Pidgeot and Fearow were renowned for their speed in the air. In fact, they are considered the fastest pokemon that the common trainer has available to them. After all, there’s only a small amount of people that could raise and keep a Dragonite. It was possible for elite courier services —owned by the Blackthorn Clan— to have them, but you had to pay for it. They were still considered rare to see flying anywhere however. The most commonly seen Dragonite was in fact, Lance’s Dragonite. And if Lance was flying around as fast as he could go, then something big was going down somewhere, as he typically had a procession around him.

Claire would probably also have a Dragonite to call on, but no one had ever seen her fly off on one publically. Then again I didn’t, and still don’t, check any magazines for her appearances. Although she might not appear in anything big. She was rather overshadowed by her cousin Lance.

Some people rode Charizard, but that was almost as much of a status symbol flex as it was practical. You‘d certainly get where you were going but it was generally faster to get there on a Pidgeot or Fearow. Also, it was a smoother ride.

In the racing circuits, flying-type pokemon were bred, raised, and trained to be paragons of flight. Typically if it was just speed that was being demanded of them then the pokemon would be smaller than the average members of their species. Pokemon that needed to go fast and carry riders? Those tended to be much larger.

The average Pidgeot came in at one and a half metres which was perfect for battle. A good middle ground for power generation with speed and enough evasive ability to dodge most attacks.

Fearow’s had a one-point two-metre height which made them fit the same role in a trainer's roster. For commercial purposes or rider roles, these pokemon could easily be found in sizes that were twice, if not three times, as big making it easy for them to carry people, packages, or even both.

The Sevii and Orange island regions were particularly dependent on the messenger birds being able to fly with the speed they did. If you had bigger items that couldn’t be delivered piecemeal by a flock, then you had to get them shipped. Which, with some pokemon objecting to ships sailing through their territory, created other hassles, even in tamed or well-charted areas.


Still, Pidgeot and Fearow were the most prolific pokemon for flyers to use.

It made my own choice in Zephyr, my much larger Noctowl, stand out.

Unlike those birds, he couldn’t fly as fast or as far. He needed to use the move tailwind to reach their lowest levels of speed. Where he was better was in his ability to fly at night, and on silent wings. This made it much easier to patrol the wilds with the pokemon that might be causing disturbances or being problematic being none the wiser of our approach.

This didn’t hold true for dangerous areas like the Mt Silver range where you learnt to keep an eye on the sky or you or your offspring got eaten.

Other, more shaded or protected areas, however, had inhabitants that weren’t used to this. When I flew into Ranger command —which for Pewter was located to the northwest of the city— I could use this fact to literally spot the veterans out from the student rangers.

The people that looked up while their hands slid to their waists practically shouted their experience if you knew to look for it.


I landed in front of a set of buildings that had been built into and around trees. The entire structure was made of wood with tightly packed joints that made for an impressive two-storey structure. Where patches of the roof should have been exposed, a netting of khaki greens and browns that matched the vegetation was hung.

The Student Rangers startled at my sudden appearance, one of them even tossing out a pokemon before they could think to check who it was.

“Go Jolteon!” I glanced at that trainer as I dismounted off my pokemon. When they bristled I made a show of huffing. Instead of rising to their challenge, I scratched and straightened out some feathers for Zephyr as he drank from a nearby trough of water. He was ignoring the pokemon growling at him.

“Hey! You! What’re you doing here?! You can’t just fly in!” shouted the trainer. I didn’t pay any more attention to them despite their bristling.

“Get your pokemon back in your ball Gonzo!” barked another trainer. The patch on their sleeve marked them as a third-class Area Ranger. The tree patches with the three symbol on it along with a patch showing a one on a mountain highlighted that they had been at this a while. The Jolteon vanished in red light and the student ranger grumbled about being praised before for good reactions. This drew a snort as the veteran ranger marched them off.

I chuckled at their interactions as another Area Ranger bounded up to me. “Gym Leader Brock! Thanks for coming today!” she said, giving me a polite bob of her head. This one had a patch with mountain two on it.

“No problem, I got the message that Commander Hank wanted me to swing by with my next rostered patrol so here I am.” I made a sweep over my body as if presenting myself. “So, what’s the news?”

The young woman shifted back and forth. “I’m afraid that’s for the Commander to discuss with you, but it has to do with Mt Silver!”

I frowned at that. “Mt Silver?” She nodded and gestured for me to follow her. There were no cement footpaths Leading up to the building and you needed to watch where you were going to avoid being tripped up by the tree roots everywhere.

A few of the trees surrounding the clearing bore berries. I pointed Zephyr over to them to let him eat and relax. He hopped once and glided over to a sitrus berry tree.

“Huh, I thought he’d have gone for the Oran or the Pecha tree,” said my guide.

“Nah he likes the tang of sitrus berries more than the others. Got a taste for it over in Hoenn when I was roaming the wilds for a week or so in one of the forests.”

“Oh? What was it like? Did you go very deep?” she asked.

“Oh yeah, the Hoenn Rangers were way laxer than you guys are in keeping people close to the routes. Spent a ton of time walking through what’s now known as route hundred and eleven’s desert. Got super sunburnt on the first day and then spent the rest of the time wandering around with every part of my body covered.” I remembered Sabrina in her giant hat and huge scarf trudging along with me. She’d been part of why that trip had truly been so successful. I’d made sure to share the spoils of what I’d found in the desert.

I rubbed the back of my head. “Sorry I didn’t catch your name by the way?”

“Oh! It's Rei! Sorry about that! I’m so used to everyone knowing me around the Ranger commune!” She scrutinised me for a bit before shaking her head. “I can't believe you went into the desert in Hoenn! What were you thinking?”

“Ohhhh you know how it is as a young trainer, interesting sights, rare pokemon, experiences to call my own!” I said. I wasn’t going to admit to looking for fossils or even a pokemon that I thought should exist in the desert such as a Dwebble. I’d actually come out with nothing I’d wanted to find and more than I’d ever bargained for with all the rocks I’d ended up smashing. I’d also been able to scale a giant rocky outcropping thanks to Sabrina.

It had been there that I’d found Selene and Quirrina. Sabrina had also gotten the attention of a Baltoy that she’d captured. Sadly during that aborted Hoenn trip I hadn’t been able to find a Beldum or a Ralts. Or rather we’d found Ralts but none that wanted to spend time around me or Sabrina. I’d asked about that but apparently, Sabrina hadn’t projected her emotions like normal people so she scared Ralts off. I had enquired about getting an egg for her but apparently, they were as hard to get as Chansey eggs.

…With my recent winnings maybe I’d rethink that idea.

Still, the desert had been lucrative for both of us. They should call that desert the Star falls desert rather than the Mirage desert it was once known as. Interestingly no one had known about the Mirage tower when I’d asked around about structures or ruins. I’d come across as a very odd foreigner, but I’d been able to pass it off as being a history maniac. Sadly it had eluded even Sabrina.

I might not have found any fossils but I had come away with a number of rare metal finds that I was pretty sure the game called Starmetal pieces.

I jolted as we walked through another set of doors, having been lost in memories. I coughed to hide any sheepishness. The trip through the Ranger base was quick, not really letting me reminisce. While the building was large, it prescribed to an open floor plan with there being a number of pillars to hold everything up while small desks littered the space in between them. Groups of rangers sat around tables discussing findings and reports of pokemon numbers. Others sat writing up reports at separate desks.

I spotted one ranger giving a lecture on survival in the wilderness should the worst happen. I tapped Rei on the shoulder. “Can I get a heads up on the next time some of those courses are on offer? I have two pokemon trainers at the gym and those would be great for them to sit in on,” I said thinking of Celia and Missy. Daniel already had the lessons having spent time as a Ranger.

“There’s usually one every six weeks, either as a refresher for the older rangers or the new trainers we get coming in. I’ll make sure to put your trainers down for a spot!” said Rei helpfully.

When we reached the largest desk we came upon an area that felt more like a strategy meeting room. There were numerous maps about the walls tacked up and on each map coloured zones had been marked out. I could see the topographic map along with simple colours of what each area’s vegetation level was like. Different greens announced either forest or scrubland while greys and browns marked out canyons or rocky cliff faces.

Next to this map, there was another map that showed off cave systems but there was a large disclaimer announcing ‘that we know of!’ atop it.

Another map showed the other two maps once more but this time small stickers with faces of pokemon glared out. Each of these stickers was surrounded by circles that were either larger or smaller depending on the pokemon displayed on the sticker.

Off centre to the highest peak in the Silver range a sticker with a Tyranitar glared outwards. I knew this to be Titan’s mother. Her ‘territory’ overlapped at least eight other pokemon territories. A marker rested next to her sticker. Possible nest? It said simply.

I glanced at the surrounding pokemon. Most of them were Ursaring but there were some other Tyranitar that interestingly enough had their own small territories.

Notably there was a large area that was clear of any other pokemon influence at the top of Mt Silver. This was despite there being lots of pokemon around that area. No pokemon claimed the actual mountain as their own.

Atop it was a black sticker that might have been a pokemon face but white question marks showed that not even the Rangers were sure what was there. Around it they had stickers with what I recognised as Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres and what might have been a Raikou but each of them had question mark stickers which I knew meant they were unsure.

I stood in front of the map and took it all in. It was interesting to see that there were at least eight known Tyranitars over the southern mountain range that the Rangers knew of. Areas that went too far north were greyed out but clusters of stickers announced what pokemon had been sighted.

“Checking in on the old Empress eh?” said a voice, cutting through my inspection of the maps.

I looked over to find a man with a number of scars watching me. He had a rather unfortunate scar that ran from the top of his nose across the top of his head. The scar forced him to have a long line that disrupted his hair. He might have been able to cover it if he had hair but instead, he had shorn himself bald, making it stand out all the more.

Glinty, steel-like eyes watched me as I turned from the maps. “Commander Hank,” I said, raising a hand in greeting.

“Gym Leader Brock,” he said with a nod, catching my own hand with his very scarred hand to shake it once. I glanced at the burn marks that were shown up along the back of his arm.

It was tougher in this life to take an injury that really left a mark. That didn’t mean you couldn’t do it. This old man had obviously put himself into a lot of dangerous situations to have just the visible scars. I suspected he had a lot more under his clothes which would only reveal a tapestry of a harsh life. His clothes themselves perhaps mimicked this with the patches all being in gold with a mountain fifteen and a forest ten resting near an ocean eight.

He waved a hand towards the maps. “Checking on the Old Empress eh?” he said again.

I nodded, turning back to the maps, “I swung by after the match with Lance. Told her about how Titan’s been doing.”

He snorted harshly. “Course you did.” He shook his head. “You’re insane for getting that close with her!”

“Helps that I have her son as my starter.”

He levelled a look at me. “Brock, I’ve seen her mate. The period after such an act is when those pokemon are supposed to be most docile. They're supposed to calm down for a few days. Not her. I’ve seen her kick her mate out of her territory minutes after she’s done with them.”

“Soooo she’s a private pokemon?” I shrugged, ignoring the ick factor of that last comment. I looked at the clear space around her. “It probably helps that I don’t come into her area much and I’m never trying to claim space. Just stopping by.”

“She’s not some old granny you drop in on,” Hank said gruffly.

I shrugged, not really having an answer. When I’d come back as Gym Leader I’d learnt just how ridiculous my asking her for Titan had been. She should have mauled me at least. For some reason, she’d accepted my request. It remained a question I didn’t have an answer to. One that had grown with her recent gift of another of her children.

Hank snorted and waved a hand at the maps. “Well, she’s not the issue this time. Nothings’ stirring her up like the time a swarm went through Mt Silver but there have been some issues for the other Tyranitars in the area.” He pointed towards the other seven marked territories. “Your success has drawn a lot of attention to Tyranitar as a pokemon that can match or exceed Lance’s Dragonite.”

I snorted at that and Hank nodded in agreement. “Yeah, they’re idiots for thinking it’s that simple but sadly some idiots are rich. The demand for the Tyranitar line has resulted in trainers that have no business being out here trying to stray into the mountain range. There are also dedicated poachers. Some of them are legitimate professionals, while other groups of criminal origin have also been spotted, such as Team Rocket.” I straightened up at that.

Hank grunted. “We’ve had some fights, but they’re being as evasive as ever. The Mt Silver Ranges aren’t an area they can set anything up permanently. They employ snatch and grabs only.”

He pointed to a brown area. “We used to have a bunch of Tauros ranging around here, but now there’s only young timid pokemon as the strongest of the bunch have been taken. We suspect that to be a dedicated snatch op but we only caught the dust cloud of people getting out of there.” He huffed in annoyance. “It’s got a whole squad of rangers locked into that area now as those Tauros are still too young to fend off the Ursaring and Donphan that roam around there. Forget it if a Tyranitar comes down from a peak or some Onix emerges from the caverns through there.”

“So things are busy and we need to push back some people that are looking to make a quick buck.” I tilted my head. “Seems like business as usual except for the usual troublemakers aiming a bit higher, and ranging a bit deeper than usual.”

Hank’s lips twitched in a facsimile of a smile. “Heh, you’re not wrong. It’s just what the current situation is.”

Another person might have reprimanded me for my defeat of Lance. This was a flow-on effect of my victory. A giant spotlight on one of the Pseudo legendaries. It was well-known that Tyranitar roamed the mountains.

Dragonite however were only thought to be found in the Blackthorn area. If people ever worked out what was hidden in the storm off the coast of Vermillion I had no doubt that others would be trying to find their way in.

I’d never heard anything about it from Surge or the Rangers that did stints there, but then again the rangers were never going to openly talk about it. Surge probably would have also kept quiet about it. For all that he had a lot of bluster, he could keep secrets and not talk about some things.

I tapped the area that had a much smaller tauros sticker. Something about that stuck out to me but I wasn’t sure why that was. Something to do with Tauros.

“What tracks were there?” I asked, pulling at the threads of memory.

“Mostly off road bikes. They knew not to fly in as we would have caught sight of them.”

“Unless they came in fast… what about psychic pokemon?” A memory of an old movie where a psychic pokemon assisted Team Rocket in capturing a lot of Tauros came to the fore. Could this have been something like a Mewtwo appearance?

“Most pokemon don’t teleport in if they can avoid it. It’d take a strong Alakazam or Gardevoir to do that with what the tracks showed and that’s also taking into account all the pokemon that use dark-type moves. Some sections like the Ol’ Empress’ area is something pokemon either flat out won’t or can’t teleport into.”

“They do say that Psychic pokemon are the smartest of us all,” I said, recalling another factoid from the games about Alakazam supposedly being as smart as a supercomputer. The veracity of that statement was debatable, however. This got another snort from Hank as he crossed his arms.

“So you’ve got the Tyranitar areas under watch?” I said to continue our conversation.

“Yeah, everyone but hers of course. She gets mad when too many squatters are around. Her getting agitated tends to cause a flow-on effect to all the other pokemon in the area.”

“Like a landslide?” I said, checking which pokemon surrounded Titan’s mother.

“Eh, technically yes but that doesn’t give it the right scale. She’s more like an explosion atop a mountain. It’s similar but more sudden and dangerous. We keep people well clear. If we had to do something with her… I’d need to bring a few teams to handle her.”

I glanced at Hank. I wasn’t sure I liked the idea of her being ‘handled’ but that might have been my bias. I’d spent time with her in close proximity while she’d been almost docile. An enraged Tyranitar would be a much different beast.

“If anything ever stirs her up you have my number. I might be able to calm her down.”

“Don’t teach your grandmother…” He got a pinched face. “I always forget that most of your generation…” he trailed off with a shake of his head. I gave him a tight smile. It was rare that a saying involved grandparents these days. I stared at the mountains that served as a natural divide between Johto and Kanto.

My eyes relaxed as I took in the mapped territories of pokemon. How many of these species had been here before the war? I turned that over for a while before shaking off my thoughts.

“So, patrol and push back for me?” I asked running a circle around the common routes that trainers would attempt to enter the mountains through.

Hank nodded. “Yup just wanted to read you into the situation.”

“Appreciate it.” I nodded and walked out of the building after collecting a radio that would have me linked to the Ranger radio channels. When I made it outside I whistled and Zephyr who’d tucked his head under his wing for a quick nap perked up.

“Simple search route for us today and tomorrow boy,” I said. He chirped into my touch and I indulged him. A few Rangers walked past and spotted me. They instantly started whispering among themselves and scurried into the building.

Most of the job was actually doing the assigned work, but as I’d come to learn in my time as a Gym Leader. You had to also be seen working with the organisations. This helped everyone below me. I hadn’t had to stand around next to Commander Hank like I had. Everything he’d told me could have been handled over transceiver, but it was important to be seen talking with him.

The Rangers seeing that would understand that a good relationship between my gym was to be expected. Hank treated me as important enough to talk with. When my own trainers worked with Rangers they would do so for longer stints of time but they would do so with a sort of social lubricant already established.

I’d need to spend some time with Missy and Daniel up here in future. They wouldn’t be assigned to the Mt Silver areas. Typically you needed a year or more of experience in the mountain region or a ‘mountain one’ before you were trusted with simple tasks around Mt Silver or the dangerous mountainous regions around the Indigo region. The same applied to the forested areas, the oceanic, the caves, or even the swamps, rare as they were.

I had been elevated after my first year liaising with the Rangers and when I’d revealed to them that I had a Tyranitar born from Mt Silver. Most of the time my trainers would only have to work the routes. Viridian forest was considered relatively safe just like Mt Moon was, apart from the warning around the swarm of Beedrill and Zubat respectively.

“Brock!” called out a familiar voice. I turned to find a rangy-looking woman with teal-coloured hair waving at me. “I didn’t realise you were coming in today!”

“Hey, Sylvie!” I said waving at her. She trotted up to me only to pause as she had to look up at me.

“Urgh, stupid boys and their height! I’m catching up though!” she said. I opened my mouth to correct her with a tease about how the crick in my neck from looking down would say otherwise but the heat of her gaze made me rethink it. My shins were always in kicking distance after all. Her eyes narrowed as if she could tell I was still thinking about how small she was compared to me.

Another ranger approached and gave a lazy wave. “Brock,” he said with a drawl before letting his arm fall back to his side. His actions caused his rather rotund form to jiggle slightly.

I tilted my head. “I see you’re doing well Andrew,” I made a pointed look at his expansive stomach. Rather than being offended he threw his head back and laughed.

“The rookies can’t work it out! How can there be a fat ranger? Ha!” He slapped his stomach and I watched it ripple slightly under his shirt. “Shows what they know! There’s food all over if you know where to look!”

I could only nod at that. Sylvie bounced on her feet. “So! Are you on patrol? We’re the next team going out! Are you our third?”

“Yeah I think I am,” I said. I looked around. ”No Roo— I mean, Student Rangers with us today?”

Sylvie and Andrew snorted. “Just call em rookies. The HQ might insist on the new terms but everyone knows that they’re rookies. And no, no rookies with us today. They’re in a training course.”

I gestured to Zephyr. Sylvie raised her own pokemon and a large Fearow appeared with a flap of her wings.

Andrew tossed out a Rapidash. “I’ll stay on the road and look for tracks. Radio in anything of note.”

Sylvie and I nodded as we mounted up. Sylvie keyed her microphone. “Mic check, mic check this is Fearow omega come in Nightwing.”

I chuckled as I keyed my own radio. “Read you Fearow, this is… Nightwing… thought I was Rocker last time?”

“I have to get my fun somewhere Brock, now maintain radio discipline! Heavy, you read me?” said Sylvie.

“Roger Fearow One,” said Andrew deliberately calling her what actually radio should dictate her name would be on radio if she insisted on a number with her callsign. Usually, you only did that when there were two trainers with the same pokemon. Higher ranked Rangers always got lower numbers.

“...alright let’s get out there!” Sylvie said after deciding not to get into it with Andrew.

Andrew and I shared a thumbs up behind Sylvie’s back. She swept her hand up in a Ranger sign for ‘take wing’ and Zephyr and the Fearow took off. We swept around and circled up towards the road where we saw Andrew riding his Rapidash along the Victory road that cut north. When we reached a point of a service road to help with access for some jeeps that the Rangers used, Andrew dismounted and methodically searched the road.

I swept around in wide circles. Zephyr’s head, much like my own, turned slowly to take in the area we were passing. If there were any fallen trees, dust clouds, or large-scale pokemon moves then we’d call it in. More often though it was trainers.

“This is Heavy, got some tracks here that don’t match our Jeeps… There's also tracks from a jeep with our tread on this road, but I know for a fact no one’s been on this route for a week in a jeep; someone thinks they were clever.”

“How do you know that Heavy?” said Sylvie over the radio.

“Made sure to check the register when I got the assignment. Hasn’t been anyone doing any road checks or medical call-outs since Jason’s team. They had a Tauros they had to take to Nurse Joy.”

“Hmmm so we have some suspicious behaviour for sure then… or some idiot not registering their jeep usage.”

“Get that much?” I asked.

“...” There was a notable silence that made me chuckle. Most of the people acting as Rangers were still young by my old world’s standards after all. It wouldn’t surprise me that they might go on some joy rides with the jeeps.

“Right well we’ll see what the situation is when we come upon them!” Sylvie said getting us back on track.

“Coming down the track now Fearow One,” said Andrew. I glanced over and saw him mounted up and trotting down the road. His eyes swept from side to side as he kept to one side of the road. His Rapidash was quite a large pokemon but that made sense with him using it for his own purposes. It left its own tracks, along with the occasional burst of charred earth as it trotted down the road.

A flash of light had Zephyr shifting position and I snapped from watching Andrew to where Zephyr was taking me.

“Got a pokemon move… looks like Sunny day?” I said as I squinted against the mirroring effect that was coming in around a set area.

“Roger that Nightwing!” said Sylvie gleefully. “You are cleared to engage!”

I huffed and shook my head at her antics. I didn’t need her ordering me in but she must have been feeling rather energetic. I came in low onto the battle and found a young trainer fighting with an ivysaur. I had to applaud their use of Sunny day as it had been used rather well to allow his pokemon to apparently get off a quick Solarbeam.

Across from the celebrating trainer and his pokemon was an unconscious Onix. I landed to the side on a slight rise.

“Hello there!” I said cheerfully. Zephyr hopped to the side as I dismounted. He went into a minor threat display with his feathers bristling up in warning. The Ivysaur was confused. I dubbed the move a mix of not very effective and effective. I clicked my tongue and had him settle down. I kept a hand on him and trained my eyes on the trainer's hands. “Nice day we’re having!”

“Gym Leader Brock? O-oh! Hey yeah! It’s a great day!” said the trainer with only a small stammer. That could be good. Usually, people that are in the wrong reacted one of two ways. Still, it was possible that he might be a wonderful actor.

“Cool, so this is a bit awkward but I need to check your papers to make sure you’re cleared to be out this far,” I said quickly before he could say anything else. It was quick and tough, much like ripping off a band-aid. The trainer blinked up at me.

“Ah? Papers?” he tilted his head before perking up. “Oh! The papers that the Ranger gave me! Sure thing!”

I relaxed and moved forward. Zephyr remained on watch with his much sharper eyes as I closed in to inspect the papers. Papers for clearance into a restricted area usually looked like a small booklet. The booklet’s themselves never remained the same colour, style or even shape to make it harder for criminals to fake. Still, it was possible. I toggled the Ranger HQ channel.

“This is Brock getting a check-in on Trainer…Justin…” I frowned. That name was familiar and not just because I had probably fought him. I glanced at his Ivysaur. I couldn’t recall an Ivysaur but a young trainer with a Bulbasaur…

I snapped my fingers. “You fought Celia in her last match before her quarter-finals! You made the top sixteen?”

Justin perked up. “You saw?” Then he blushed. “I mean! Of course, you saw…” He kicked the ground sheepishly, “Chonk and I were against your sponsored trainer.”

I glanced down at the Ivysaur. “Chonk?”

“Saur!” replied the Ivysaur.

Justin continued to blush, “Oh yeah! I plan for him to be a beefy boy one day! A big old Venusaur!” Chonk perked up and waggled his flower back and forth.

My radio broke through our conversation. “This is HQ, Trainer Justin is in the log and cleared to access Mt Silver. He’s even got clearance to camp on the mountain.”

I smiled at that. “Well that’s a good start to the day,” I said aloud. I nodded to Justin. “Sorry for coming in like that.”

Justin waved his hands back and forth. “Oh no! I completely get it! Restricted area and all!”

I made a gesture to the downed Onix. “Going to catch it?”

Justin shook his head. “No, I’m here for training with Chonk. We’re going to go for a drop-down second year to Johto so I’m getting my starter as strong as I can.”

“Saur!” said Chonk happily. I hummed in approval.

“Well best of luck then! Stay safe!”

“Ah! Actually… If you wouldn’t mind Gym Leader… how did you capture your Tyranitar?”

I huffed as I checked over Zephyr. “I got stupid lucky. I’d advise against it Justin, don’t go straight for a Tyranitar, stick to your first objective.”

“No chance of getting a Larvitar?” said Justin.

“Larvitar usually don’t leave the nest of their mother,” I said as I mounted up on Zephyr. I looked sternly at Justin. “If you’re thinking of creeping into a nesting mother Tyranitar’s nest don’t expect to keep your rights to the mountain for long. Or you know…” I grimaced and left the words unsaid.

“Ah, right that’s fair,” he said, understanding how he’d be literally putting his head into the maw of a beast if he did that. He waved as I took off. It was nice to have the first interaction of the day be someone who actually deserved to be here. It used to be that anyone that made it past the group stages were allowed into the Silver mountains.

I’d seen the death toll from those misguided times and nowadays you needed to make it to the top sixteen to earn the right. Justin, following my —extremely hypocritical— advice would probably determine whether or not he’d be leaving the mountain soon.

I hoped he had a good head on his shoulders.

I soared away and switched my radio back to my ‘team’s channel’. I linked back up and found Fearow dropping down. Before Fearow had even reached the ground I could already tell this was going to be someone caught out.

“Got a runner!” screamed Sylvie into her radio.

I tapped Zephyr and he dove to intercept. I braced as Zephyr opened his wings near the ground to break his descent. The trainer stopped dead in the face of the sudden dark wings blocking out the sun in front of them. I stayed atop Zephyr as we hovered. “This is the part where you get on the ground,” I said firmly.

The girl got on the ground and that signalled the first arrest we’d be making for the day I suspected.

It wasn’t even lunchtime yet.
