"Welcome back!"

William flinched when Wang Mei started to repeatedly tap his face, specifically his cheeks, in delight. In a Sect full of kids his age, you would think she had never seen one before with how fascinated she was with him.

"Wang Mei, enough."

William couldn't see Lan Yin since Wang Mei's very distracting body blocked his vision, but the ice-cold tone made him freeze in fear, even though he wasn't the target. As for the woman abusing his face, she mostly froze too, but her hands continued their all-important job of smushing his face.

"Just a few more seconds, Lan Yin! You know I never get the chance!"

"There's a reason they all run away from you,” Lan Yin yanked Wang Mei back with a grip on her collar, "Now isn't the time. Elder Yu is on her way, and you know how she feels about delays."

"Elder Yu?" Wang Mei yelped before she disappeared.


"Impressive," Lan Yin nodded as she peered at William, "Elder Yu told me that you were already successful with switching your cultivation technique, but it was hard to believe."

"Thank you, Senior Sister," William replied, asking after a slight pause, "Why did Senior Wang run away?"

"Run away?!" Wang Mei reappeared, once again blocking William's vision in a way that made him highly uncomfortable, "Little Liang, do I look like someone who runs away?"

If William had to be honest, he would have to say yes, she did seem a little flaky. But lying was the key to continued life. "Of course not, Senior Wang!"

"That's the right answer!" Wang Mei smiled brightly before handing him five notes, "Here is your allowance from the Sect. Remember that you will lose it if you don't claim it every month."

The notes had the number one displayed clearly with a lotus in the background. It looked similar to cash from his old world, and small wording mentioned it could be redeemed for a Qi Stone.


That confused William since he knew that Qi Stones were supposed to be valued by cultivators due to the energy that they contained. What was the point if a piece of paper replaced them?

"These notes are only spendable within the Sect," Wang Mei said, clearing up some of William's doubts, "If you can't find what you need and decide to shop outside, you can turn the notes in to get Qi Stones."

William would have thought this was a clever way for the Sect to keep the Qi Stones inside their borders, but with how amused Wang Mei seemed as she finished talking, that guess might be incorrect. "It sounds like you don't expect me to redeem the notes, Senior Wang."

"No, I don't," Wang Mei said while chuckling, "If you can't find what you need inside the Sect, it's almost impossible that you will do so on the outside. There's a reason the Sect needs people like Elder Yu to protect its existence. Our Sect is far too wealthy, Little Liang."

That wasn't surprising at all to William. He would have to be an idiot to not realize the sheer wealth the Sect possessed when he saw that the Outer Court had entire buildings made out of jade.

Though the part that did surprise him was the mention of Elder Yu. How could a mere Outer Court Elder, even if she was the Head, do much to protect the Sect? William assumed that the Elders of the Inner Court would be far more powerful, but Wang Mei must have a strong affection toward Elder Yu.

"Anyway, here is the catalog of what you can order. As long as you are inside the Sect or near one of the outposts in the mortal cities, it will update itself automatically. A delivery fee will apply in the cities, but the Inner Court's Treasure Pavilion has low prices that are unbeaten."

William knew it was rude, but he couldn't stop himself from opening it immediately. Just looking at the sheer number of categories listed on the first page with a corresponding page number would be shocking enough, but it was quickly evident that all these options couldn't be listed in such a small booklet. It seemed the pages changed based on what category he wished to browse.

"I told you, Lan Yin," Wang Mei grinned as she looked at William flipping through the pages, almost drooling at what he saw, "He wouldn't wait."

Lan Yin shrugged, admitting her loss, though she noted down the parts of the catalog he was interested in, as Elder Yu asked of her.

"What's this?" William pointed at a symbol that was different from the others.

Wang Mei glanced at it and said, "It represents a Spirit Stone. One Spirit Stone is worth one hundred Qi Stones, so it's a little beyond you at the moment. Don't worry, you'll be able to afford it eventually."

William stared at the talisman's price in shock. Since it cost three Spirit Stones, wouldn't that mean it would take him five years to be able to afford it with the current allowance the Sect gave him?

"Senior Wang, how much gold is one Qi Stone worth?" William wanted to understand how much the things in the catalog truly cost with his experience from selling Wang Xiaoling's goods.

"Gold…" Wang Mei trailed off while tapping her chin with a finger in thought, "It's rare to do so, but some cultivators with mortal families make that exchange on occasion. It fluctuates, but usually between ninety to one hundred and twenty Gold."

William remembered the pompous look the people who spent two or three Gold had while he was selling those fruits for Wang Xiaoling. It was enough to let a decently-sized family live comfortably for over a month.

The Sect just gave him over two hundred times that amount, and they would do so every month. Then again, comparing what a cultivation sect gave to what mortals earned was foolish. He supposed the accurate comparison would be to other sects.

"Wei Liang."

William almost jumped in shock when he saw Elder Yu staring at him intently, not knowing how long she had been there.

"Wu Jing informed me that you selected a mission."

"Uh, yes?" William shivered before clearing his throat, "I mean, yes, Elder Yu."

"Hmm," A folded paper flew out of his pocket and landed in Elder Yu's open palm. After she glanced at it, she nodded and said, "Xiao Yuan Village. I'll be interested to see if you can complete it."

"Little Liang, why did you pick that one?!” Wang Mei gasped, “Go back and pick farming or even mining! You're going to be a pauper!"

William frowned in confusion and said, "What do you mean?"

"This is my fault. I haven't explained how the point system works yet," Lan Yin muttered before giving William a pointed look, "I also told you to head straight here to meet Wang Mei."

"I was dragged against my will by a crazy person!" William defended himself, though he couldn't deny he didn't mind going along with it due to curiosity.

"That doesn't matter," Elder Yu interjected, "Since it's your first mission, I decided to send Ren Bo with you as support."

William felt himself get paler than he already was before realizing that the stalker boy should be normal without Lan Yin around… so it was probably alright. He nodded and accepted, "Yes, Elder Yu."

"Good, and have you decided whether you wish to stay in the Outer Sect or Xuanjing City?"

William knew what he wanted, but he didn't know if it would annoy Elder Yu just like his choice did during the testing. Honestly, he was glad Lan Yin and Wang Mei were present. Though Elder Yu outranked them, surely face was important in this world. She wouldn't want to be seen pressuring a disciple.

"Yes, Elder Yu, I'd prefer to live in Xuanjing City. I hope you forgive the inconvenience I've given you." William thought that wording was perfect since it was decisive yet respectful. He felt he was becoming an excellent bootlicker.

"Very well," Elder Yu nodded, "The mission will take you close to Xuanjing City. Lan Yin, you may send Wei Liang back to Elder Huang. He can head to Xiao Yuan Village from there."

"Understood, Elder Yu," Lan Yin nodded firmly.

"And Lan Yin, I expect him to receive no help from you or any older cultivators. This will test his resourcefulness."

Lan Yin nodded again as William looked on with suspicion. He thought Elder Yu was smiling behind that cold expression for some reason, but he had no proof to confirm that ridiculous thought.
