We stepped out of the dungeon portal back into our home world.

Abby waved and walked over to the two security guards sitting in front of the old theatre entrance. She said something to one of them and turned to me.

"Jay show them your Hunter's License."

"Okay sure."

I took out my license and put it on the small counter in front of them. They made a note of something and nodded.

"Allllrightty, we're good to go."

I took my license back with a bit of a confused look on my face.


"You're registered as my guest! You can enter this dungeon as much as you'd like to train before it's open to the public in a few days. You're going to need it."

Abby giggled as we started walking back towards the direction of the village market and Alpine Square Dungeon. The sun was setting as well, it was a pretty sight.

We walked past Alpine Square and into the village market. I made the notion to Abby that there was a specific shop I liked to go to, she understood. We walked up to the old merchant's shop moments later.

"Hey kid, how's it going? Who's the lucky lady?"

I knew he was teasing me, but I hardly had the energy for it right now. I smiled and threw my two mana crystals on the counter.

"This is Abby, she's just a friend. Don't get the wrong idea old man. How much can I get for these today?"


He placed the two crystals on the measuring dish and the big black numbers read out 71.3MU.

"I can do 70 bronze coins, nice haul today kid. Where'd you get these crystals? This isn't the Alpine boss."

"Yeah we checked out a different E Class dungeon today, looks like I grew out of the starter dungeon."

I smiled and nodded. The old merchant looked a bit impressed and started counting out bronze coins for me.

I took the coins a moment later and started shoving them awkwardly into my back pockets. They barely all fit.

Abby laughed, the merchant smirked as he took the mana crystals off the measuring dish.

"Okay how much can I get for these??"

Abby dumped her haul of crystals directly onto the measuring dish. The screen read 613.4MU. The shop keeper's eyes lit up a bit.

"Now we're talking. We don't get a haul like this everyday in the village market. I'll give you 6 silver for these."

"Works for me!"

The merchant counted out 6 shiny silver coins and placed them on the counter. Abby took them and bobbed her head with a smile.

"Time to eattttt. I starvingggg."

"You can say that again... I know a good bar, this way."

There's a local bar called CJ's with decent food and good drinks. I stop by here pretty often after a long day of hunting. We made our way over and sat down a few minutes later.

"Hey Mark, can I get my regular? The chicken club with fries, and the biggest draft beer ya got?"

The bar tender smiled and nodded as he finished pouring another customer's drink.

"Sure thing Jay, 5 bronze. It'll be out in a few minutes."

Abby lifted her hand in the direction of the bar tender.

"I'll have what he's having, double it!"

I nodded and handed Mark 10 bronze.

A few minutes later our food and drinks came. I couldn't wait to eat, I could only assume Abby felt the same. We dug in.

"That was goooood."

We finished at about the same time. I was impressed.

With bellies full and minds at ease the last light of the setting sun was a nice finishing touch to our meal.

"Ya know jayyy. Today was a good day. I'm glad I met youuu. Ya know I guess she doesn't go out too much working for the Association.

"Glad you had fun today. I'm happy I met you too, today was definitely an eye opener for me. I thank you again for that."

Abby smiled in agreement.

We walked to the nearby train station as if reading each other's minds. I knew the night was winding down, it was time to call it here and end on a good note.


A train pulled up to the station as we arrived. Abby jumped up to the platform and stepped into the closest train-car. As the doors were closing Abby turned to me.

"Heyy, don't forgetttt. One week. I'll see you soon."

She smiled, winked, and bobbed her head making her ponytails bounce up and down.

I just smiled and waved watching the train leave the station.

"One week huh..."

I said to myself as I walked back to my apartment.

For some reason I wasn't scared at all. I was just excited that I had a new challenge in front of me. A big goal to work towards.

A few minutes later I walked up the steps of my apartment, twisted the key of my door, and immediately turned on a hot shower. Afterwards, I took a satisfying swan dive onto my bed and almost instantly fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up bright and early with one mission on my mind. It's time to get stronger.

I jumped out of bed and looked in my bedside table. I had 2 silver coins and a pile of bronze, maybe 80-90 if I had to guess. I grabbed 2 silver coins and 3 bronze as I walked out the door slinging my sword over my back.

"Morning Jayy. Off to hunt? Me too!"

Maria greeted me as I walked down the steps.

"Yepp. Another day to get stronger. Today's the first day of training with your school right? Best of luck!"

"Yeah it is! Thanks!! Good luck to you too!"

Maria smiled and waved as I walked down the stairs. I turned and headed straight towards the village market.

After grabbing breakfast at the corner store I made it to the old merchant's stand.

"Good morning kid, back so soon?"

"Yeah, I need 2 MP recovery potions."

I placed the 2 silver coins on the counter and confidently put out my hand.

The merchant rummaged through his drawers and pulled out 2 of the small glowing pink bottles. He handed them to me.

"There ya go, 2 E Class MP recovery potions. They'll heal up to 500 MP per use. Have fun out there, but be careful."

"Thanks old man."

I grabbed the bottles and left with a confident head nod. Now I was off towards the Lexington Wolf Dungeon.

When I arrived at the old theatre I waved to the security guards and they thankfully recognized my face. With two head nods I walked in without saying a word. I drew my sword and jumped through the portal without another thought.

I entered the dungeon and scanned my surroundings. The plan today was to gain as much exp as possible and monitor my MP consumption.

After about 10 minutes of venturing into the dungeon my first opponent appeared.

I used the same fighting strategy as yesterday, it worked like a charm. Within a matter of seconds I landed the first hit. Before the monster could even react to its wound I finished it off. My speed and agility were superior to this beast, and my sword's added strength stat let me kill it in 2 attacks.

I checked my status, there was no level up this time. Looks like the exp is already starting to become less effective on my higher level. My MP was at 155/215. That exchange took took about 60 MP. Not bad, as I level up I'll have more MP to use and it'll take less MP per opponent.

I waited to collect the wolf's mana crystal then ventured further into the dungeon.

A few minutes later another monster appeared for me to slay. A quick and efficient battle took place. In 2 swift attacks the beast had fallen.

[Level Up]

_____________________Name: Jay Soju

Level: 43

Hp: 220/220

Mp: 100/220

Strength: 109 [+50]

Speed: 123

Agility: 130

Defense: 99

Mental Strength: 109



Items Equipped:

Stainless Steel Long Sword [+50 Strength]


This new dungeon was working wonders. It feels like I'm back in Alpine Square my first day hunting goblins. I haven't leveled up this fast in ages.

After collecting the mana crystal the wolf dropped I trekked around to find another.

It took another 20 minutes of wondering the desert but my 3rd opponent finally arrived. Within a minute our battle had finished, my MP was depleted to 40/220.

It looks like I can handle 3 fights with my current MP usage. So with my potions, I have 6 more fights available today.

I took one of the potions and drank the full bottle. I checked my status and could see my MP bar quickly climb. Within seconds I was at a perfect 220/220.

I continued my hunt. The desert was large and the wolves were scattered far apart. It took another 4 hours to find, fight, and collect the mana crystals of the next 6 monsters. I leveled up 2 more times.

[Status Open]

_____________________Name: Jay Soju

Level: 45

Hp: 230/230

Mp: 50/230

Strength: 113 [+50]

Speed: 128

Agility: 136

Defense: 103

Mental Strength: 114



Items Equipped:

Stainless Steel Long Sword [+50 Strength]


The level up to 44 happened took 2 kills after I drank my first potion. So it took a total of 3 wolves. The level up to 45 took the remaining 4 battles. It's getting much harder to level up again, but it's getting easier and easier to fight. I'm definitely gaining valuable experience.

After my day of battles I made my way towards the dungeon exit. I was a bit fatigued, but it wasn't horrible. I decided to go to the market for a bite to eat and to sell my crystals.

"Hey old man, look what I've got for ya."

I placed the crystals on the empty measuring dish and watched the black numbers read out 324.6MU.

The old man smiled.

"Looks like you put those MP potions to good use. I give you 3 silver and 20 bronze."

"Could you do 3 MP potions and 50 bronze?"

The shop keeper thought for a moment and smirked.

"You drive a hard bargain, sure kid."

He counted out my bronze and handed me 3 more potions.

"Thanks! See you again tomorrow old man!"

He waved and I headed back home. I bought a sandwich at the corner store and walked up the steps to my apartment.

I threw the 3 potions and my bronze into my bedside table drawer. My goal for tomorrow was to use all 3 potions. That would be a minimum of 12 fights.

I spent the rest of the night catching up on a few comics and novels that released new chapters before falling asleep.

I woke up again feeling great. It's time to get stronger.


Over the next 3 days I went to the dungeon for 10+ hours a day fighting as much as I could and reinvesting every coin I made from mana crystals back into MP potions. On day 1 I fought 12 wolves. On day 2 I fought 16. Then lastly, day 3 I pushed myself hard and stayed late in the dungeon to face off against 20.

After this was all said and done I gained 7 levels. The final level up took 10 wolves to achieve. It was becoming much harder to level up, but on the bright side I can defeat a wolf with a single strike now. They take about 35 MP to subjugate.

I also managed to make about 6 silver worth of profit while grinding levels. For every 1 silver I spent on MP potions, the mana crystals I sold made me about 1 silver and 50 bronze back. Not too bad.

[Status Open]

_____________________Name: Jay Soju

Level: 52

Hp: 265/265

Mp: 265/265

Strength: 130 [+50]

Speed: 148

Agility: 156

Defense: 118

Mental Strength: 130



Items Equipped:

Stainless Steel Long Sword [+50 Strength]


Today is Monday morning. I am level 52. I have 3 more days to defeat the level 70 boss...
