More decisions.

Suzette had wanted a nice easy dungeon run and a couple of hundred experience in Agility.

Now she needed to spend 1800 experience and another 15 enhancement points.

Not a bad thing any way you looked at it, but she felt rushed.

The morning was coming up fast.

Taking a deep breath, she quit thinking about hidden classes, going to a higher tier, or things she couldn't control.

There were a lot of things in her life that she couldn't control, she was used to it.


Ignore those things, simplify the problem, and enjoy life.

She whispered that mantra a few times and got to work.

She liked magic, so she'd concentrate on magicShe started by putting the 300 skill points into Light Affinity and bringing it up to rank four.

That was a priority.

Spells were costing more and more.

This would bring down her cost by another 5%, and a 20% discount.


Next up was 200 in AGI, which would put her at ten with the bonus from her class.

She crossed her fingers that would work out like they hoped.

But she was confident that she was interpreting the cryptic hint from Hermes correctly.

points was a huge reward! She toyed with taunting Timmy with their achievement of killing a Level 10 elite.

It would be so fun to see the look on his face! But it was more fun just to keep it a secret.

She contented herself with putting 1300 experience into CH to raise it another two levels.

Eat that Mr.

Shiny-paladin! After getting her class, she'd be at 14 CHA.

She wondered if she could smile and convince him to scrub the kitchen floor for her.

It wasn't that she disliked Timmy.

She just hated who he worked for.

He wasn't bad, except for his overblown arrogance.

Well, and his condescending manner.

And the way he treated his team.

Ok, so maybe he was something of a jerk.

She liked all the gold he was spending, but she reminded herself that he'd probably been spying for his family the whole time.

If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author.

Report it.She compared him in her mind to Ozzy and had to laugh.

There was no comparison.

He wasn't hers.

Just an old friend and sometimes more than a friend, but it had never lasted.

He was too polite; she was too afraid of committing.

She'd have to think more about that.

Having him nearby kept the fears lurking in the back of her head under control.

She pushed off thoughts of talking to Ozzy for later.

She needed to put these points somewhere.

The second and third tiers of extra mana were 5 and 10 points each.

That would give her another 350 mana.

She bought both levels.

She had two points she needed to spend.

Tired and wanting to be done, she tossed them to Hedge Wizard for two more random cantrips.

Checking through all her enhancements made her notice something.

She'd increased five different skills: AGI, DEX, INT, RAD, and CHA.

She wondered what sort of bonuses she might get.

No point in wondering, she'd find out soon enough.

Thinking about Ozzy again made her remember how beat up he was.

They'd talked about getting breakfast altogether, but he could barely walk.

She'd get a big breakfast for him, and since he couldn't move around much, maybe they'd sit and talk.

That would be nice.

Betty was up already and helped her get a platter together: 4 eggs how he liked them, toast, bacon, more bacon, and some hot tea.

She carried it outside to where he would be sitting by his flaming hellhole.
