Fish were basic creatures.Delta watched, flat on her back at the bottom of the lake, as the fish swam above her, the Lumen mushrooms glowing softly on the ceiling like blurry stars. Delta… really liked this room. Spending 4 mana to populate the room with Lumen Mushrooms, the once dark room now had a soft ambience that Delta wished she could claim she had planned.Able to see the dark shadows of elegant fish, larger ones, a few Crayfish move about, seeing them mimicking normal crayfish habits like taking fake snaps at each other made Delta feel true peace for a brief moment.Her creatures did not need to eat. In a world where one did not starve, life became… playful. Delta knew there was something deep she could say but she decided she was already deep into the pond as it was, at the bottom of it in fact.Really, she should be studying her menus to target her next upgrade, plan the next purchase, aim for the next unlock, grind those numbers and… then what?Delta didn’t care about any of those things at the moment. She just wanted to enjoy the creation she had brought about. Why rush off and make something else when she hadn’t even seen enough of what she had done right here?A fish swam past and Delta held a hand near it, feeling a little bit of resistance as it passed. She couldn’t touch her creations yet but she liked to think they would enjoy it if she could.As a pure logical thought, the pond would draw explorers to fish and stall in her dungeon. They would fishing and over a certain period of time, the pond would naturally refill it’s taken quarry. It would result in Mana farming. As someone who wasn’t a machine that crunched numbers and didn’t see everything as a way to make her dungeon into some hyper-productive factory, Delta freely admitted she just really wanted a pond with fish in it.There was no real ulterior motive behind the act on Delta’s side. She walked back to the beach. Part of her knew she had to add a few Crayclaws eventually but decided to let space exist peacefully for now…Besides, she had a whole new room to have fun with! Stuff cost mana and Delta had an idea she wanted to try. The plans came together like a crayon drawing in her head but her powers did not protest.The room needed to change a little for it to work, however.“How do I lower the floor?” she muttered, hoping the question would be answered for her. Her prayers were answered as the menu appeared.

Editing a room’s size cost DP. ‘Lowering the floor’ to 1 meter would cost 1 DP. Basic rooms cannot exceed construction sizes by more than 5 meters in any direction until further upgrades are found.
