If a jungle had a heart, what would it sound like?There were many possibilities and Devina could only ever imagine how one jungle might be more other-worldly than whatever vision she dreamt up.

As a base frogman, Devina admired the greenery, the growing trees, and the budding life that came from Mother’s whims and plans.As her current self...

Devina was the very nature that grew around her as she walked.

She inhaled and tiny secrets appeared at the tip of her tongue.

She gently brushed a tree and it gave her enduring strength, she kissed the flowers and she knew of beauty that appeared after long trials and much effort, she stepped into the river and learned about change.The heart of this jungle sounded like bad jokes and humming.

Devina hummed along as if to create some echo of greatness.

But Devina’s voice created no life or any wonderful gifts for the dungeon.Mother Delta fussed over something on the first floor with the Guidance of Nu.She let a bee gently tend to the pollen she had gathered on her long skirt.


It buzzed with some gratitude and floated away.

So small yet so wonderfully part of something bigger.As a worker tended to the hive, the frog worked for the dungeon.Devina hummed as she navigated the rapidly growing jungle, learning which parts were true dead ends and which merely appeared to be so.

Which trees held warmth and ample space and which held poor footing and gruff attitudes towards fleshy creatures stepping all over their branches.Devina gave a bow to the red rabbit that followed her.“Greetings, Sir rabbit,” she said and the rabbit sniffed her leg and scratched its now pollen covered nose.

It blinked its pink eyes at her and then hopped away casually, almost sleepily as it knew there was no danger.

Devina saw it nibble at the plants, after which the plants grew back, slightly bigger and harder which made the bees spread their pollen with joy, which they then returned to the hive to produce honey and serve the Queen.Did the circle end there? Devina shook her head as she appeared under the great spire of the bees.

The honey was secure but a faint amount trickled down the rock, creating a glistening glow to the surface.


From there, moss grew around it and a wonderful scent wafted out into the jungle.The final piece in this dungeon circle would be the humans.They would take the honey and give back to Mother Delta with their essence.Then it would flow back into the rabbits and bees.It would flow endlessly into a wonderful circle of growth.Devina inhaled and shuddered as the bees buzzed in unison.

Singing as they collected, singing as they returned, singing as the Queen praised them.

Devina knew that bees did not use such open emotions.

It was like how she knew of frogs and their difference from the frog people.Did Mother Delta give them these fragile things, emotions, as a test? Her heart in such a short time had learned pain, love, determination, ambition, amusement...


Rale, her counterpart, seemed to have no trouble with his emotions.

He strode forward with his every action filled with utter loyalty and certainly.The way he was sure of his purpose made his skin glow and his eyes pierce through her silent judgement.Her heart.Now, she felt so much more than she allowed it to utterly overwhelm her senses.

The jungle was but a fraction of Mother’s world.

How could she experience such connections, such understanding of this level and not feel awed at everything?It was Devina’s entire world and it felt so big but Devina knew of an entire world outside the dungeon and her knees went weak at the thought of such an expansive space.

She could barely handle the sight before her.

You’ve been standing there for a long time.
