"Considering we're in the 10-week training season of the year, the monastery allows each individual a maximum of 3 Qi Pills per week. There are over 30 members just working here, helping with cooking, cleaning, and maintenance; consuming an average of 1 pill every 2 weeks. On top of that, roughly 20 of us do extensive training, using the full 3-pill max; we run through about 75 Pills a week in total. However, in the off-season, we consume little to none, only taking in Qi from the gathering rooms."

I respond with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, so you go through hundreds without much issue on draining your supply?"

"Yes, and no. This is only in response to the Dark One's recent changes to the city. There are some exceptions like me; I bring in most of our income, so I'm allowed to restore my Qi before tournament battles. Plus, some of us sent out on missions away from the city take larger portions of pills along. And of course, I've made an exception for you three."

Monk bows his head at each of us before continuing.

"We would be rationing our supply much more heavily if there was no immediate threat. There is only so much stored up in the supply chamber, and we run through them faster than they can be created. We have to think of our future at all times."

I nod slowly.


"But if I helped rid you of this impending threat, cutting into a chunk of your supply wouldn't be the end of the world. Let me do a test with a two-week supply, 150 pills. It won't go to waste."

Staring forward with a confident expression, I eagerly await Monk's response. Considering his explanation of their pill usage, this whole monastery uses up 750 total pills in their training season, and most likely not much more than 1000 in a given year. I know 150 may be a lot to gift to a random person who showed up this week, but going back into that Titan's domain just to raise my base by 10 pills worth of Qi doesn't seem worth another 6 months of perceived time.

Monk responds with little to no hesitation in his voice.

"This is fine. It seems like a good investment. I'll retrieve them after our meal."

Then, he takes another bite as I grin.

"Excellent. That was easy."


Our meal finishes, and the conversation is mostly a few questions about what my Qi gathering technique is, but I deflect it multiple times to say it's a work in progress before the topic switches to the items Maria and Abby farmed and both of their advancements to level 645.

Once Monk gets up to retrieve the pills, Maria turns to me and speaks in a low tone so no one can hear.

"We should stop by the restaurant in the gold district before we go to the fighting ring tonight. I want to craft some new items with our loot."

I agree to the idea, but break the news that I'd like to go experiment more with Qi gathering while they fight in the arena. Monk overhears the end of our conversation as he returns with a large metallic rectangular box in hand.

"Well, we have about an hour and a half until the matches begin. If you don't show tonight, it may build your fighter hype even further. Just leaving without a word of goodbye after a record-breaking match like that is a good marketing stunt. Higher-ups in the platinum district will surely be curious where you've gone, and many fans will be waiting for your return."

I shrug.

"I'll be back to give them a real show once I'm ready."

After I accept the large metallic box and place it under my robe, Maria, Abby, and I head out of the monastery as Monk waves us goodbye.

"Update me on your process as soon as possible, I'd like to see those pills go to good use."

He turns to the girls.

"And I'll see you in the ring tonight."

In full disguise, we walk through the platinum district together and into the gold to greet Elen in the empty restaurant. The young white-haired woman greets us with a smile.

"A fully sealed room for just an hour? Right this way, we have the same one from last time ready for you."

After transferring 5 gold credits through my wristband, we're brought upstairs and down the hall, to walk through 2 heavy-duty mana shielded doors before all sprawling out on the large comfortable couch in the middle of the suite.

We all take off our concealment items and disguises, then Abby is the first to speak.

"So, I was thinking a new pair of boots, a dagger set, and maybe a ring too. I'm looking to upgrade my speed and agility stats even further."

Over a dozen crimson speed crystals come pouring out of her item box as her eyes sparkle with possibilities.

I activate my Rising Emperor's Domain to share my craftsmanship skill with both my teammates while Maria reaches into her item box too.

Once she opens the concealment case, the gems that glow bright before my eyes aren't exactly what I was expecting. There are 10 royal blue ice stones pouring light white and blue mist from them, but next to these, I see 4 clear-colored stones that push wisps of air in miniature tornadoes.

"Wind Stones too? Is this what you meant by the extra item drops on the 29th floor?"

They both let out a chuckle, while Maria responds, confirming my suspicions.Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

"Yeah! These are for you. I know your dagger set could use them. There are these giant white bird creatures with intense wind magic on the 29th floor. They're really strong... But Abby and I managed to kill a few. Their element stone drop rate is very high, close to 20%."

My eyes widen as I accept the 4 stones, then her the leftover ice stones in my item storage I was holding prior and think of the possibilities of a drop rate that high with these new wind stones. While I do, each of their blue status windows pop up as they scroll through the crafting options on their new borrowed Mythic Grade Skill.

I begin taking out some of the items from my storage and look at what new upgrades I can do to my gear too.

I tell Abby and Maria to feel free to use any of the miscellaneous items I purchased from the shops if it helps with their crafts.

We get to work.

I merge 3 of the element stones into my dagger set, and their buffs raise drastically.


The Wind Tyrant's Dagger Set [Wind Aspect][+137% Strength][+120% Agility][+118% Mental Strength]

The Wind Tyrant's Dagger Set [Advanced Wind Aspect][+159% Strength][+141% Agility][+140% Mental Strength][+120% Speed][+120% Defense]


Seeing the new [Advanced Wind Aspect] perk on my set makes my anticipation to check out this 29th floor for myself grow. I'll finally be able to upgrade my own wind summoning skill.

After admiring my dagger set for a moment, I move on and begin to upgrade some of my lower-rated gear items. Their stats can easily rival my newer gear by imbuing them with the buffing stones I bought in the market earlier along with attempting to imbue skills into gear too.

I imbue a few defense items into [The Behemoth's Platinum Amulet] as well as my Berserker skill.


The Behemoth's Platinum Amulet [+111% Defense]

The Behemoth's Platinum Amulet [+141% Defense][+125% Strength][+125% Mental Strength]


I imbue a few defense items into the [Platinum Ring of The Blue Ogre King] as well as my Bloodlust skill.


Platinum Ring of The Blue Ogre King [+100% Mental Strength]

Platinum Ring of The Blue Ogre King [+131% Mental Strength][+125% Speed][+125% Agility][+110% Defense]


Next, I turn to my new pair of gauntlets and decide not to imbue any items into them just yet. However, I do imbue my body hardening skill into them, and there is a drastic change. They become much shinier and harder to the touch. Some stats boost as well.


[Enchanted Lightweight Gauntlets][+125% Defense][+90% Strength]

[Enchanted Lightweight Gauntlets][+165% Defense][+120% Strength][Hardening Attribute]


Then lastly, I look down at my cloak and take out the item I've been most curious about since I got it; [Wraith's Essence Stone][+155% Mental Strength][Hidden Passive Ability].

I merge this clear marble with swirling black energy inside it with: [Cloak of Total Darkness][+120% Mental Strength][+105% Agility][+50% Perception]

Then, imbue my conceal skill.

The result looks and feels eerily familiar to the Veil of manifested darkness that was around the Wraith I fought in my 8th Stage Match. However, I'm in full control, and it feels like pure power is swirling around me. My cloak is made of dark black, dense energy that flutters in the wind, but there isn't even a breeze in the room.


[Cloak of Total Darkness][+179% Mental Strength][+155% Agility][+75% Perception][Hidden Passive Ability][Concealment Attribute]


At just the thought of it, I activate the Concealment Attribute, and the cloak shifts into the form it was before I merged it with the Wraith's Essence stone. Then, I think of a different outfit, and it switches instantly, looking just like the red cloak that burned up in my match. Finally, my cloak engulfs my whole body and shapeshifts into the suit and business wear that my concealment ring used to create.

I release the skill and let it fall back to its original dark black flowing form and can't help but grin.

"Now that's a serious piece of gear..."

Abby and Maria stopped what they were doing moments ago and already watched my entire shape-shifting performance, but I was too mesmerized in my crafts to care that they were watching.

Maria walks over with a bright blue armor set in hand, also gripping a glistening white sword, and some blood dripping from her hands showing that she must have made some blood bonds with her gear.

"All set! My Ice Magic is going to be unstoppable with gear like this!"

I nod with a smile, seeing stats on some of her gear surpass +150% buffs.

"Very nice."

Abby has two black blood-bonded daggers of her own in her hands, imbued with her own earth magic skill. The boots she was already wearing now are maxed out with crimson speed crystal imbument, and sitting on a nearby table there are 3 HP potions that glow much brighter green than anything I've ever seen before.

While using my Appraisal Skill, I see what they say but do a double-take to make sure.

[Full Restore Potion]

[Full Restore Potion]

[Full Restore Potion]

She speaks up when she sees me looking at her creations.

"Oh yeah, I made those out of curiosity. I just imbued my Restore Skill into a normal HP potion. I'm not sure how well they actually work, or how potent they are. But... I can only assume it's nothing like normal healing potions."

I nod while walking closer, attempting to examine the items with my All-Seeing Eye. However, nothing other than "The [Restore] skill will be activated on the user if this potion is consumed" shows up.

Abby gives me two to test out in training, then hands the other to Maria to keep on hand in case of an emergency.

I thank her, placing it in my storage very eager to try it out too, but see a portion of my crafting skill's description while my all-seeing eye is still activated and can't help but continue to read it.


The fourth tier of Craftsmanship [Mythic Grade] allows the crafter to mend, adjust, and create magic items with additional stat points in ALL categories. It also grants the caster the ability to convert these stat point categories into percentage-based buffs. The caster is capable of bonding element stones to items making unique growth-type weapons to be solely paired with a user. In addition to outside materials, the caster is able to imbue copies of any skills or properties they own or make contact with.


I read the last three words of this description over and over to make sure I'm seeing things correctly. The potential to use another Mythic Grade skill in a very creative way crosses my mind.


Post Chapter Note:


Updated Inventory:


Items Equipped: [12 Slots Available Post-Rank Up][Current Items Equipped]

Platinum Amulet of Frost [+137% Mental Strength] [+90% Ice Magic Strength]

The Behemoth's Platinum Amulet [+141% Defense][+125% Strength][+125% Mental Strength]

Enchanted Boots of Extreme Speed [+152% Speed]

Enchanted Ice Serpent's Pendant [+110% Agility] [+75% Magic Resistance] [+95% Ice Magic Resistance]

Platinum Ring of The Blue Ogre King [+131% Mental Strength] [+125% Speed][+125% Agility][+110% Defense]

The Flame Emperor's Sword [Advanced Fire Aspect][+205% Strength][+166% Mental Strength][+109% Defense][+110% Speed][+111% Agility]

Berserker King's Armor Set [Blood Bonded] [+148% Defense]

Cloak of Total Darkness[+179% Mental Strength][+155% Agility][+75% Perception][Hidden Passive Ability][Concealment Attribute]

[Enchanted Lightweight Gauntlets][+165% Defense][+120% Strength][Hardening Attribute]

Greater Demon's Core [+50% All Stats]

Arch Demon's Core [+100% All Stats]

Final Slot[12th]:[Interchangeable]

The Wind Tyrant's Dagger Set [Advanced Wind Aspect][+159% Strength][+141% Agility][+140% Mental Strength][+120% Speed][+120% Defense]

Midnight Dagger

