Approximately 2 or 3 days before things on Earth completely exploded and chaos arose, the rest of the universe was not silent either.

Prime World was a planet that was in its Sixth Stage of Evolution, one of the most evolved worlds in the universe.

The amount of resources that Prime World produced was immeasurable; from precious minerals and incredibly valuable metals to fruits and plants capable of improving the natural stats of whoever consumed them by a certain margin or even upgrading the level of a skill.

Those who ruled over this world that was not unlike a paradise were none other than dragons.

The faction of Higher Existences led by the Dragon Monarch. A faction that apart from the Phoenixes had the smallest number of members compared to the others but was still very respected since a single dragon could even face 3 or 4 Higher Existences from other factions!

On top of a beautiful mountain surrounded by all kinds of natural waterfalls and fruit gardens, a palatial castle stood proudly up to the sky. The highest part of the castle which was naturally the main tower reached up to touch the clouds; thousands and thousands of meters high.

On the highest tower, a man impressive in every respect was gazing with eyes lost in the distance as the clouds, slightly reddish from the coming sunset, moved gently a couple of meters below the platform on which he was standing.


This man was none other than Long Tian, Leader of the Dragon God Realm.

Long Tian was a mighty dragon god of the Eighth Order, his power was enough to shake the universe without a doubt, and as one of the eight most powerful soul evolvers in existence, there should be nothing he could not have.

Wealth? Long Tian was the absolute ruler of over 100 Higher Worlds.

Women? His harem had more than 3000 beauties of different races, all of them exquisite enough to make anyone drool and among which there was no lack of queens and princesses.

Honor? His status as a Dragon God could only be admired by all, Long Tian did not have to envy anyone's position.

However, dragons were greedy existences by nature.


There was one thing that Long Tian had been unable to have no matter how hard he tried.


A gentle gust of wind blew behind Long Tian causing the golden cloak connected to his shoulder pads to sway lightly at his back at the same time as a handsome and sturdy man slowly manifested.

This man was naturally a dragon, but not just any dragon but one of the Seventh Order; one of the most important pillars of the Dragon God Realm. Even so, the man did not say a word but simply stood with his head slightly down as if he was waiting for something.

Finally, after about 5 minutes of silence, Long Tian slowly opened his mouth and calmly said, "Sheiron, I assume you have something important to tell me."

Since what had happened outside the Constellation of the Heavenly Wolf Sirius, Long Tian had not only lost a lot of face in front of all the other factions but he had also lost his biggest lifeline and for the next several millennia he would have to be much more careful than before or he might really die.

This was particularly true considering that the vampire faction wanted nothing more than to dismember the dragon faction. The Leader of Immortal Bloodlust, Vampire King Nikolay wanted nothing more than to drink Long Tian's blood after learning that he was the one who killed his general to steal the Firmament Fragment of the Goddess of Rebirth.

Long Tian was arrogant but not arrogant enough to disdain to the point of ignoring another Leader's power. Besides, he wasn't in a good mood either so he had simply stayed at home without doing anything important during all this time; time that for an immortal being who had lived as long as he had was no more than a flash of time."Yes." Sheiron spoke in a hoarse voice like that of someone who hadn't uttered a word in a long, long time. "Your Majesty, the Phoenix Queen is on the move."

For the first time in hours, Long Tian moved.

Hearing the words 'Phoenix Queen' the Dragon Monarch's eyes flashed with desire and greed that probably not even 1% of the members of his faction had ever seen before.

Eternal Phoenix was a female that Long Tian always desired, even before he became who he was today and while he was still a Lower Existence.

Unfortunately, the other side didn't seem to be willing to dance with a dragon even though dragons and phoenixes should be a match made by the heavens; quite the opposite, due to the schemes Long Tian had played in the past, dragons and phoenixes were mortal enemies nowadays.


Although Sheiron only received a slight sound in return for his words, he knew it was his signal to continue speaking, and so he did.

"Eternal Phoenix is heading to the place that the other factions visited when... when the incident occurred outside the Constellation of the Heavenly Wolf." Sheiron was very careful with his words when he mentioned this matter.

Long Tian had no reaction to Sheiron's good fortune, and after a minute of silence nodded, "I got it."

Under the not-at-all-surprised eyes of the Seventh Order dragon, Long Tian turned and walked past him to head inside the tower.

"Sheiron, I'm going out for a short period of time."

"... Yes."

* * *

Kram World, central world of the Demonic Army.

In the meeting room of the castle where all the members of the faction congregated, Lucifer stared at Fire Sorrow for a long time.

She had already told him everything she had seen and heard leaving aside small things that had nothing to do with the main matter at hand. For example, something Fire Sorrow didn't mention to Lucier was the fact that Bai Zemin was in possession of a Demi-God grade treasure which gave its holder an entire world where the laws worked differently than the laws they were used to.

She only told Lucifer what needed to be said. Nothing more and nothing less.

"So..." Lucifer rested his back against the back of the chair and said blinking, "... That son of a bitch really reincarnated?"

"... I'm not too sure myself." Fire Sorrow sighed. Her eyes flashed with many complicated emotions as she pointed for the second time, "Lucifer, this child Bai Zemin can control the Anti-Magic Domain that the Barbarian King used in the past. Although Sirius certainly was powerful, even he didn't dare to play with the Barbarian King due to the power of his Domain and terrifying physical strength... If Sirius was reincarnated into Bai Zemin then how is it possible that he can use the Anti-Magic Domain?"

"Well, it doesn't even make sense that this brat Bai Zemin can use the Anti-Magic Domain to begin with." Lucier took out a small blue-colored fruit from his storage ring and casually tossed it into his mouth as he lazily said, "The Barbarian King managed to learn and manipulate the Anti-Magic Domain using Will instead of Mana. Barbarians can't use Mana after all. But according to you, this human child definitely uses Mana which doesn't make any sense since the Anti-Magic Domain and Mana are natural enemies."

Hearing Lucifer's words, Fire Sorrow suddenly frowned as she realized that in the midst of her out-of-control emotions she had overlooked something so important."Well, don't read too much into it." Lucifer waved a hand and said confidently, "We just have to go to Earth don't we? I also want to see if this guy is that reincarnated son of a bitch or not. I'll kick his ass on sight."

Fire Sorrow lowered her head so that her long purple hair covered her expression to keep the man in front of her from knowing what she was feeling or thinking. After about a minute she nodded and raised her head, but just as she was about to say something she stopped as she noticed Lucifer's face getting redder and redder.

"... Are you okay?" she asked with wide eyes.

With a face as red as an African ape's butt, Lucifer said in a hoarse voice, "Fire Sorrow... I think I got the wrong fruit and ate the ripe Hell's Blueberry I was planning to give Hellscar... Spicy, very spicy..."

Saying that, he opened his mouth and spit out the shell of the fruit that still lingered on his now dark blue tongue.

"..." Fire Sorrow looked at him speechless as the corner of her mouth twitched like crazy.

Approximately 30 minutes later, the two of them turned into bright flashes of light and without saying anything to anyone they departed directly towards the milky way.

With three of the eight major factions suddenly moving, especially their Leaders being the ones who were making a move in person, it was impossible for the other factions not to notice that there was something strange going on under a thin cloth that covered up the truth.

Soon, all factions except Devourers and Destroyers moved in the direction of the now not-so-small blue planet. However, at that moment no one but the two of the Demonic Army knew about Earth's existence or that a new world that should not be there had been revealed to all.

* * *

Back to the present, planet Earth.

As Bai Zemin stared with narrowed eyes at the nine giant mountains rising in the distance, a flash of golden light shot out from his chest, and under the shocked eyes of everyone present a person appeared next to him.

"Eleanora!" Robinson exclaimed with wide eyes.

That's right, this female was none other than Eleanora, the now 19-year-old curvaceous and attractive young woman who belonged to Angelo's faction and whose most peculiar skill was mind reading.

Since Eleanora already knew about the existence of the Collector's Pocket World thanks to her ability, Bai Zemin felt that there was no point in hiding it from her, so after some discussion, he decided to bring her with him to the United States.

As to why Bai Zemin made such an abrupt decision? There were several, but the most important of all was that he needed Eleanora.

She looked at her teammates whom she had not seen in several months and nodded before staring at Bai Zemin as if waiting for something.

After a moment, he slowly said, "You remember our agreement don't you?"

"I remember it perfectly." Eleanora snorted. Her beautiful blue eyes flashed with severity as she looked at the great mountains in the distance as she said in a serious voice, "I don't think you have to worry, to begin with... If we fail here we'll all die anyway."

"Good for you to know." Bai Zemin nodded. His eyes black as the night moved slightly upward, and there he saw that even riding on Little Snow's back was a person.

Feng Tian Wu was the only one who had not joined the dragon massacre. Her slightly red eyes watched the battlefield now almost completely empty of dragons with indifference; anyone who saw her at this moment would definitely think that she disdained to fight against beings weaker than her.

It was as if Feng Tian Wu did not have the slightest interest in hunting dragons even though she had never seen one in her life, but Bai Zemin knew that the real reason why she had not joined the hunt this time was different. After all, the records of several Third Order dragons would certainly strengthen Feng Tian Wu's physical body to a great extent; there was no way she didn't know this.

As if she felt his eyes on her, Feng Tian Wu slightly lowered her head and looked at Bai Zemin. She seemed to lose herself for a moment in that indifferent pair of black eyes, and for that brief moment, she felt that if they weren't so indifferent it wouldn't hurt to lose herself in them for a long time more.

She nodded toward him without a word, and as if she could read what was in his mind Feng Tian Wu extended her open palm toward the sky.


* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3
