Chapter 53: I’ve Got Your Back! (3)   When Li Qingcang heard this, he got the impression that what Ye Tianxin was really saying was that, since there was no other way she could ever repay his kindness for saving Grandma’s life, she was offering herself to him as payment!

The issue was... was repayment really necessary?

Was she really going to offer herself to him?

Forget it. This little girl was still too young, too green.... Yep. Not his cup of tea.

“You’re making too much of a deal out of this. There’s no need to do this.... In light of our relationship, is it really necessary to stand on ceremony?”

Li Qingcang sat officiously in the chair for a short while, but he felt that the atmosphere in the ward was a little weird. He looked at Ye Tianxin’s appearance and was filled with... a sensation he couldn’t quite describe.

After some time, he rose from the chair and told Ye Tianxin, “Just stay here and rest up. If anything comes up, go over to the block out front, to Room 1101, and ask for me. Look me up. And come get me if any of the doctors or nurses are rude to you. Is that clear?”


Ye Tianxin nodded and walked Li Qingcang to the elevator lobby.

From inside the elevator, Li Qingcang waved to Ye Tianxin, who stood facing him outside the doors.

“You should head back now. Use the bed next to your Grandma’s if it’s unoccupied. Remember to rest up.”


Li Qingcang pressed the “DOWN” button in the elevator.

Suddenly, Ye Tianxin started. This guy had come specially to help her, and she didn’t even know his name!


She used a hand to block the elevator doors.

“What is it? Is your hand hurt?”

Li Qingcang held onto Ye Tianxin’s hand, examining it carefully. After confirming that she wasn’t hurt, he released her hand.

Lifting her face up to him, Ye Tianxin smiled sweetly and asked, “Benefactor, what is your name please?’

“Li Qingcang. Li as in Li hai, powerful. Qing as in Qingtianzhu, Optimus Prime. Cang as in Cangtian, the skies.”

“Brother Li, I will remember that. Thank you.”

After the elevator doors closed shut, Li Qingcang checked his reflection in the mirror. Had he suffered a setback?

Otherwise, why else did he feel so feverish? And why was his face so flushed?

And his heart. Why was it beating so rapidly?

Musing over this, Li Qingcang headed back to his room. Once he stepped inside, his ear was twisted by Li Xingchen.

“Li Xingchen, let go!”

“Didn’t you just tell me that you’re not interested in that young girl? And then what do you go do? You hug her!? And caress her head? And hold hands? Li Qingcang, you’re getting bolder with age. How could you even think of having designs on such a young girl...?”

Li Qingcang glared fiercely at Li Xingchen. “I say, my dear sister, you have a dirty mind. I’m twenty-six. If I actually had designs on that young girl, what would that make me? That would make a dirty old man. It would make me a... bad guy guilty of one of the ten most heinous and unforgivable crimes!”

Li Xingchen looked long and hard at Li Qingcang. She was his sister. How could she not know when her little brother had the hots for someone?

The point was... that her little overlord of a brother had never been interested in the wholesome little girl-next-door type.

So why did he single out this young girl? What did he see differently in her?

In the past, as far as the girl-next-door types were concerned, he’d always been uneasy around them, even if they were standing over a meter away from him, let alone locked in his embrace!

“Stop talking rubbish! You’re about seven or eight years older than that young girl. How would that make you a bad guy guilty of one of the ten most heinous and unforgivable crimes? In fact, the age gap between you is perfect—you, being older, would be considerate and treat her like a princess, and her, being younger, would run rings around you because you’d spoil her....”

“Hold it right there!” Li Qingcang yelled. “Sis, you are truly a professional when it comes to the art of creative writing, weaving such elaborate stories out of nothing. So, tell me, when I met that young girl for the first time, I was semi-conscious; and when we met the second time, I was in this ridiculous get-up. You tell me. If you were in her shoes, would you find me attractive?”
