Pelenia had informed her allied nations of the coming return of the creator of the resistance braces, giving them a chance to send over anyone whose magic was too powerful to be covered by any of their nation’s own enchanters and as they all prepared for his arrival, figuring out who to send and crafting plans to draw them closer to their side, word got out.

It was nothing to be too surprised about, while his privacy was to be respected as a condition of his patent, other nations beyond those born with a passive magic were taking notice as many of the races who’d been forced to hide themselves away from the rest of the world until that point had been coming out, interacting with the wider world more and more as time went on. It was bound to draw attention as they did, with rumors spreading just as far.

Word was going around that a master enchanter had been born, a rarity when the world tended to only ever have one or two beings who’d unlocked that particular job at a given time, and from the sounds of it a particularly skilled one at that. While many viewed the fact with curiosity, wondering if the creation of the resistance bands was a passing fluke or if they might show true aid in the coming war, other smaller groups had agendas of their own.

“... We can expect them in a few weeks,” An elven male said, summarizing his findings as he tried not to wither in pleasure. His eyes were dilated as he did his best to hang onto control until his leader was done, slowly extracting her long, thin teeth from his throat as she fed.

Taking a moment to lick the lingering blood from her lips she thought on what she’d been told, daring not to feel too much hope at what her subordinate had passed along to her. “Are we sure about the accuracy of this information? I’ve heard the rumors, but con artists and charlatans have been known to attempt such things in the past, saying they’ve discovered solutions to a race's problems and would happily provide aid in exchange for the right amount of coin. Some even managed to get away while keeping their heads.”

“We’re certain,” The elf told her as he brought himself under control. “We’ve seen a number of races known to have passive magics leaving through the gate of Anailia without a fanet’ail cloak or any of the other, rarer means of blocking their power, with each having a metallic brace on one of their arms. I can’t imagine so many of them would leave for other nations without immediately being detained if the function of such a device wasn’t all but certain, and given the similarities present between the succubi’s charm and the issue of your own race, I can't help but believe in the value that would come from meeting with this individual.”

She couldn’t help but grimace. If what she’d heard was true, then as a leader she had no choice but to attempt a meeting. While the succubi had the benefit of being able to go on fine in isolation if they needed to, the same was far from true of her own people, an issue they’d struggled with since their unfortunate birth on their home world. She would do whatever it took to get a meeting if she could, but a small problem presented itself.


“If only we’d forged any sort of relationship with the succubi nation,” She lamented. “But with so few of us, what would even be the point? I suppose all we can do is attempt a meeting and hope that Anailia’s queen is feeling agreeable enough to at least hear out our request.”

“There is another option if our information is correct. It seems that the first time the enchanter had been there creating these braces they’d stayed at the queen's home, with rumors even spreading that it’s the same person currently engaged to Pelenia's daughter.”

“I can only see that making things even more difficult for us,” She said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Do you really think the leader of a nation would want a being like I around her kin?”

“Perhaps not, but while we aren’t certain of his race, we’re aware he isn’t an incubus. If we keep a safe watch on her home for anyone leaving, as long as it isn’t an incubus or the great earth spirit we can assume that it’s either the enchanter themself or one of their associates with them. If we simply talk and explain our case then we can hope they’ll be agreeable.”

“Hmm, that might just be the best course of action. I suppose we shouldn’t bring too many people, the issues that would come with having more than a handful observe the home of a head of state would be more than I’d care to imagine. To be safe, let’s leave it at you and I. If we see nothing after a few days I’ll do my best to open up a dialogue with the queen, no matter what it takes we need to make this work.”

Decision made they began their arrangements in preparation to leave for the nearest gate, one feeling the weight of her people as she did.


To be the last is a cruel thing, especially as we stand so close to our long-sought revenge. The elderly being thought as he stood over the body of his brother, leaving him as the last of his siblings brought forth from their god, and with that very god dead and the creaking of his joints, he knew he didn’t have long himself.

As each century passed he couldn’t help but wish for the coming invasion to simply begin, as selfish as that hope was for the other races that made their homes on the world. They knew their time was limited after all, but as years passed and one by one they broke down and passed, how cruel fate was for their most hated foes to finally be on their way, only too late for them to do anything.

Even now he felt the magic within him begin to fray, coming loose after centuries with no way to repair something of such complexity, no being in the world with the skill. Even the gods, should they descend upon their apostles to use their form, had been too weakened by their losses to help. If there was some way to bring him to their realms then it would be easy to correct, but there was no point thinking on such impossible what-ifs.

Another hope would be that one would exert their power on the mortal world from within their realm, but that would be nothing but an unreasonable desire. How taxing it would be to save his one life alone when the strength and faith would be better suited to other things made the idea the height of selfishness.

He placed a single hand on his brother's head and gave a brief prayer to a god no longer there to hear it before taking a seat and waiting for the end to come for him as well, at the very least getting some peace before he went, or so he hoped.

“Honored elders! I come to you with news!” Yelled the young meliae girl as she burst into his abode.

“I’m afraid there’s now only one elder in here now child, but come, speak,” He said kindly to the girl currently in charge of ensuring his needs were met. Even that seemed a cruel joke of sorts, the race he’d been created to protect now being the one to ensure his care in his final days, but unlike the bitterness that came from not being able to join the battle, this one didn’t sting. He and all of his brothers had a deep love for their people, and that love was still returned all of these centuries later.

The girl for her part looked shocked and on the verge of tears seeing the body laying to the side, but pushed through to carry on her message. “Then this is even more important. Rumor has it a new master enchanter will be showing up in Anailia, we have to get you there immediately and beg their aid!”

“Child, how many enchanters and divine representatives have I seen since the others began breaking down? Seeing one more at the end of my life to be told there's nothing they could do is hardly a way to spend my final days.”

“But this one might be different!” She told him, all but begging him to agree. “Supposedly this one even solved the issue of passive magics so many races face! Surely an enchanter that great could do something for you!”

He could see the same look in the young girl's eyes he saw in every member of her race as he and the others began breaking down so long ago. A determination that he might live he wasn’t even sure he still possessed himself, and it was enough to make his choice.

“Very well, I suppose one last venture into this world would be nice, even if it doesn’t work out, I’ll leave for the nearest gate shortly.”

“Wonderful! I’ll inform the others of where we’re going immediately!”

“Not we,” He gently told her. “Even if what you’ve said about passive magics is correct, there’s no guarantee everyone in Anailia is having theirs blocked, and I’d rather nothing happened to you or the others on my account.”

“But if anything happens to you we’ll never know!”

Getting up, he gave her a small smile before reaching out and ruffling her hair. “If I don’t come back then you’ll know what happened. The time draws near either way, but you’re right, if my end is near then it’s better to go trying to push it off than meekly accepting it.”
