Lee was still trying to find the best way to relocate the jerky in Emily’s bag to her mouth when the air shifted. A shimmer of energy passed through the sky, and it carried with it a familiar scent.

“Did anyone else see that?” Alexandra asked. “I think it was the transport Cannon. Was Vermil also going to join us?”

“I saw it,” Lee said, uncrossing her legs and standing up, a frown slipping over her features. “And that wasn’t Vermil. He wasn’t planning on coming. He’s doing his own practice today.”

Moxie stood beside Lee, brushing the grass off her back. They both squinted at the edge of the plateau, where a dark form had appeared against the grassy ground. The person’s features were obscured by a black cloak, but they were heading toward them.

“It’s not Jalen, is it?” Moxie asked, the frown deepening on her face. “That isn’t any of the other students, that’s for certain. The build is wrong.”

“No,” Lee said, sniffing at the air. “It’s someone else. I think they were at the advanced track party with us yesterday.”

“Is it a puppet?” Emily asked nervously. Cold energy swirled around her hands, starting to gather into the shape of a bow. “Do you think they’re coming for revenge?”


“Silvertide said he handled the puppets, and I’m inclined to believe him,” Moxie said. “It’s more likely that it’s someone else from the advanced track. I swear, if those idiots are trying to test us again, I’m going to lose my cool. They don’t know when to stop.”

They all watched the figure approach them warily. He didn’t seem to be doing anything other than walking in their direction. There was no indication of hostility in his posture or scent – but, at the same time, something about him set the hair on the back of Lee’s neck stand on end.

“I don’t like him,” Lee muttered to Moxie. “We should leave.”

“The transport cannon doesn’t reactivate for a few hours,” Moxie replied in the same tone. A vine rose up from the ground beside her, forming into an armrest for her to lean on. “And I don’t know who we’re up against. If they’re an opponent, attacking first without letting them know we’re aware of a threat might be the smartest way to handle things.”

Lee swallowed and nodded. “Okay. On your go?”

“Yeah. We’ll be polite first – it’s probably just an advanced track member. But, if I attack, follow up immediately. Girls, your job is to run for the hills. I know Alexandra should be able to climb the plateau if need be, so bring Emily with you.”


“What? I can fight,” Alexandra protested. “I–”

“Don’t care,” Moxie said flatly. “If this is someone strong enough to handle Lee and I, then they’re going to be able to kill you two as well. Your job is to stay alive. I’m sure I’m overreacting, though. It just doesn’t hurt to be ready.”

Alexandra looked like she wanted to protest, but she gave Moxie a small nod and pressed her lips together, turning her gaze back toward the person approaching them.

It wasn’t long before he had crossed the rest of the distance separating them and drew up, coming to a stop a dozen feet away. The man raised a hand in greeting, revealing a flash of pale flesh beneath his dark cloak before he let his hand fall and be swallowed by his long sleeves.

“I hope I haven’t startled you,” the man said, pulling his hood back to reveal a rather average-looking face. He was middle aged, between forty and fifty by looks, with a deep scar to the side of his lip and above his eye. He wasn’t quite bald, but Lee was pretty sure that would be rectified if a strong breeze kicked up anywhere near him. The only reliable hair the man had on his face was in the form of his beard.

“Generally, it’s not polite to follow after someone using the transport cannon,” Moxie said in a curt tone. “Especially when we aren’t friends. You were at the advanced track meeting, right?”

The man paused, the smile on his face locking in place for a second before he got control of himself again. For some reason, Moxie’s words had caught him off guard.

I don’t think I actually saw him anywhere. Was he not part of the advanced track? Someone from a competing program or something like that?

“My apologies. I hadn’t realized you spotted me,” the man said. “My name is Rafael. I was simply hoping that I could speak with you.”

“You’re doing that right now,” Moxie said. “If there’s something you need to say, you’re welcome to say it.”

Rafael’s lips thinned. “I would prefer to keep it private.”

“And I’ll have to refuse. I have no interest in speaking with you privately,” Moxie said, letting a hand lift to touch the cloak on her shoulders. “Spit it out or leave.”

“I have reason to believe there are… infiltrators in the area,” Rafael said, choosing his words carefully.

“We all heard about the puppets,” Moxie said dryly. “And, if anyone is suspicious, it’s you. Get to the point or leave. I’ve got students to keep an eye on, and you’re looking an awful lot like a threat.”This narrative has been purloined without the author's approval. Report any appearances on Amazon.

“I can understand how you feel. I promise you, I hold no ill will toward any innocents,” Rafael said, raising his hands. His sleeves fell back once more, this time revealing a string of bone beads hanging around his right wrist.

The world slammed to a crawl as Lee’s eyes locked onto the beads. A cold hand gripped her stomach and squeezed as she realized what the scent that had been throwing her off was.

Rafael was an Inquisitor.

“I am looking out for the world’s best interests,” Rafael continued, completely unaware of Lee’s realization. “And I do not wish to alarm you, but it is possible that one of your group has been overwhelmed and their body stolen. I simply need to run a simple test that will do absolutely no harm to you and then I’ll be on my way.”

As he spoke, his hand went for the rosary at his wrist. Lee went to move, but Moxie was faster. A deep red vine covered in jagged thorns erupted from the ground at Rafael’s feet, winding up for his neck.

A deep hum filled the air and the vine was shredded apart before it even grew close to him. Lee’s heart plummeted into the pit of her stomach – Rafael was at least a Rank 4, probably higher based on how powerful his domain had to be if it had destroyed Moxie’s magic so quickly.

“Run!” Moxie yelled, jerking her hands into the air. Vines erupted from the ground around her, writhing up like the heads of a hydra. Alexandra grabbed Emily and blurred, sprinting for the rock wall behind them.

Lee went to move, but Rafael was faster. His thumb ran over the beads, and a wave of golden energy erupted from the rosary with a melodic chime. A wall of sheer agony slammed into Lee, ripping a scream from her throat as she crumpled to the ground.

Stand up, you little idiot! Move!

Energy slammed into Lee and she drew in a ragged breath, scrambling upright as Rafael’s eyes flicked, locking onto hers.

“Demon,” Rafael snarled. “Not the one I was tracking, but a demon nonetheless. Stand down, woman. I’m an Inquisitor. It should be apparent–”

The ground beneath Rafael vanished. His eyes only had an instant to widen before he plummeted down, vanishing beneath the earth. Lee spun to Moxie, whose face was pale from exertion.

“I can’t do anything through his domain, but that doesn’t stop me from digging the ground out from beneath him and then just pulling it open from below. You need to run, Lee.”

“I can’t leave you to fight him alone!”

“He only wants you,” Moxie snapped. “Just go. You’re faster than he is, so wait until the transport cannon re-activates and then go find Noah or Silvertide.”

Moxie’s words made sense. As much as she hated the idea of it, Lee turned to run – and another wave of agony slammed into her, worming its way into her mind. She crumpled to the ground, gasping in pain.

Rafael clawed his way out of the hole behind them, baring his teeth as he stood. “I will only give you one more chance to get out of my way, professor. I do not wish to kill innocents.”

“And I’ll give you one last chance to leave,” Moxie said, but Lee could barely hear her words through the pain. Azel was yelling something in her mind, but it was a swirling mess. Her fingers dug into the grass, trying to find purchase.

Before Lee could even stand, another blast of pain ripped through her. She doubled over, blood splattering from her lips and onto the grass. The resonance from Rafael’s rosary was a dozen times stronger than the one that the previous Inquisitor had held, and her innards felt like they were turning to liquid.

A brief instant of reprieve walled off the pain as Azel’s power sank even deeper into Lee’s body, flooding her muscles and pushing Rafael’s magic back. She threw herself forward into the cliff face, her fingers digging into the rock as she desperately started to climb.

“No!” Rafael roared. “She will not escape!”

Lee glanced back over her shoulder as Rafael sprinted after her – only for Moxie to jump forward, thrusting her foot in front of the Inquisitor’s feet. The man stumbled, cursing, and Moxie brought her elbow down on the back of his head.

A loud crack rang out and Rafael hit the ground with a grunt. Lee took the mere seconds that Moxie had bought her to force her screaming body to finish the climb up the plateau, joining Alexandra and Emily at the top. She ignored the terrified look on Emily’s face and coughed again, blood splattering against her fist.

“Fool. You chose this. I will not let you interfere!” Rafael roared from behind Lee. A deep thrum burned Lee’s ears as Rafael’s domain activated. Despite everything Moxie had said, Lee glanced back one more time.

Moxie’s vines had all been ripped to shreds, and she was locked in place like a startled deer. Even in the brief look that Lee took, she could tell Moxie’s posture was unnatural. She’d literally been frozen solid, and Rafael was drawing a sword.

He’s going to kill Moxie!

Forget the woman, you stupid girl! The Iniquisitor isn’t as fast as you are. Use Moxie’s sacrifice and get out of here before you die with her!

“Those in league with the demons will fall with them,” Rafael snarled, his eyes burning with fanaticism. The sword fell.

“Moxie!” Emily screamed, beating at Alexandra’s arm. “Let me go! I need to help her!”

I’m faster.


Lee blurred, diving off the cliff. The sword shot for Moxie’s neck, but Lee was far faster than a mere blade. Even as it made contact with Moxie’s neck, her fist crashed into Rafael’s face, shattering his cheekbone and sending him rolling across the grass. Rafael managed to keep his hold on the sword, but his blow never finished reaching its mark.

Rafael rolled a dozen feet before skidding to a stop, snarl twisting his face. Moxie drew in a hissing breath as control returned to her body. Her hand shot up to the cut on her neck.

“We need to run,” she hissed. “He’s got a blood magic domain! If he gets close, you can’t move at all!”

“Too late,” Rafael growled, pressing his thumb to the line of blood on his sword as he staggered upright. Moxie’s eyes went wide as her body locked in place mid-step. Rafael stalked toward them, baring his teeth. “Your arrogance will not save you. All who consort with demons will die.”

Panic pulsed in Lee’s mind. Moxie couldn’t move. Alexandra and Emily were nowhere near strong enough to challenge someone this strong, and she was completely useless against him.

Another wave of agony ripped through Lee’s body as she turned to run for the cliff, hoping to put enough distance between herself and Rafael to dive-bomb him again. She stumbled, tripping over her own feet and landing face-first in the grass with a scream.

“Your time will come, demon,” Rafael hissed. “But first will be the one hiding her power.”

Lee forced her gaze up, but she was in the range of the rosary once more. Even with the magic Azel was shoving her way, her body wouldn’t respond. Moxie was going to die in front of her, and there was nothing she could do about it.
