All three of my doubles fly into formation, surrounding one side of the dome to face off against five golden-collared B-Class Hunters.

Fisher and Lydia burst with blue and white light, getting into their own battle stances and releasing a wave of energy brighter and more powerful than anything I've ever felt from them.

Both of them surpassed level 2000 while training in the Labyrinth, and when they activate their energy forms, it isn't just reinforced with Qi like in the battle against the Lich King's army. Now, the desert shakes beneath the weight of their new Soul Energy awakened forms.

Instead of their usual battle styles using swords, I watch both of them put their fists out in a fighting stance as if they're going to take on everyone with their fists.

The style looks extremely similar to Monk's technique when I first saw him in the arena, which makes perfect sense because they have been training with him in his monastery on their time off when he is not treating patients.

The only difference is that instead of pure Qi, they have immaculate manifestations of their fully awakened Soul Energy covering their bodies.

Fisher looks as if a massive blue water serpent stares down the approaching Association Hunters, ready to strike and kill on sight.


Lydia's entire body glows white with a unique Ice magic imbued Soul Energy, and her greater form's White Tiger manifestation lets out a roar as the entire desert floor beneath them turns to white ice.

Fisher activates his mythic-grade intimidation skill that I gifted to him, and a wave of energy floods through the approaching enemies, stopping them in their tracks as a feeling of fear ripples through them more dreadful than they ever imagined.

A snake and a tiger tower over them as dozens of other double-ranked-up hunters speed through them all, activating their various buffs, and showing that all of them have elemental skills too.

On my side of the dome, my doubles do the same, letting out three waves of intimidation, specifically aimed only at our enemies as half of the Crimson Army spreads out to cover this portion of the outer circumference of the dome.

The Association's level 900 hunters are all matched up with level 1300-1500 fighters in an instant.

My doubles constantly send out bursts of telepathy, giving the exact positions and status callouts of all the enemies that need to be immediately subjugated.


Their fire users are matched up with our water mages, their wind awakened are matched with our earth types, and those with speed abilities are thwarted by our long-range hunters.

Not only are the Crimson Army's troops given these positional advantages, they're also all double-ranked-up, hundreds of levels higher than their opponents, and have mana control that makes these Elite B-Class Hunters seem like worms being preyed on by birds.

The entire attack formation of the Association is decimated in seconds. None of them even knew what hit them.

They may have just been following orders, but that kind of logic doesn't matter to me at all...

These hunters should think for themselves, and receive punishment for their own actions no matter what authority told them to do it.

There are thousands of merchants, villagers, and innocent bystanders nearby, and their activation of high-grade destructive skills is actively endangering everyone here.

I yell through my group telepathy to immobilize every one of them without hesitating.

"I want them all unable to harm any weaker citizens in the area. If they resist or try to damage my property or my people, kill them without remorse. Those that survive your initial attacks and surrender; strip their gear, item boxes, and ensure they cannot escape. We will question them after we secure the safety of the area!"

Flashes of bright skills light up the ground and air surrounding the crimson dome, creating an immaculate light show that is intense but extremely brief.

Many of the B-Class hunters are frozen in fear from the intimidation waves, and some are even knocked out.

Those that resist and push through are met with attacks they have no hope of defending against.

All three of my doubles pull out manifestations of the Flame Emperor's sword and channel the densest possible crescents of flames while eyeing the five golden-collared hunters I'm tasked to take out.

I remember when sparring Rodrigo, even when my mana control was far less strong than it is now, I was able to hold off his Soul Energy with pure brute force.

The warriors that look at me now don't even seem like a challenge compared to him.

Soul Energy in nature is far more powerful than just plain mana alone; however, when the mana control is tens of times greater in strength, the difference in the energy's innate ability can become meaningless.

The five hunters all cover themselves in a golden aura, pulling out Soul Energy swords, hammers, and bows; but when I release my dark fiery crescents at them, their golden aura is broken through with ease.

Not even a quarter of a second after sending out three fire blades, my doubles send another barrage.The story has been illicitly taken; should you find it on Amazon, report the infringement.

Mythic grade Telekinesis ensures my hits never miss their target.

Their limbs are severed, and their worthless blood-bonded weapons are burned to ash before their eyes.

No one can believe that the indestructible power of the Sun God is being overthrown by mere mana alone.

On the other side of the dome, Fisher and Lydia take on their golden warriors in the same manner.

The two are almost three times the level of their opponents, so their base stats trump theirs by incredibly noticeable amounts.

Flashes of blue and white light are all these Elite favorites of the Sun God see before they're met with punches that pierce through their Soul Energy defenses like they were never even there.

Once the white and blue fists pierce the yellow golden light, their armors are shattered to pieces, and waves of Soul Energy that isn't their own circulate through their bodies, burning them from the inside and leaving them motionless on the ground after each attack.

The three remaining don't even get half a second to think once they see their teammates fall; they too are immobilized before they can even raise their weapons to defend against the monsters they've attacked.

In less than five seconds after sending out my orders, the entire Association's B-Class Elite army has been subjugated.

Above the Crimson dome, even more powerful forces are battling it out.

After the initial shock of having their Soul Energy imbued, Divine Energy-aided attacks pushed back with ease by unknown forces they were not briefed on, the two A-Class Hunters retreat in fear.

Even though they're battle-hardened hunters and have faced many ruthless double-ranked-up monsters in their pasts, neither of them has ever seen Soul Energy so pure and dense other than the Sun God itself.

The fire wielder is the first to yell out at the violent display.

"Who are you? Where did you come from? There's no way hunters of your strength would follow such a weak leader! There's no way! L-Let us settle this amicably, please, let's negotiate here, we want the best for everyone—"

Maria doesn't take long to listen to his cries of nonsense and sends another wave of ice, now in her full Ice-goddess form.

Her deep royal blue Soul Energy expands outward, filling the air with its presence, lowering the temperature above the desert by dozens of degrees every millisecond that passes.

At the same time, Abby manifests two massive spears of stone in front of her body as she flies forward through the air, following the wind mage that flees with even faster airsteps than the fire user.

She releases the deadly pointed spear of rock, full to the brim with a large portion of her Soul Energy, and lets it fly forward to surpass the wind mage's top speed in an instant.

Abby and Maria follow the mages that flee, and they diverge, following their targets many kilometers away from the dome into the open desert before the attacks land.

The fire mage cannot simply dodge the incoming wave of ice, so he tries to channel every last bit of his flames, golden Soul Energy, and use of his red divine core to let an ultimate attack out through his axe.

Once the unstoppable wave of ice collides with him, he instantly realizes that his hopes will not be a reality.

The axe clashes with the ice, and the golden Soul Energy that surrounds his body begins to be enveloped in the wave of blue.

The flowing energy begins to act like solid matter, freezing in the air, shattering, and falling off of the fire user's body uncontrollably.

He diverts his momentum and tries to fly downward, but the massive attack of ice-imbued Soul Energy is too vast to outrun.

His axe is the next point of contact that is consumed by the endless power.

It glowed bright golden red moments ago, but now freezes over, and its flames extinguish.

Before the hunter can let go, the spreading blue Soul Energy reaches his hands, then crawls down his arms, and the A-Class hunter feels fear unlike anything he's ever felt in his life.

An unbeatable goddess towers over him with blue eyes, making his reality turn cold.

The hunter knows he's lost...

A few kilometers away, rocketing through the desert, the wind user desperately airsteps away from the two rotating, glowing green spears that gain distance on him with every passing step.

He's always been the fastest hunter in the entire Association.

There's never been a monster that could dodge his arrows or counteract them with such strong Soul Energy either.

The anomaly chasing him down is not something he ever dreamed he would see when coming here today.

The displays of the Flame Emperor's power during the B-Class exams were impressive, bringing a barely-ranked-up hunter's strength up to match some of their lower-ranked B-Class Elites.

However, the impossibly high power levels, and use of Energy like their boss, the Sun God, is not something he knew was even possible.

One of the spears tracks the hunter from above while the other follows him right at the rear, making it impossible for the speed-based wind archer to do anything but continuously move toward the desert floor.

Seconds pass, and as the eruption of Ice collides with his partner in the air, he has nowhere left to run. He's less than 100 meters from the ground now, and has to face the green spears head-on.

The archer grits his teeth and makes another arrow, pooling all of his Soul Energy while covering it in as many divine threads as he can, then turns less than a dozen meters before colliding with the sand to let the shot off upward.

There's an earth-shaking series of thuds and explosions as the arrow is released from his bow, and the green spears of Soul Energy collide with its tip, piercing through it instantly, shredding the golden manifestation into three parts.

The spears continue traveling downward, colliding with the archer's bow hand, shattering the pristine white blood-bonded weapon and pinning his shooting hand to the ground as it pierces through his shieldings and flesh with ease.

The second spear collides with his opposite leg, pinning him to the desert floor again and spraying blood all over the sand as a crater of the double impact sends shockwaves through all of the dunes for kilometers.

At that development, the fire user uses his last spark of Soul Energy to pull a transport crystal and a small silver device from his item box around his waist, bringing it up toward his mouth, and yelling out loud.

"We've lost, we're being overpowered! I believe the Hunter's Association has made a grave mistake—R-Retreat!"

This message is broadcast into the wind user's ear.

His scared voice, admitting defeat, echoes throughout every single one of the transmission tablets that haven't been crushed in the aftermath of battle that are scattered around the Crimson Dome.

The wind user and the fire user both crush their teleport crystals and vanish from the desert with wounds that cannot be healed.

A few of the B-Class Elites manage to crush their teleport crystals and retreat as well in sorry states, missing limbs, or vitally wounded on the edge of death; while others have been knocked out cold, killed, or have their gear confiscated already.

All ten of the golden-collared Elites remain behind and are conscious in custody, while over 35 of their basic B-Class Elites are also captured, unable to retreat in time.

My doubles give out more orders after the new developments as well, making plans for a secure interrogation base away from the city to get what we can out of these prisoners while I wait for my main body to return.

The Army is tasked with cleanup and making sure all citizens that were caught up in the battle are safe and compensated for any material losses.

Then lastly, I send out a wave of telepathy to Abby and Maria to get an update on their battles, and devise plans for a citywide speech to explain what the Association has done, and why there was such a disturbance today.

This all occurs within ten seconds of the message of retreat.

The Association's attempt at subjugating the Crimson City ends in their undeniable instantaneous total defeat.
