"An empty tavern doesn't make money, but with how busy we've been lately, I'm glad for a night off. I just wonder what made everyone clear out so suddenly." Suzette was playing host in the room she shared with Ozzy and the guys had helped her clean up. They were all sitting on the floor in front of the small hearth, leaning back and taking things easy. Ozzy had brought a keg of Blud Dark with him, and Suzette had raided the kitchen for bread, cheese, and sausage.Ozzy said, "There might be some sort of event or raid going on. There were a ton of people up at the keep, over a hundred at the least."She nodded, that explanation made sense. She didn't see Timmy and his dungeon-hungry crew leaving town, otherwise. "So, having a little time to think, what do we want to accomplish in the near future?"Ben pondered Suzette's question as he poured the last of the dark beer from the earthenware pitcher into his mug, and passed it to Ozzy for a refill. "I think I want more beer. Your brewing is getting better.""I accept your compliment about my skills. But seriously, what are our goals? It's fun to talk about options and new classes, but these are big decisions. We've got the better part of five years left on the contract with ACME. I don't even know if we can earn enough to buy ourselves out of our contracts, or if we would want to. Are we going to just keep working here in Sedgewick and play it safe? Try to do more adventuring? Make money some other way without Billy taking the lion's share?"They were all silent, and then Rolly spoke, "Well, Squirmie and I want to go on some adventures together. But we can start with little ones like exploring dungeons. We have one, and a creepy city. I'm going to start looking around a lot while I round up sedgebeasts and do what exploring I have time for."Ozzy laughed. "I ran into enough adventure on my little trip. I've got a lot of work to do here with my pit, keeping up with the orders and helping Suzy in the bar, but I wouldn't mind doing some dungeon diving on days off, or even maybe late nights if things stay quiet and no one else is in the dungeon." Ozzy turned to Suzette, "Any rules preventing us from sneaking in?"Suzette pointed to the milk jug of 'spare change.' "Dungeons make money. I'm making a profit and can easily make my payments on the bar. But the groups going in are getting a lot more in both money and magic items. I think we should do what we can. I'll explain to Billy that we are doing a 'clean up' of trash mobs to keep the dungeon under control. We go in carefully, make a little cash, and get some practice in. As we've found out, we don't have the best set of skills for adventuring.""But we are getting much better," Ben brought up a screen in his notebook and began writing out some points. "Thanks to ACME's manipulation of classes, we each have a narrow set of things we can do, but we also have a much larger amount of health, stamina, and mana. Rolly and I have some limited healing, and Suzette can make us healing potions. Ozzy can take quite a bit of damage and doesn't need a weapon to kill things. Suzette has her cantrips and darts. Rolly adds a good chunk of DPS, and I suspect Squirmie will make a nice addition to the group.""Yeah, Squirmie will be great in dungeons, won't you Squirmie?" The butterfly was laying on his back, wings spread and legs in the air. He and Rolly had grabbed a 'snack' of sedgebeast before coming upstairs and the butterfly had eaten as much as he could of the mana-infused meat. Rolly patted his fat tummy.<...yes, we will conquer dungeons. All will fall before our might...>"Did your pet just talk, Rolly?" Ozzy had assumed that Rolly had simply tamed some large bug.<Did the large nestmate just talk, Rolly? You've trained him well. Usually, the large ones just grunt a lot.>Suzette rolled her eyes. "Yep, he talks. Getting him to stay quiet is the problem."<Shush, two-legs, I'm not so full that I can't eat your lungs.> The words were threatening, but there was none of the earlier aggression to the butterfly's words. Suzette got the feeling the former caterpillar was relaxed and enjoying itself. Ben began talking again, "OK, so we can add our winged scout to our group. Five is better than four. Moving right along then. It looks like we are all in favor of a little dungeon diving, saving up some money, and gaining some new skills. Which leads to some talk about tier two. I have some options for different classes, and so does Ozzy. Have you gotten a notification yet, Suzette?""Nope. I've been learning a lot, but I think I need some more adventuring to finish off tier 1. How about you, Rolly?"Rolly was scratching the butterfly under its chin. The bug was making a sound like a small chainsaw that might be purring. "Yeah, Squirmie and I got the notification, but he needs some time to get a bit bigger, so I'm holding off. We both want to get a lot more enhancement points. But I got some neat choices. Take a look."[Congratulations! You have accomplished enough feats and killed enough foes to reach tier 2! When you are ready, choose one of the classes below. You should also spend any remaining tier-one Enhancement points before doing so. You have the following options for class upgrades.

Contract Worker - Apprentice Shepherd:The flocks have increased under your guidance. This class is very similar to your starting class and allows you to continue with little to no change in your class. +1 Wis, +1 Con, +3 free stat increases.

Herald of Blight Contract Worker - Wandering Shepherd:Teach others to become shepherds and find pets. Spread your knowledge across the world. Spread the Blight! Travel, make friends! +5 CHA

Blightdrone Contract Worker - Pet Protector:Keep your pet safe and happy. Hurt things that want to hurt your pet. Make sure he gets enough to eat. Your pet will help you to know what to do! +4 STR, +4 DEX, +4 CON, -4 INT.

Bonded Blight Lord Contract Worker - Bonded Shepherd:Sometimes when two creatures become friends, it doesn't matter anymore who is the pet, and who is the master. Watch over the herds, spread your friendship, and adventure, and have fun!+1 CON, +1 WIS, +3 free stats.]"I was looking at Pet Protector, but Squirmie says it might get boring quick, and he'd have to do all the thinking. So, we are going with Bonded Shepherd."Ben looked at the options. "That does look like the best one for you. The stat bonus is awesome for its versatility. That's a nice bonus.""We thought so. But since we're waiting, I want to do as much research as we can. Squirmie says that working hard in Tier One pays off. And I had some time while we were taking a nap to log into the forums. I looked at the information about players leveling up. They aren't getting the same amount of the bonus stat points we are, but they also got points in their starting classes. So maybe it was all just delayed for us?"Ben wrote himself a reminder to do the same. The more he was in the game, the less he thought about the real world. But some research on game forums would pay off. "I wouldn't put it past ACME and the other corps to do that. I get the distinct feeling they don't want us adventuring."Nope, they want us working hard and not getting excited about running off to be heroes. That brings up the next thing I found out about, Milestone achievements. Players are getting bonuses if they get to Rank 10 in their stats. It's tough to do since you have to use a lot of enhancement points to uncap the ranks or buy the points, so not many examples yet, and the guilds like keeping secrets. But a bard bragged about getting his AGI and CHA to 10 each and being rewarded with a perk called 'Lucky'. He takes 20% less critical hits now. And a couple of fighter types got 'Tough' from having CON and STR at 10. It gave them some extra mitigation. Just something to think about if we take more time to level up some skills."Ben sighed and made more notes. "So, I need to find something out about Milestone abilities. Have any contract workers earned those?"

Ozzy shrugged. "I've seen nothing, but with how hard it is to level stats normally, I bet there's few of us that could get their stats that high, or be ready to move to the next Tier. We've had some crazy stuff happen and have the advantage of a dungeon to help us, and we're far from ready."Squirmie flew over to the loaves of bread, put a loaf and half a wheel of cheese on a wooden platter that they picked up with all six legs. Suzette noticed the bug's sharp claws cut into the wood. The thing was still very dangerous. Rolly happily accepted the offering of food, despite saying he was full only minutes before. "I couldn't find the Henchman forum you talked about, Ozzy, but Squirmie found it for me. Lots of good stuff in it. Most of the other contract workers are having a lot of trouble leveling up, similar to folks here, but some are doing well. One guy talked about blowing up the sewers six times to kill slimes by igniting sewer gas. Awesome! And there's a group of miners who found a dungeon in their mine. It's full of little elementals like those the guys in the quarry fought. They can hurt them with their picks. They said they were leveling up and hiding their treasure in the mine. Any time they wipe out they just claim it was an elemental or a cave-in. Pretty slick setup.""Some of it though, wasn't good. Someone said he was close to leveling to tier 2, but his boss found out about it and switched him from a lumberjack to a farmer. He kept his old skills, but can't advance until he earns the experience he needs farming beats. Something to think about. We may want to keep quiet about our levels and going to tier 2."Unauthorized usage: this tale is on Amazon without the author's consent. Report any sightings."Absolutely," Ben said, "I'd hate to give up Courier. I wonder what happens if we get to tier 2; can ACME still change our class?"Ozzy was drumming his fingers on the table and thinking. The others slowly got quiet and waited. "OK, here's what I think. ACME, and especially Billy, are all about the bottom line. They've always had a competitive atmosphere and it's a scramble for promotion. If we're making them money, and being good little workers, I think that they aren't going to look as hard at what else we do. Billy was upset that I missed two days of work, but after I explained the trade deal of meat for peppers, and what I might be able to make he just smiled and told me not to worry about things. He was sure I'd make up the work. He saw some profit in the deal. Meat is cheap and an endless supply. Magical Hot Peppers and Sausages he can sell to players are worth trading for. We have to make everything we do look like it benefits Billy and ACME."Suzette agreed. "We work hard and keep our heads down, hide our progression, and don't move to Tier 2 until we have to. Although, I'd love to see my options like you guys got. I'm curious. Let’s do the dungeon runs at night. That way if we die, we pop up at sunrise and don't lose any work time, just sleep. Jorges said the respawn point for us was getting moved to the courtyard in the new housing, so Billy might not even notice."She walked over to where Rolly and Squirmie were sitting and sat down so she was at eye level with the bug."Dungeoning together means we form a party and we have to trust each other. I watch your back, you watch mine, and we both protect Rolly and the guys. We all protect each other. Permanent truce. You understand?"<Squirmie understands and will treat you with the same respect that he holds for Rolly. Rolly is special and so are his nest-mates.>Rolly smiled, happy to have the tension between Suzeet and Squirmie settled. "See? Squirmie is a team player."<Yes, we are all on team Squirmie! Go Team! The dungeon shall fall before our might.>Suzette could live with that. It was an improvement over having to always wonder about the bug. "But one more thing. Rolly? Explain to Squirmie why it's bad if they talk around other people. ACME is greedy. I'm not sure what they might do if they found out you had a talking pet.”<Rolly doesn't have a talking pet! I have a talking pet!! Rolly, you will tell me about this ACME creature. We will conquer and consume it. Problem solved.>Suzette agreed with Squirmie. "I like that idea. Let's make enough money to take over ACME!"Ozzy took a sip of beer and changed the subject before they started planning their takeover. "Ben, you have tier 2 options? Show us if you don't mind."Ben brought up his possible classes.

[Contract Worker - Apprentice CourierThis class is very similar to your starting class and allows you to continue with little to no change in your class. Less danger, more time at home, and fewer arrows sticking out of you.+1 DEX, +1 CHA, +3 free stats.


Contract Worker - Imperial CourierYour actions and lineage have brought you increased responsibilities as well as a small bit of fame.In times of peace, you carry the mail. In times of war, you carry the Emperor's word. In times of trouble, you are the eyes and ears of the Emperor. Your skills include enhanced versions of the normal courier skills.+2 CHA, +3 free stats.

Contract Worker - Apprentice Leather WorkerTurns tanned leather into armor, harness, simple shoes, and other items.+1 Wis, +2 DEX, +1 STR

Contract Worker - PaladinYou smote evil and gained the favor of a Divine Being. You may join the ranks of the holy warriors who protect the weak and fight against the darkness in the world!+2 STR, +2 CON, +2 RAD

Contract Worker - InquisitorYou have been noticed by the Inquisition and judged useful. There is much work to do, and few capable hands to do it.Expect long hours of work, with little recognition. Your reward for a job well done is another job.+2 INT, +6 free stats.]

Suzette saluted Ben with mock seriousness. "The world needs you, Sir Benjamin. Paladin is the obvious choice. But you need to give up women and lose your sense of humor." Ben grimaced, thinking back on the 'junior brothers,' "Nope. I don't like polishing armor or kissing ass that much. Rather be a leather worker.""Solid choice when you think about it", said Ozzy. "No mobs will attack you."Suzette shook her head. "Wrong. While you were gone, a pile of leather trimmings and hides animated into a Leather Golem and people had to kill it by trimming it with shears. Took all afternoon. It kept healing by eating their boots."Ben wasn't sure if she was joking or not, "In another world, another game, I might go with Inquisitor, but I just can't see how that would work. And it's sort of the opposite of dashing. I like dashing.""That brings up an important question. Where is the dashing hat you made with the feather I gave you?""Ah, that hat. Sorry Ozzy, last I saw a demi-goddess was wearing it after the feather sort of exploded. I really liked that hat." Ben checked his Courier's ring for the thousandth time to see if his hat had returned. To his surprise, it fell into his hands, complete with the phoenix feather. "Damn. Well, that settles things. Imperial Courier, it is. The best-dressed class wins."Ozzy pointed out, "Also the class that has usable weapons, mobility, a storage item, and gear with a bit of armor. Combined with the light-based spells you picked up, I can't see Paladin or Inquisitor being better. And it keeps you doing what ACME wants you doing - an important choice."Suzette was staring at the hat. "It's packing a lot more magic than before, especially the feather. Rolly, be a dear and identify it for us, would you?"Rolly stared for a second. "Oh, nifty. You get to wear someone's hand-me-downs, or did she get yours? Either way, that is one spiffy hat."[God-Worn Courier’s Hat of the Lost PhoenixWhile the Maid of Orleans appreciated the loan, she returned your hat so you may ride in style. This hat retains its enchantments and even gained more after being worn by a Divine Being. Mitigation: 10 points.Fire Mitigation: 20 pointsDarkness Mitigation: 20 points+ 2 to CHA.May not be damaged or destroyed.Note: This item, when owned by a Courier, cannot be destroyed, lost or stolen. It will eventually turn up inside your Courier's ring.]

Ben looked over to Ozzy, "You're next big guy, show us what you have."Ozzy pulled up his classes for the others to see.[Contract Worker - SlaughtermasterYou have slain animals, humans, undead, and monsters with no hesitation. You are adept with both weapons and killing with your bare hands. Bathing in blood and bone puts a smile on your face. This class will give you extra combat options, increase your ability to do violence and take away any bits of guilt you have left about bathing the world in gore. +5 STR, -5 INT. Gain: Bloodfury, Cleaver, Meathook, and Feel No Pain as primary skills.


Contract Worker - PitbossYou have slain a large number of creatures, denied and frustrated the forces of the light, stolen the accomplishments of a demon, let corruption into your soul, and created your own charnel pit. The class of Contract Worker: Pit Boss is open to you. Dig your pit deeper to hold the souls you reap, or challenge another Butcher for its pit. You're the Boss!!+3 COR, lose all RAD, +2 STR, +2 CON, Gain: Infernal Contract

Contract Worker - Pitmaster (apprentice)You have slaughtered tasty critters and cooked them in your pit, created a smoke golem, and learned to resist the flames. The Pit Master class enhances your skills as a butcher, adding magical skills and recipes that will let you kill a horde of creatures and then cook them up to feed an army.+2 CHA, +3 free stat points.

Contract Worker - Butcher of HeavenYou have faced a Demon, earned the title of martyr, destroyed an undead necromancer in its lair, denied and frustrated the forces of darkness, and beautified your soul with radiance. When the forces of light go to war, sometimes it isn't pretty. And when it isn't pretty, a lot of the boys with wings and harps don't know what to do! That's where you come in. A Butcher of Heaven doesn't mind getting his hands dirty in the right cause. Whether it's killing a demon posing as a small child, or destroying a wicked city and sowing the land with salt, you can get the job done. And no one will judge you...much.+3 RAD, lose all COR, +2 STR, +2 CON Gain: Righteous Zealotry and Ends Justify the Means

Contract Worker - Butcher (Apprentice)Keeps the skills you have honed as a butcher and takes them into tier 2. Adds advanced meat cutting and shopkeeping.Gain: +2 STR, +3 free stats. Gain: Precision cut, and Rapid Chop]

Rolly was excited, "Oh, I see a theme in all of this. Ben, you go with Paladin. Ozzy takes Butcher of Heaven. Me and Squirmie are obviously good guys. Then all we need is for Suzette to quit poisoning people and take a good girl class. We can roam the land doing good deeds! Totally themed group. We'll get a Bard to follow us, play our theme song and lie about our exploits in taverns across the land.”Suzette glared at Rolly, "Are you saying I'm a bad girl?"<Two-legs who poison innocent caterpillars are indeed 'Bad Girls.' >"No one asked your opinion, bug."<No need. Squirmies will always share knowledge with unfortunate two-legs.>"That's a good point, Suzy. Squirmies are really smart.""I hope you know, Rolly, that taking the bugs' side against me means war."Ben and Ozzy headed for the door. "I should go tuck Beatrice in and get her an apple." "Yep, and I have to dig a root cellar in my pit."Rolly dodged the first pillow thrown at him but noticed Suzette was reaching for another. Squirmie found an out-of-the-way spot to watch the pillow fight. <Ah, the playful antics of nestmates. How I've missed this. >
