After our abrupt change in direction, I decide to pick up the pace. With a loud yell and a burst of flames, I push myself forward using swift gusts of wind beneath my feet.

I focus my mana deep within my sword’s core and let out a dark crescent of energy from a distance aimed directly at the monster.

At first, it looks like a direct hit. To my surprise, I feel the familiar sensation of being watched grow greater and greater as the slash approached its target.

Just like before, the creature shifts its body in the air ever so slightly to avoid the oncoming attack with incredibly graceful, natural movements. I grit my teeth while watching the slimy tentacles twist and turn to nattily avoid my fiery crescent of death like it’s a slow-moving pitch.

With another loud yell and an enormous air-step forward, I let out an even bigger slash.

“Take this!”

Then another….


“How about that!”

Then… another…

I release over half a dozen full-force attacks until my MP nears zero. The elusive monster keeps wiggling and squirming around every shot I throw at it with ease.

While taking a deep breath, I reach into my item storage and take out a few mana crystals to plunder my MP back up to full.

The massive floating eye begins slowly changing its direction toward the ground. It’s aiming to make its way toward the piles of stone it previously manipulated with its telekinesis skill.

Going down is much easier than flying up. I smirk and follow it with haste. While locking my eyes on the target, an interesting idea comes to mind. If it can’t see the attack coming, maybe it won’t be able to dodge.


“Wind Summoning.”

I concentrate on the monster’s main body in front of me as I plummet to the ground behind it. Eight large spears of invisible wind magic form all around me in a circle collecting strength.

Once we’re less than 10m off the ground, I let my weapons fly. The dense pockets of wind soar at it from above. The monster doesn’t change its trajectory at all. I’ve finally outsmarted this disgusting creature.

Mere seconds before impact, I feel the heavy feeling of being observed once again. This time, it’s with even greater depth. It feels like every last cell in my body is being poked and prodded by infinite invisible eyes.

I gulp, then watch sharp spears of wind whiz around the monster as it spins its body flapping its tentacles around in a mocking manner.

The main eye looks at me and I see its wide smile create a malicious grin showing every last finely sharpened tooth. The ground below begins to rumble as I see it shift and crack forming an uncountable amount of jagged stones.

The monster continues twisting its body out of the way. I manage to change the direction of my wind spears, but they’re blocked by a barrage of floating rocks.

I grit my teeth and let out a grunt of frustration as I kick off the air on my left side to follow its movements even further down toward the dark-colored ground.

The air around me pushes my hair back and makes it difficult to keep my eyes open, but I keep pushing forward.

The large pieces of rock begin moving in on me again. I don’t bother trying to use telekinesis this time around. I furiously swing my sword in front of me releasing attacks of fire and wind shattering and incinerating the objects flying at me from all sides.

Every explosion gets me closer and closer to this annoying beast!

I wrack my brain for ideas. Longer-range attacks don’t work, close-range slashes hardly do the trick, and my mental strength is pretty much equal, so overpowering its mind is off the list too.

I smirk as a last-resort plan comes to mind.

“It’s worth a try. I guess I’ll test out that skill I’ve been sitting on…. If I can get close enough.”

Another boulder comes flying toward me and I smash it to bits with ease. At this point, they’re not threatening attacks, it’s just irritating.

My sword glows brighter and brighter red as I smash the incoming boulders in front of me while shielding myself with a layer of wind from my backside. We’re no more than 5m above the ground now, and I’m less than 3m behind it.

A constant futile bombardment of stone keeps me swinging my blade as I steadily increase in speed eyeing my prey.

Finally, my blade is within range. I summon a wall of wind around the monster’s left side making sure its only option is to go up or to the right.

From above, I swing my glowing fiery blade downward releasing an intense wave of dark crimson flames.

As expected, the monster’s perception ability kicks in the moment my threat approaches. I let go of my blade while using telekinesis to carry it downwards at a swift and constant pace. The monster lets out a screech and twists its body to the right side. Simultaneously, I dive into the same open space pushing off a pocket of wind to accelerate my movements even further.

The creature’s main eye opens wide as the iris sporadically searches for an open path to slither away through.

I let out a burst of intimidation with a grin ear to ear as I hurdle towards its main body, both arms stretched out wide. I sense its fear as my hand makes contact with its coarse, yet wet and slimy skin.

“Equivalent Exchange.”

The moment I mutter these words, my entire body begins to glow white, and a text box appears in my mind’s eye.

[Use Equivalent Exchange]

Available HP: [1515/1515]

Enter Amount: [___]


My mind starts racing… I grab the monster in front of me tight with my other arm as we fall to the ground with exceptional speed.

“Available HP…”

Time slows down as my previous battle facing a hunter with this skill flashes through my memories. Every time he made contact with me, he’d do damage. It seems like I have to sacrifice my own HP to deal an equivalent attack to my opponent.

I grit my teeth and make my decision. This may be my only chance… I’ll go all in.

I picture the number “1500” in the floating text box, and chose yes without another thought.

A blinding flash of white light appears and that horrible sensation comes back with it. Thousands of daggers piercing my skin all over. It fluctuates from hot and cold while sucking a massive amount of health points out of me in an instant.

I let out a scream of agony as we plummet faster and faster toward the ground.

The beast in my hands shrieks with pain as well. Its body convulses and its tentacles flail out of control as I let go and conjure a pocket of wind to stop my descent.


I watch the monster hit the ground with a bone breaking thud as I hover less than 2m above it breathing heavier than I ever have before.

The beast stares back at me with its now bloodshot eye growling and squirming on the ground hopelessly.

I lift my hand in the air using telekinesis to catch my falling blood-red sword.

With a final smirk and a slight nod of respect, I release a wave of fire cutting the creature in two.

[Level Up]

[Use Absorption]

Skill: All-Seeing Eye


I slowly hover down to the ground and choose yes without hesitation, then reach into my storage and item box to take out a few mana crystals and two HP potions.

While healing myself back up to full health, I active “All-Seeing Eye” out of curiosity.

The moment the skill goes live, I can feel a massive amount of MP begin leaving my body… but at the same time, everything around me becomes crystal clear…

The piles of rubble, the small dark floating particles, the dissolving remains of the monster in front of me, everything…. Even the district movements of mana flowing through my body and the floor of the dungeon itself.

I look down at my hands to watch the mana course through my bloodstream for a moment, then murmur to myself in awe.

“I… can see everything….”

I gulp and open my status.

[Status Open]


Name: Jay Soju [i]

Level: 303 [i]

Hp: 1520/1520 [i]

Mp: 990/1520 [i]

Strength: 734 [+646] [i]

Speed: 874 [+524][+262] [i]

Agility: 904 [i]

Defense: 655 [+262][+229][+164] [i]

Mental Strength: 734 [+147][+352][+293][+330] [i]

Skills: [i]

Absorption [i]

Swordsmanship [i]

Combat Magic [Fire Summoning] [i]

Inspect [Special Grade] [i]

Enemy Detection [i]

Body Hardening[Special Grade] [i]

Self Regeneration [i]

Spacial Magic[Item Storage] [i]

Plunderer [i]

Telekinesis [i]

Appraisal[Special Grade] [i]

Conceal [i]

Dungeon Walker [i]

Intimidation [i]

Dagger Mastery [i]

Stealth [i]

Bloodlust [i]

Equivalent Exchange [i]

Combat Magic [Wind Summoning] [i]

All-Seeing Eye [i]


Items Equipped: [i]

Golden Wolf Ring [+20% Mental Strength] [i]

Cyclops Eye Pendant [+40% Defense] [i]

Dark Elf Boots [+60% Speed] [i]

The Flame Emperor’s Sword [Fire Aspect][+88% Strength][+48% Mental Strength] [i]

Ring of Protection [+35% Defense] [i]

Griffin’s Talon [+40% Mental Strength] [i]

Enchanted Silver Ring [+30% Speed] [i]

Ring of Protection [+25% Defense] [i]

Desert Troll’s Charm [+45% Mental Strength] [i]

[Rodrigo’s Silver Bracelet] [i]


[Hidden Menu] [i]

PP: 303 [i]


My eyes scramble back and forth to take in an odd-looking status filled with new numbers and letters.

I deactivate my All-Seeing Eye skill and the [i] ions and extra lines of text disappear from my mind’s eye.

I gulp, then reactivate my skill taking in the information in front of me again.

I start by clicking the [i] icon next to my sword…. It’s my main weapon, so it takes priority here.


The Flame Emperor’s Sword:

[Fire Aspect][+88% Strength][+48% Mental Strength]

Info: A sword crafted from the horn of a Minotaur and the fiery core of a Volcanic Salamander using the Legendary Grade “Crafting” Skill.

Class: B+

Type: Evolution

Durability: 81/100


My eyes light up as I read the text before me, grinning ear to ear.

Next, I curiously click on the [i] icon next to the new option labeled “PP”.


Proficiency Points:

Info: A single Proficiency Point will be earned for every level gained. Use PP to upgrade your skills.


[No Grade] -> [Special Grade] : 50PP

[Special Grade] -> [Legendary Grade] : 250PP

[Unique Grade] -> [Advanced Unique Grade] 100PP


My heart starts pounding, and the grin across my face just keeps growing wider and wider.

I look at one of the most peculiar items in my status next.


Rodrigo’s Silver Bracelet:

Info: A bracelet crafted by two magic users by combining the unique “Respawn” skill and the Legendary Grade “Crafting” skill. This item allows the user to respawn back to a specified location after being killed as long as the bracelet is making contact with its user upon their death.

Class: A+

Type: Multi-Use

Durability: 50/100


The monster’s corpse below my feet dissolves and drops a mana crystal, but I pay it no mind as I’m consumed with awe at the possibilities within the brand-new status at my fingertips.

I continue scrolling furiously as I feel my MP being drained more and more by the second.

Moments later, a white flash covers my vision indicating I’m being transported to the next floor.

I deactivate all my skills and take a deep breath in and out to prepare myself for floor 15. I’ll have all the time in the world to play with my newfound abilities later.
