They dreamed together, hurling across the skies.

Volat-Repat accelerated to his maximum velocity, slicing through the thin air.

Far below, the glow of the Infestation was visible.

One village of 700 people, an elven enclave of 500, and dozens of small farms had been overrun and converted to mindless slaves of the creature from the outer dark.

A thousand times that many would perish in the next month if the Infestation were not destroyed.

A dark green ring surrounded the area as thousands of maple trees pushed inward to contain the Infestation and prevent the escape of any human or elven hosts.

The virus needed a mind to infest, and the Maple Priests were only giving it their groves of normal trees, immune to the creature until it grew more powerful.


Astraeus wished he could have warned them of what was going to happen, but he couldn't take a chance that they would value their sacred trees more than the people in the surrounding lands.

Astraeus had felt the call as soon as the lands of Sæhrímnir were infected.

The great boar had sent a dozen of his finest sounders to war, not knowing he was feeding the foe.

Now thousands of boars sang the song of the invader from beyond the stars.

Sæhrímnir was there, charging mindlessly against the trees, shattering trunks and trying to break through the ring of maple trees.

Astraeus hoped that the legends of the god of Bacon were true and that he would be reborn tomorrow.


His death and the death of all below was coming, summoned by the forces Astraeus controlled.

The meteor was only 50 feet across, but that was enough.

It came screaming from its orbit, propelled by the will of the god of stars.

The kinetic energy put to shame the thunderbolts of Zeus as it hit.

The intense heat vaporized everything within a half mile of the impact.

The forests for five miles around were destroyed and knocked to the earth by the blast.

Beyond that, another five miles of forests were instantly set aflame in a firestorm that would burn everything to ash.

Vast as the area was, it was just enough to stop the infection.

Sæhrímnir rose the next day, but he was not happy.

"It's going to be a lousy year for syrup and bacon.

They sat together, listening to the music of spheres and observing the stars, the planets, and the tiny bits of flotsam and jetsam that made up the dark space between worlds.

Nothing moved in a way that violated the path of where it should be.

No holes opened to the corrupted universe.

No comets strangely altered course.

The Rogue was not here.

They would check again tomorrow, the next day, and the next.

A hazy double memory as Professor Tallsqueak the Starborn showed eager minds the secrets of runic theory.

The students must be taught the truth of the universe through the language of mathematics.

In hundreds of lecture halls for a thousand years, in Arcane Universities, Temples, and Towers, students learned the basics needed to manipulate the runes and create spells.

It was an endless job, but one he enjoyed.

And in every library, they searched for clues that the Rogue might have left, and signs of its passage.

They found books with altered formations, forbidden knowledge of creation from before the System, and dangerous rituals for summoning the Starspawn.

Kepler Starsword, Hero for Hire, kicked in the oaken door with one immaculately polished boot.

In front of him, 13 members of the Black Circle of Bloth were chanting their ritual.

Cries of anger came from the assembled watchers, and a dozen kobold assassins drew knives.

Using Lightstep and Jump over the Moon, Kepler leaped the hundred feet between himself and the circle of chanting cultists.

His enchanted sword, Lightbringer, swung in a complete orbit, Kepler's Starborn Strength driving it through all resistance.

13 heads hit the ground simultaneously, ending the ritual.The kobolds sheathed their weapons and applauded wildly.

Kepler burned the books and searched the entire temple complex.

The only clue was a note pinned to an oatmeal cookie in the kitchen.

"Too Late Again."

Milo awoke with no pain.

The wound in his side was gone.

Cichol dozed in his chair by the fire.

Astraeus/KEPPLER was gone.

Congratulations! You have survived the Second Ritual of Enhancement: Additional Rib!Your method of acquiring this bone was unique, and so were the benefits and responsibilities.

You are gifted with knowledge and insight.Runic Sight: It is easier for you to see the runes used to enchant objects or enhance living (or undead) creatures—the more powerful the runic formation, the more visible it is to you.Runic Casting: You have gained the Skill: Rune Casting.

This allows you to cast spells you have created with Runic Formations.

Manipulating a single System rune is trivial to you.

But a more complex spell will tax your Intelligence, Willpower, and Dexterity.

Multiple appendages make this easier.

Six hands are better than two.

But you have another method...Perk: Two hands and a tail are also better: Your tail may be used along with your hands to control a runic formation.

+2 DEXAdvanced Rune Crafting: You may create Runic Formations, systems of interlocked runes to cast spells and create magical items.These gifts do not come without a price.

Seek the hidden one.

The flaw in the equation.

The false note in the symphony
