" It's best to take it by surprise, if we can deal big damage before it wakes up that will be best.


If not, it will be a tough fight.

I think I have enough time to use the ' Inferno ' spell on it. It's the strongest spell of my Agni Astra and it takes me 1-1.5 minutes to prepare, but I'm confident it can shave at least 20% off the snakes HP, 40% if it's a critical hit and with me having all the time in the world to aim, I'm pretty sure I can land a critical.

After that it will surely wake up and attack me, unfortunately I can't rely on the tier 0 miracle to help so it will be just me and Sebastian as we yolo our way to victory". Max said as Kremeths smile widened

" Yolo your way to victory, wow, such enlightened disciples I have got " Kremeth said as Max frowned, unlike miracle, Max was familiar with the concept of sarcasm and did not take words at face value like the baby dragon did.

" What about you eh dwarf, what is your genius plan? " Kremeth asked as Sebastian politely bowed and said " I will not fight master because the turtle hermit way rule number one says

' When you see an opponent stronger than you - Run '".


Kremeths smile disappeared at this reply as he said " Not fight, I see ".



*Smack*In a lightning quick movement Kremeth then smacked all three of his disciples tightly on their heads.

" Ouch"

" Ouch"

" Grrrrr "

" Idiots! I just taught you the turtle hermit way but you still proceeded to think about fighting the snake.

The dragon is just naive,

The vampire is even worse than the dragon.

Shame on you both!

You will both write the lesson again, 1000 times, but this time by carving it on stone so you never forget! " Kremeth blasted his two disciples for their over the top battle urges.

" B-but why was I smacked too? " Sebastian protested, he had seen through the trap and answered correctly but he was still beat up.

" You were smacked because you did not correct your friends even though you knew the right answer.

Come on dwarf, that's just the teacher's pet behaviour ". Kremeth said as Sebastian felt violated, not only did his pride on answering the question correctly vanish, but he also got dirty glares from Miracle and Max.

All the commotion under the tree had woke the sleeping snake up, and while the kids were not focused on it, Kremeth was, as the second it moved half a muscle he casually shot an energy beam from his palm and killed the poor thing as it slid down the treetop and hit the ground with a *THUD* sound.

" Oof, it's dead " Sebastian said as he stared at the sizzling hole in its body with amazement.

Kremeth had literally killed the snake effortlessly by blowing its heart out and he had not even turned to glance at his opponent before making the shot.

" So you think it's dead? " Kremeth asked as he waited for despair to appear on the faces of all three of his disciples.

The three of them knew the answer to his question but did not have the guts to say it because they knew that there was a big chance that it was a trap.

Kremeth smiled looking at the kids avert eye-contact with him as he was satisfied that they were fast learners." You, dwarf, is it dead? " Kremeth asked again, singling out Sebastian

" Y-yes? Master " Sebastian said, with his answer sounding more like a question.


Sebastian was smacked hard on the head when he said yes as Kremeth said

" Turtle hermit way lesson number two - ' never assume that your opponent is dead even when the system tells you that it is '.

While the system will regenerate the dead within wild-zones and safe-zones, there are a million techniques to bring back the dead even from Battle-Zones!

Always make sure to reduce the body to ashes, then scan the area for potential allies of the dead, then make sure to kill them too and burn them to ashes, only then can a kill be considered complete ".

Kremeth said as he snapped his fingers and a rain of energy beams fell from the sky killing every single snake in the area.

Kremeth proceeded to look Max dead in the eye afterwards as he summoned Max's strongest spell in an instant

[ Inferno ]

Kremeth burned the body of the snake and then proceeded to light the whole forest around them on fire in what looked like an absolute overkill in Max's eyes.

" I can see through you kids, you think this is an overkill, I say yes it's an overkill, but this overkill will keep you safe.

You kids have never encountered freaks who have lost portions of their soul after being regenerated by healers and not the system.

Those maniacs are worse than any bloodthirsty beast you will encounter in the wild and they are the worst sorts of enemies to have.

In a Battle-Zone, always incinerate the body of those you kill, because 99% regeneration spells which work in Battle-Zones are useless without the body of the dead.

To be 100% sure, kill the Allies as well and burn them to ashes.

It is the only way to have a peaceful sleep at night ".Kremeth said as he asked the kids to mount his back once again as he escaped from the burning forest back to cave as he was done with the days lesson.


/// This is bonus chapter 2/2 for hitting the tree height goal in discord!

Good job everyone for making it possible!

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Here is the link-

https://discord.gg/AMjceeUMQ4 ///
