Suzette awoke, at first disoriented to wake up in a strange bed.

Seeing the bandages on her arms reminded her of the events earlier in the day.

She had a rat problem in the tavern's basement and needed to get moving and see what was going on.

She was only wearing bandages and a nightgown.

Her own clothes had been hauled off to the wash, but she spied a pile of clothes on a chair with her shoes nearby.

Thick cotton pants and a simple tunic were laid out.

She blessed Adrianna for leaving her clothes that were easy to put on.


As she was dressing, her hostess came in the door with a loaf of bread and some tea."I know you're in a hurry, but eat something and drink the tea.

It contains an herbal infusion that will help you heal faster and avoid scarring.

Then take this potion to finish the healing.

It won't work as well unless you get some food in you to help things along."Munching the thick slices of fresh bread, Suzette mumbled "Hasssomthinghappned?"Adrianna looked like a worried mother trying to project calm and utterly failing.

"Maybe, I'm not sure.

Ozzy and Aleister went over to the Tavern, but they haven't come back yet.


And it's a pretty good guess my daughter went with them.""Went with them to the basement?""No, into the dungeon that they discovered in the tavern’s sub-basement.

I went over while you slept.

There's a note there for you.Suzette downed the potion and grabbed another piece of bread.


I'm heading over.

Is Derek over there?" "Oh, he's over there all right.

When did he start drinking heavily before noon?"

Derek was sitting at a table.

There were three empty flagons and an open bottle of Hykernian brandy on the table.

He was making a stack of a half-dozen shot glasses and pouring brandy into a seventh.

Suzette started to say something but decided to leave him to his drinking.

It was something else to figure out, but not right now.

She ran down the stairs to the basement and then into the sub-basement.

Sure enough, there was a staircase leading down to what looked like your classic dungeon door.

A note was pinned to it."Aleister says the dungeon is about to burst from too much mana or mobs or something.

That's a bad thing.

The two of us are going in to kill a few rats.

Be back in a bit.

-Ozzy"No mention of Zephyr.

So, she wasn't with them when they went in.

Of course, she might have already gone in.

Would she? Of course, she would have.

Daddy was an adventurer once and she's Daddy's Girl.

Best to assume Zephyr went in and was with them.

Rushing in on her own wouldn't help, and if anything had been proven by her earlier fight, it was that she had trouble fighting on her own.

This all started when she had to fight one rat-kin, a dungeon of them was beyond her.

Meanwhile, it was time to figure out what was up with her boss trying to drain the tavern's stock of booze.

Derek was still there.

Another dirty shot glass had joined the pile, and he had just poured another.

Suzette picked up the shot glass of brandy, knocked it back down her throat, and took the bottle away from him.

"More of this won't fix the problem.

What's going on? "Derek looked at her.

He was seriously lacking in sleep and had a couple of days of growth of beard.

Come to think of it, he'd been a little rough around the edges yesterday when she came in for the night shift.


Stupid rats.

I hate rats.

And I hate Billy.

And contracts.

Give me back my bottle."Underneath the empty beer flagons lay a stained, two-page contract with the ACME logo on it.

She cleaned up the table.

Wiped beer off the contract, and took a look.

"This is the contract you signed when you sold Billy half the tavern?"Derek nodded.

"Never should have done it.

Worse off now than I was.""Why are you worse off than you were? What happened Derek?"Derek pounded his fist on the table for emphasis.

"Rats happened.

That damned quest every day told me I had rats in the tavern.

Evelyn won’t set foot in this place with rats in the basement.

And that was before the big ones showed up."Suzette sighed.

She put two shot glasses out.

She put a few drops in Derek's and refilled hers, then corked the bottle.

"Ok, why don't you start at the beginning and tell me the whole story."Encouraged by the token offering of brandy, along with strategic refills, she got the story out of Derek.

Evelyn was the daughter of a tavern keeper over in Dalesford, about 30 miles south of Sedgewick.

Derek had grown up there and wanted to court her, but her father refused until he showed he could run a tavern on his own.

Tavern keeping was hard work and he needed a son-in-law to take over the family business.

Derek had sold everything he owned, took out a loan, and bought a rundown tavern here in Sedgewick.

Most of the profits went to paying off the loan, but he would be free and clear after five years.

He asked again to marry her and hoped they could make a life here in Sedgewick.

But someone else was also after his sweet Evelyn as well as him, and she was torn between them.

Her daddy was more pragmatic.

Whoever came up with a dowry of 500 gold got Evelyn and was heir to the family tavern.

“And when Billy came round to see if you were interested in selling, you asked for 500 gold? " Suzette was scanning the contract looking for the trap she knew was in there.

"Yep, we dickered a bit.

Billy needed a tavern to feed his workers.

I needed gold.

I asked for 2000, he offered 500 for half.

We eventually settled on that and I rode down to Daylesford and paid her dowry.

The money went into the tavern there.

In a way, it will come back to me eventually.

Or it would have.”“I really should have read the contract more and thought about it, but I was in a hurry.

The contract had some other stipulations.

They all made sense when Billy explained things.

ACME wanted to make sure the tavern was a success, and we had to charge cash.

Billy didn't want to run a tavern, he just wanted to make sure he had control of one.

Part of the contract stipulates I’m responsible for keeping the tavern profitable and I have to run it.”"You didn't charge cash? I mean, I do when I tend the bar for you.

Except for the regulars that you let run a tab."Derek stared at his empty shot glass.

"Yep, and that's a problem.

See, in a small town, there isn't a lot of cash.

A farmer has a lot of taters and carrots, not copper pieces.

I need food for the tavern so the locals usually pay in food, hay, eggs, empty barrels, or anything else I can use.

I should have thought about that more.

We agreed to a 'Simple profit arrangement'.

ACME takes 20% and I keep the rest and pay the bills."Suzette found that clause 'ACME will be paid a share of profits each month equal to 20% of the value of all food and beverages dispensed by the tavern.

Payment to be in the coin of the realm, regardless of how food and beverages were paid for.’ Suzette was trying to think about the tavern's costs and coming to a bad conclusion based on how much non-cash business was done.

"I take it that leaves you a bit cash-poor?""Yep, and I could work that out, given time.

Just need to make sure I take in enough cash sales to cover ACME’s cut.

Running the tavern didn’t seem like a big deal.

Evelyn and I could work here for five years, train a manager, and then head back to Daylesford.

The contract says the tavern has to stay open, or I owe ACME the 500 gold back for breach of contract.

But now she won't come."Suzette was getting the picture.

"Because of the rats?"Derek let out a long sigh.

"Oh, yes.


She has a nasty fear of rats.

And worse, her daddy got word of stuff going on up here.

Daemons running around burning things, rats in the basement, adventurers coming in for quests.

He's not going to let her move up here and marry a tavern keeper in a cursed village.

Can't blame him, really.

I’m scared to death most days.

Don’t even want to go down into my own basement to brew beer.""Shit.

So, she's not coming.

You're stuck here, daddy has the 500 gold already.

He'll repay you...someday.

Meanwhile, the other guy also pays 500 and gets Evelyn.

You're stuck here, heartbroken, and I get an alcoholic for a boss.

Yep, this situation sucks.

I need to go talk to Billy.

"Billy was at the end of the road by the creepy rune-covered rocks.

Vern was arguing with him.

The new gal, Layla, was standing nearby looking bored.

Her crew of workers had come into Sedgewick yesterday.

They were milling around and didn't look happy.

At least there wasn’t dark mana leaking out of the ruins and down the road anymore.

She saw that all the excess wood had been neatly piled up in a long line in front of the road and out to the tree line on either side.

She could sense a large pool of dark mana behind it, held back like water in a damn.

A ramp led up and over the four-foot-high pile of timbers."It's not going to work Vern, we already tried it with 5." Billy was pacing back and forth occasionally trying to look at the runestones.Vern was adamant about his idea.

"Well, maybe 7 will work.

That's a magic number, I think.

Layla, motivate your people.

"Layla had a talk with her crew and picked out seven of her workers.

They lined up and, on her signal, ran up the ramp and sprinted for the city, trying to spread out.

One by one, the huge standing stones lit up, and lightning arced down from the sky to incinerate the sprinters.

Except for the last.

After six displays of thunder and lightning, one person was left running.

He went about forty yards.

Utterly surprised, he tossed his arms in the air shouting "I'm Alive! Yes!"The author's tale has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.BOOM! The seventh stroke of lightning arrived.

Suzette was staring at the big Rune Stones responsible for turning workers into small piles of ashes.

There was mana flowing into them from the right and the left, from smaller stones.

She remembered the scouts saying those stones ringed the city.

Within two seconds, the large stones regained their glow, ready for the next round.Vern yelled at Billy "See, making headway.

We just need more workers all at once." Suzette did not want in the middle of this.

She was not going to let anyone know about being able to see mana and her meager knowledge of runes.


Not her job.

Neither was getting hit by lightning.

Which reminded her of why she was here."Mr.

Billy, can I have a moment? I need to talk to you about this contract with Derek and a problem at the tavern."Billy looked at her, then put on a weak smile.

"Sorry, Suzette.

I'm busy with important stuff.

Layla, explain it to her." He turned away and began arguing with Vern again.Layla was having a bad day.

She'd been dragged here to some creepy village and forced to give up the quaint little hamlet where she'd planned to farm carrots and onions and build a vacation home next to the lake.

Her vegetable empire was being managed by some lower-tier ACME flunky and there was no way Billy was getting her a house.

She'd been chased by goblins, stabbed, insulted, and forced to sleep in a crappy little grass hut on a lumpy grass-stuffed mattress.

Now she was out here watching Vern and Billy argue about how to kill her workers the quickest.

She needed an outlet for her anger and Miss Pointy Ears had just volunteered.

"Did Derek send you up here? You have to quit letting men run your life honey.

He's just using you as cannon fodder.

He already came up here to talk once.

And just like last time, the answer is NO.

You do know how to tell a man, 'No', don't you? He signed a contract.

If he didn't like what it said, he should have gotten a better contract.

You work for ACME deary, and we take contracts seriously.

So just shut up and walk your little ass back down to the tavern.

Derek can either keep doing the job he's supposed to do or default and face the consequences.

Maybe he'll get lucky and get some sucker to buy him out and take over.

After all, that's what the guy who sold him the tavern did."Suzette tried to be calm.

"Look, I'm sure there must be something..."Layla smiled.

"STOP! Nothing you say matters.

Do you want to help him? Maybe you should work harder and hand over your tip money.

I've seen you hustle around that tavern smiling at everyone and raking in the coins."Calm left Suzette.

It ran and didn't look back.

Cold, calculating rage stepped into the empty space.

She sniffled, started to cry, and broke down on Layla's shoulder, then recoiled, shrieking.

"Oh, you have a spider on you! Tons of them! Get away from me.

You must have a nest of them in your clothes." She moved away from a twitching Layla who suddenly had all eyes on her.Bugs began pouring out of Layla's clothes, as she screamed and danced around, swatting at them.

Workers stepped back, covering their mouths in horror.

More and more insects poured out.

Layla began taking off her clothes, stripping down until she was nearly naked.

She was covered in insects and was slapping at her skin which was rapidly becoming covered in welts.

Everyone stared.

No one knew what to say.

Layla screamed in rage and started running back towards the village.

Billy walked over to Suzette, eyeing the clothes strewn around and covered with creepy crawlies.

"Nest of insects?"Suzette looked up with guileless eyes, "Must have been.

She should be more careful where she sleeps at night.

Did anyone tell her about shaking out your blankets and bedding before going to bed? That was frightening." Billy chose his next words carefully.

"Look, Suzette.

I appreciate you trying to help Derek.

I understand he's in some kind of bind.

But just let him work it out.

He'll figure out a way to make sure ACME gets its promised cut.

As long as that happens and the tavern feeds the workers, I'm happy.

That contract can't be changed at this point.

It's registered in the game, and at ACME HQ.

Nothing I, or Vern, can do about it.""You do a good job at the tavern.

You're practically running it now.

You have nothing to worry about, and your job is secure." He looked down the road at the still-twitching woman.

"Maybe avoid Layla though.

She tends to look for targets when she's in a bad mood.

" Suzette nodded.

Then she smiled, waved at what was left of the workers, and then at Vern.

"Ok, Billy.

Thanks for trying.

I'm going to go get lunch ready for everyone." As she walked back, she reread the contract.

Getting back to the tavern, she was happy to see Derek being forced to eat a sandwich by Granja.

"I have an idea, Derek.

Sell me the tavern."Derek took a second to think about that.

"Sell you the tavern? But you don't have any money.

I know none of you workers do."Suzette laid out her points.

"Doesn't matter.

You want to leave, but can't unless someone else takes over the tavern.

I can take it over.

You run off to Daylesford and get married.

If she prefers you to the other guy, your father-in-law will be happy to have you work that tavern until he retires.""And you take my tavern here for free?"Suzette shook her head.


I won't cheat you out of the money you put into it.

I'm here for 5 years already.

I'll run the tavern, and pay you 10 gold a month, starting today.

That's 600 gold over 5 years and will be enough to make the payments on your loan.

I think that's fair considering you sold half for 500 and now it has a rat problem."Granja walked back to the kitchen and came out with Betty while Derek considered.

She brought a blank page torn from the back of a cookbook and a quill and ink.

"She's offering you a good deal, Derek.

Go marry that little gal before she gets snatched up.

Otherwise, we'll all have to watch you drink yourself to death and deal with whoever ACME puts in charge of the tavern."Derek made his decision.

"You’re right.

If someone writes out the deed of sale, I’ll sign it.

My hands aren't too steady right now." Derek was on his way in the next hour.

Suzette sat down with Granja and Betty to talk about ways to run things better.

Granja had been living in Sedgewick all her life and was eager to take on more of a challenge.

Betty was happy to take over more of the cooking.

Suzette insisted on working out a way to share profits if things went well.

"I can't run this place without you Granja, and Betty deserves payment for working overtime, past what ACME is demanding of her." All three women talked things over and came to a mutual agreement.

They had just finished when the start of the evening crowd came in.

The first was Sir Timothy with a following of a dozen adventurers.

He saw Suzette and gave her a quick bow.

“We have returned, fair maiden.

Let’s start with a couple of rounds of Blud Dark.”Another person followed their group into the tavern but wasn't with Timothy.

He was an older man wearing a dapper-looking suit of grey cloth and a white shirt.

He took off his coat and derby hat and sat at the bar, looking at the kegs of ale.

Suzette got to him after serving Timothy and his entourage.

They emptied a full keg of Blud Dark fast.

She reminded herself to do more brewing as soon as she could and build up her stock of ale.

The gentleman asked for a small flagon of each of the brews Derek had traditionally made himself.

He made small comments, asked for the names of the ales or beers, and wrote in a small book.

Eventually, he asked for a small glass of Bludgeon Brew, and one of Blud Dark.

Then he asked for full tankards of four ales, along with a tankard of Bludeon Brew and Blud Dark.

He didn’t seem to be very drunk as he finished off the last of the beer.Suzette asked him “Figuring out what you like? Need anything else.”“It’s a hobby of mine, combined with my job.

This world is wonderful.

So many small taverns, each with its distinctive brews.

Quite enjoyable.”“Glad you enjoy it.

And the job?”“Oh, not so enjoyable.

I’m an inspector for Bludgeon Brew.

It has a ‘distinctive’ taste that the company wants replicated both here in Genesis as well as in the other world.

Unlike other corporations, we don't want to fight over land.

We paid the same fees and asked to be able to distribute a mixture of ingredients that simulate the taste of Bludgeon Brew.

The goal is to serve Blud in every tavern in the empire.

It helps that we give away the ingredients.

I’m happy to say your version is as bland and unappealing as it is supposed to be.”He pointed to the depleted keg of Blud Dark that Timothy's crew had just finished“However, we need to talk about this ‘Blud Dark’.

A nice flavor by the way.

Quite dark, with a good head.

It has some nice flavors in it that I’m not quite placing.

But I quite like it.

And it's based on our ingredients and name.

Personally, I'm happy you were able to brew something drinkable.

But officially, we have a problem as you are guilty of several types of copyright infringement and have voided the agreement we have with this tavern, and tangentially with the ACME corporation.

“Suzette got a sinking feeling in her stomach.

Things had gotten complicated, very fast.
