News had spread fast throughout the town. It certainly wasn't a secret after the scene between Billy, Vern, Layla, and Sammy, followed by the announcements and Vern's departure. Suzette had gathered her friends and raided the last of the alcohol from the bar. "There's no way in hell Billy wins this one."Rolly agreed, "There's an army up at the keep, waiting for the start of the war. They have the full 250 people they are allowed, including some tough-looking players.""Is Timmy in charge?""No, some guy named Brandon. I think we'd have a better chance with Timmy playing general."Ben shrugged, "Looks like we have to get our hands dirty then. I favor a course of action that includes sabotage, dirty tricks, skullduggery, misdirection, and pushing the Rules of War as far as we can."Ozzy smiled at him. "Something you've done before. How many scenarios and small wars did you play in where they stuck you with running the resistance."Ben tried to think, "Too many. I did so well playing General Franklin after a sniper took out George in the Rebellion of '76 that they stuck me in a similar role as Black Ben in The Printer's Rebellion. Who knew a war between newspaper editors could be so entertaining? Then the Siege of Orleans. I was only in charge because everyone else got their head lopped off or burned at the stake. But I do have a good bit of experience causing trouble." He looked around the room. "As all the rest of you do."<Not Squirmie! I had nothing to do with those food riots! That was my sister giving the lesser creatures bad ideas.>Rolly patted his bug on the head. "Don't worry, I have some ideas on how you can help."Ozzy was thinking, then made a decision. "There's a good chance Billy loses, and we get put under a new manager. I don't want to take a chance of someone changing my class. And we'll need the upgrades if we are fighting a guerilla war."Everyone nodded, brought up their screens, and hit the button that locked in their class choices and moved them to Level 6 and the second Tier. All of them saw a notification from the System, and then the world seemed to fade into a dream.[Congratulations on reaching Tier 2!-You have received a bonus to your stats based on which class you selected for Tier 2.-You will receive a special Milestone Ability if you have managed to raise more than one stat to 10 or higher.(This is calculated after increases for classes have been added.-Skills may advance to Rank 10. Current rank and experience total is kept and you will build upon that.-Characteristic skills are reset to 0. You may earn 5 ranks in each stat similar to Tier 1. The experience cost to gain those points is increased. The caps on your rank may be raised to 10 through the expenditure of Enhancement Points earned in Tier 2, similar to how you increase skill caps in Tier 1.-Points of INT, CHA, or WIS added in Tier 2 will add 30 mana.-Points of STR will add 30 stamina and 15 health.-Points of CON will add 30 health and 15 stamina.]===========

Ozzy always enjoyed his morning walk to his butcher shop. It was always nice to see the town waking up. Betty was out back cutting the heads off of chickens, which meant there would be chicken and dumplings for dinner, one of his favorites! Colored smoke was coming from the alchemist's chimney. Aleister would be brewing up potions that his daughter Zephyr would peddle at her little shop in the village market.

He stepped to the side as the courier rode by on his donkey. Ben was always in a hurry, but he paused to tip his hat and wish Ozzy a good morning. They'd share a flagon of beer at the tavern tonight when Ben had some time. Widow Jenny smiled at him as he went by. He paused to talk and she handed him some freshly baked cookies. Jenny made the best cookies in town! She gave him her shopping list. Pork chops and rabbit again? She must be having folks over for dinner. He'd get right to work chopping up some animals to fill her order first thing he got to his shop.Old Joe was already up. Joe had worked for Ozzy for years, helping him to cure the ham and bacon in the smokehouse. Ozzy was always happy to turn the latch and walk into the butcher shop. Ah, the smell of fresh meat, nothing like it. It was cold inside. His friend Delbert, the ice wizard, kept up the enchantment on the shop that kept the meat cold.

Oh no! Ozzy saw that he was out of pork chops and rabbit! He slapped his forehead, forgetting that he'd delivered all his meat last night to the Shepherd to feed his pets. He needed more rabbit and pork chops for the widow!Luckily there were always helpful adventurers around. He'd put some quests up again. He needed 10 rabbits and 10 pigs. That would do it. As soon as he was done offering the quests, someone was at the door. A customer? No, it was his friend Rolly, the shepherd.Rolly came rushing in. "Ozzy! You have to help! Squirmie fell in the well!"Again? You have to keep that pet on a leash Rolly, he's always falling in the well.""I promise I will Ozzy, but what will we do now? That's the secret well that leads to the dungeon! We can't go in there!"Don't worry Rolly, I know just what to do. I'll put up a quest and adventurers will go find Squirmie. They're always so helpful. Do you want to offer a reward?""Sure, Ozzy. Tell them I'll pay 10 shiny copper pennies, and help them start a quest to get their own pet! Thanks, Ozzy, you always know what to do when Squirmie falls in the well." Rolly ran out again, heading to the pasture and his cows."Boy, it's a busy day already. Guess I'll get to work, no telling what might happen on a busy day."

[Class Change: Contract Worker: Butcher evolves into Contract Worker: Pitmaster(Gain +2 CHA, and receive 3 points to add to other characteristics.)You have earned the following Milestone Abilities for raising STR, CON, CHA, and COR to 10.

Raising your STR and your CON to 10 grants you the Perk: ToughYou shrug off small blows like they were gnat stings. You gain: +10 universal mitigation to all physical damage and elemental damage.Raising your STR and your CHA to 10 grants you the Perk: KnightlyThe hallmark of a Paladin is a strong chin and bulging biceps. It's clear you come from good breeding and are part of the nobility, even if your branch of the family tree is a little odd. Increased chance of a good reaction from the upper parts of society and lots of invitations to parties. Promotion in any military order comes much quicker for you.

Raising your STR and your COR to 10 grants the Perk: MightAll of your physical attacks with weapons or natural weapons cause +10 damage. Increased chance weaker creatures will want to become your minions.


Raising your CON and your CHA to 10 grants the Perk: SculptedLean muscles and hardened abs show your strength and flexibility. You move confidently and with grace. You are much less likely to suffer sprains, pulled muscles, or other injuries from exerting yourself. Besides increasing your overall popularity, you may have sculptors wanting you to pose for them.Raising your CON and your COR to 10 grants the Perk: VigorYour body is strengthened by hard work and dark magic: +200 health

Raising your COR and your CHA to 10 grants the Perk: Dark GloryGood girls like bad guys. So do bad girls! Women (or men, your choice.) find something attractive about you. It's those white teeth and that naughty grin. You're also popular with kobolds, rat-kin, politicians, and ambulance chasers. There's something evil about you, but it's the good kind of evil.

Trifecta! Raising two stats to 10 is difficult, but raising three is simply amazing!Add +50 to Health, Mana, and Stamina.Quadratic! You just don't know when to quit climbing the mountain.For raising 4 stats to 10 or higher receive one of the following of your choice:- A simple aspect of magic- Minor resistance to any one element.- +150 to either Health, Mana, or StaminaMonstrous!!!! You have raised both STR and CON to 15 in Tier 1.You have stepped upon the path that leads to great things for you, and horrible things for your enemies.Tough is upgraded to VERY Tough. Your universal mitigation against physical and elemental attacks is increased by +30You may increase these abilities by hitting new Milestones at the beginning of Tier 3!]=======================================================

Suzette, the Lonely Barmaid, lives in the little town of Sedgewick. She was a foundling child, abandoned in the Holly Wood under an old sassafrass tree and given to a local tavern keeper to raise as his own. As she grew to maturity, so did her beauty increase year by year, and it became as obvious as her pointed ears that her origins were beyond the hedge.

It is said that in her youth she was taught the secrets of brewing beer by a one-legged dwarf from Bimbledown. The dwarf bragged that no one could beat him at darts. Suzette wagered seven years of labor against his knowledge of beer, and the dwarf taught her what he knew once she had beaten him in three rounds.She slings beer by day and at night practices her secret brewing. Many have sought her hand, but she refuses all. The man she loves fears he is not worthy of her, and the two dance around each other, never quite speaking their hearts, to the amusement of the old grannies who watch over the village.Some have whispered she has secrets: That an old door in her tavern leads to riches and death far below. But you won't be getting that tale from her for less than a coin of gold!

You have taken the class: Contract Worker - Charming Assassin Tavern Keeper (+2 DEX, +2 CHA, +2 AG)If you stumble upon this narrative on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen from Royal Road. Please report it.You have earned the following Milestone Abilities for raising DEX, AGI, INT, CHA, and RAD to 10. You may increase the power of these abilities at the beginning of Tier 3 if you can again hit the same milestones.


Raising your CHA and RAD stats to 10 grants you the Perk: Brightness+200 ManaRaising your CHA and INT stats to 10 grants you the Perk: CharmYou are skilled at manipulating your own emotions and the emotions of others.

Raising your CHA and DEX stats to 10 grants you the Perk: Sleight of HandWhich cup holds the ball? Who has your coin purse? Want to see a magic trick?

Raising your CHA and AGI stats to 10 grants you the Perk: Grace.You have perfect posture and you always know what to do with your hands or how to balance a tray of tea cups.If you have an evasive defense skill, you gain a 10% bonus for that skill.

Raising your RAD and INT stats to 10 gains you the Perk: SagacityYou see through the lies of others. Skills such as Fast Talk are nearly useless against you. The more someone talks, the more you can guess the truth behind the lies.

Raising your RAD and DEX stats to 10 grants you the Spell: Triage.When an ally within 50 feet of you, that you are aware of, is injured, you may immediately cast a spell to heal your ally for 50 points of health or stop any bleeding wounds. Mana Cost: 50

Raising your RAD and AGI stats to 10 grants you the Perk: LightfootYou can dance across the dew on the grass, and bend not a blade. Like the Fae of Aelfheim, your feet rarely touch the ground. Rough ground does not affect your movement nor will you slide down an icy slope or slick roof.

Raising your INT and DEX stats to 10 you gain the Perk: Fast CastingWhen you cast an attack spell at a single target, you may immediately repeat the spell for twice the mana.

Raising your INT and AGI stats to 10 grants you the Perk: AlertOthers might pause at the start of trouble, but not you. A spell or weapon is immediately at hand and you gain a bonus to acting ahead of your enemies

Raising your AGI and DEX stats to 10 gains you the Perk: AcrobatYou are skilled at tumbling, walking a tightrope, or swinging from a trapeze.If you have an evasive defense skill it gains a 10% bonus.

Trifecta! Raising two stats to 10 is difficult, but raising three is simply amazing!Add +50 to Health, Mana, and Stamina.Quadratic! You just don't know when to quit climbing the mountain.For raising 4 stats to 10 or higher receive one of the following of your choice:- A simple aspect of magic- Minor resistance to any one element- Gain +150 to either Health, Mana, or StaminaPentastic! (It's not a word, but it should be. How the hell did you get 5 stats so high?)-The 5th Hidden Lord has taken an interest in you. Should you study the magical arts at one of the better colleges, your tuition has been paid.-You receive a key to the lock you cannot open.-In the spring, a nest of robins will hatch. The birds will spring forth full-grown. They will fly to the homes of 5 creatures who rarely get mail at all. They will tell your story and then be eaten.-A creature has chosen you for an adversary and has vowed to hunt you down. Not everyone likes an over-achiever.-Somewhere in the realms, five children have been born. All will bear your name and accomplish something great in their lives. You will never meet them.===========================================================

The sun was just coming over the horizon but Benjamin was already on the move. The sleepy town of Sedgewick was just waking up. He saw his friend, Ozzy the Butcher on his way to his shop. He tipped his hat and got a wave in return. It was a busy day, with no time to stop and chat.

Soon, he and his trusty steed were galloping out of town. Secret magic that only Couriers knew helped shorten their journey and keep him safe. He picked up the mail at the keep, seeing a TOP SECRET letter for General Themis. Best get this to her first. She was fighting the invading orc horde down by Thunder Falls.

There was also a shipment of books for the library run by the local bandits, a case of Red Wizard whiskey for the King of Goblins, and a bag of Purina Butterfly Chow for the shepherd. A busy day, but nothing out of the ordinary for your Friendly Local Courier. Benjamin stored it all in his special ring and rode down to Thunder Falls for his first delivery of the day. As Ben rounded a corner he saw a group of rough-looking folk ahead. It was Brandon the Brigand and his motley crew!"Mufflepuddlghthavt" Brandon yelled. His mouth still didn't work so well after upsetting the Butcher. His one-armed henchman, Lefty, helped translate. "He said stop and give us that TOP SECRET letter or we fill you full of holes."Ben laughed. "No deal! Best get out the way or you'll be run over by an angry war-donkey. Beatrice and I are coming through!!"It was just another day for Ben and Beatrice.You have taken the class: Contract Worker - Imperial Courier (+2 CHA, +3 free stats.)

Raising your CHA and RAD stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: Spark of DivinityAdd 10xCHA to any healing spell that you cast.Raising your CHA and DEX stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: Sleight of Hand Which cup holds the ball? Who has your coin purse? Want to see a magic trick?

Raising your CHA and AGI stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: DashingTwinkling eyes, windblown hair, and a flashing smile proclaim you as a scion of House Franklin.As a member of a noble house, you have many doors open to you that might be closed otherwise.-You receive a bonus to reactions from the middle and higher strata of society.-If you have an evasive defense skill, you have a 10% bonus to that skill.

Raising your RAD and DEX stats to 10 has granted you the Spell: TriageWhen an ally within 50 feet of you that you are aware of is injured, you may immediately cast a spell to heal your ally for 50 points of health or stop any bleeding wounds. Mana Cost: 50

Raising your RAD and AGI stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: Heroic ChargeWhen an ally is threatened, you may expend 100 stamina to move up to 50' and save them from harm by blocking, parrying, or taking the blow yourself!

Raising your AGI and DEX stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: AcrobatYou are skilled at tumbling, walking a tightrope, or swinging from a trapeze.If you have an evasive defense skill it gains a 10% bonus.

Trifecta! Raising two stats to 10 is difficult, but raising three is simply amazing!Add +50 to Health, Mana, and Stamina.Quadratic! You just don't know when to quit climbing the mountain.For raising 4 stats to 10 or higher receive one of the following of your choice:- A simple aspect of magic.- Minor resistance to any one element- Gain 150 to either Health, Mana, or Stamina


The Simple Shepherd spent his days caring for his flocks. The beasts of the sedge, forest, and meadows trusted him and would come to him for aid and healing. In the wars of men, he was neutral, following the ways of the ancient druids and taking no side. Only if those under his care were threatened would he act, and then his anger was akin to a force of nature. Rolly slept little these days, taking his rest in small naps in the sun. While the animals slept at night, he moved among them in the fields and forests. He healed wounds, found lost calves, and settled disputes between the bulls. Today he was sitting on a tree stump, watching his butterfly play tag in the meadow with the newborn lambs. One lamb had gone missing last night, and Squirmie had volunteered to keep a watch on the rest of them. His old pal Falconer was coming by today. Falconer had helped defeat the Evil Invaders when they came to Sedgewick, and he and the shepherd had become inseparable. He saw some more people walking up the path from the village. Many people came to him for advice on how best to seek a pet. But all people and pets were different, so the advice was different and hard to understand. But to all, he would explain that only by caring for their pet more than they did for themselves could they truly bond. Sacrifices would have to be made, but so much more would be gained that it was worth the pain.

You have upgraded your class to Contract Worker - Bonded Shepherd: (+1 CON, +1 WIS, +3 free stats.)

Raising your WIS and CON stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: Fortitude.Pain is something you notice and shrug off. Wounds will never cause you to hesitate. Add +10 health for each point of WIS or CON.Raising your WIS and DEX stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: Persistent Casting.If you cast the same spell that you cast the previous round, the mana or stamina cost is halved.

Raising your WIS and AGI stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: Active Dodge.When you are aware of an opponent, and focusing on them attacking you, you receive +50% to any defensive evasion skill as long as you are not attacking or casting spells. If attacking normally, you may focus upon 1 enemy, and you receive a +10% bonuse to defensive evasion skills.

Raising your DEX and CON stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: Big Boned.Your bones and claws are becoming harder, like the beasts you care for. +5 to damage done with natural weapons. +5 mitigation to physical attacks.

Raising your AGI and CON stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: Tough Side of Town.You know how to dodge and know how to take a hit. +200 Health

Raising your AGI and DEX stats to 10 has granted you the Perk: BalanceYou are skilled at tumbling, walking a tightrope, riding a fast-flying dragon, or keeping your balance while rolling a log in the middle of a river. Falls have little effect on you. Ignore the first 50' that you fall, and you always land on your feet.

Trifecta! Raising two stats to 10 is difficult, but raising three is simply amazing!Add +50 to Health, Mana, and Stamina.Quadratic! You just don't know when to quit climbing the mountain.For raising 4 stats to 10 or higher receive one of the following of your choice:- A simple aspect of magic. {Aspect of Life chosen.}- Minor resistance to an element.- Gain 150 to either Health, Mana, or Stamina

