When Bai Zemin left feeling extremely satisfied thanks to Lilith and at the same time extremely proud after defeating her in bed even though she was a succubus and he was a human with such a big difference in levels, the first thing he did was to head home since he would soon be leaving for the north of the continent to attack the Russians.

However, things did not always go as one had planned.

Bai Zemin had barely walked through the door of his family's home with his mother greeting him with a big smile on her now much more youthful face when someone he hadn't heard from in a while called him.

"Bai Zemin, I need your help!"

Ye Linger immediately shut her mouth when she heard the other party's natural English accent, and as the commander's ring runes glowed Meng Qi along with Bai Delan and Bai Shilin appeared in the room.

Bai Zemin frowned as for a moment he did not recognize the owner of the voice, however, something soon clicked in his memory that helped him reconnect the loose wires.

"Angelo?" he replied with some hesitation. "What's the problem?"


"The problem is that-"


Angelo was forced to shut up when the door to Bai Zemin's house opened with a bang, and when Bai Zemin turned in surprise he found Wu Yijun gasping for air.

After a few seconds of silence to catch her breath, Wu Yijun stared at Bai Zemin with trembling eyes as she said in an agitated voice, "Bai Zemin, you need to see this. Something reeeeeaally big is happening in America."

"..." Bai Zemin stared at Wu Yijun, and after more than 20 seconds of silence said in a deep voice, "Angelo, explain the situation of your country for me."



As Bai Zemin followed Wu Yijun to a subway room built not long ago at the Changping District base where they were currently located, Angelo explained everything that had happened over the past few months.

Amazingly, the United States army had become much more powerful and its bases much more orderly. All this happened because Angelo was an outstanding and very capable leader who, without prejudice towards China, applied everything he learned when he visited the Transcendent faction's base on the Asian continent.

The strength of the U.S. faction had grown so much that with Angelo at the head they had managed to recover more than 90% of the lost American soil in the first 5 months.

Although things had slowed down a lot later on, there were still no major problems. Until a week ago.

"Don't ask me where those damn creatures came from because I won't be able to answer. Not only did our satellites not catch anything but the supercomputer that practically has a godlike presence in the United States detected something particularly strange." Angelo sounded perplexed but also somewhat fearful when he spoke of 'those damn creatures'.

As Bai Zemin listened to Angelo, he and Wu Yijun finally arrived at the subway base which had been built as a sort of extension of the satellite base that was located further to the center of Beijing.

On the larger computer, a photograph of what appeared to be at least ten thousand colossal beasts flying over the shores of America was caught by the satellite.

"Dragons." Angelo blurted out in anger, surprise, andd fear at the same time, "Those damn creatures are real dragons like the ones in the books and tales of legends."

That's right, dragons.

Unlike the Purple Flame Wyvern, the mount of the Demon Lord in Eventide World, the beasts Bai Zemin was looking at appeared to be true dragons and not dragonkins or wyverns."Bai Zemin, those things are not only immune to the strongest missiles or cannons of our American army but the natural mana layer coating their bodies is at least 10 times more robust than that of any soul evolver of the same level." Angelo's voice was extremely serious as he said, "Normal bullets just bounce off, penetrating bullets don't even leave a mark on the scales of those things, cannons and missiles can only push them back unless we hit their wings... Even the magic skills of our mages are barely of any use and because those dragons can fly it's practically impossible for melee warriors to reach them in the sky."

"1 month ago I managed to become the King of America after unifying the United States. All thanks to you and the technology you shared with me. Besides, that Chen He guy is a great general, he single-handedly managed to take back more than 6 states even though at first no one liked him too much and didn't trust him." Angelo sighed. Soon, however, his voice became heavy, "But ever since those damn dragons that came out from heaven knows where things got complicated. At first, we thought we'd be okay even though they took down one of our bases, but we realized how big the problem was when even mobilizing our best soul evolvers with our best weapons we were pressed step by step back."

After a pause of about 5 seconds, Angelo said something that made Bai Zemin's blood run cold.

"Bai Zemin, I swear to god if the situation wasn't really bad I wouldn't ask for your help. Because it's more than clear to me that it will not be for free but given the circumstances, I really have no other choice."

"...So bad is it?" Bai Zemin frowned sharply.

Angelo was silent for a few seconds before finally saying slowly, "My faction had a total of 56 bases stationed at crucial points within the United States, but in just one week 12 of those bases that were knocked to the ground."

Bai Zemin's expression finally changed for the worse upon hearing this.

Twelve bases in just one week's time? Such a thing was insane and if it wasn't for Angelo himself saying it there was no way Bai Zemin would believe such stupidity.

He had seen with his own eyes some of the power of the American forces, and Bai Zemin had no problem admitting that they were indeed very powerful and capable.

However, such powerhouses lost practically 1/5th of their territory in just one week... even if Bai Zemin didn't want to he had an obligation to take this matter very seriously.

"Angelo, you participated in the battle against these dragons and yet you guys lose?"

Bai Zemin knew that Angelo was very powerful, so much so that if it wasn't for the fact that the beast he killed in America possessed a strange and absurd regenerative ability Angelo would have easily killed it in a few moves despite the huge difference in levels.

"At first it was fine, when I joined the dragons were rejected again and again. But, suddenly three extremely powerful and intelligent dragons appeared that even I can't underestimate... In fact, if it wasn't for Chen He saving my life once I'm afraid you and I wouldn't be talking right now."

Bai Zemin took a deep breath as a name popped into his head, "9-Headed Immortal Dragon."

"What's that?" Angelo asked.

"...It's nothing." Bai Zemin replied calmly.

Bai Zemin had already encountered a monster from ancient times and defeated it in combat; the giant Leviathan.

Thanks to the giant beast he came to know that there was at least 1 very powerful being with stupidly strong Fourth Order minions.

Now that the United States of America was being attacked by dragons, Bai Zemin could only think of the 9-Headed Immortal Dragon which he needed to kill to complete one of his evolution requirements if he wanted to break the Third Order and gain the unique class Blood Warlock.

However, even if it wasn't because Bai Zemin needed to kill the 9-Headed Immortal Dragon in a forced way, he would still help Angelo.

To begin with, Bai Zemin did not want a brave warrior of his race to die just like that. Even if Bai Zemin wanted to be the ruler of all humans on Earth he first needed humans to rule, otherwise he would be nothing but a ruler in name without any benefit worthy of all his efforts.

Therefore, he could not allow the American faction to fall just like that... At the end of the day, they would be part of his Transcendent faction's strength sooner or later.'Besides...' Bai Zemin narrowed his eyes as he thought in his heart: 'Who can guarantee me that those damn dragons will obediently stay in America and not come to burn down my house here in Asia.'

"Angelo, tell me something... where you are now?"


Plans were just that, plans. Many times life and its circumstances forced one to discard any plan and left him with no choice but to adapt or fall prey to failure.

Bai Zemin had already organized the group of people that he would take with him to America to support Angelo's faction to finish off the dragons.

Nangong Lingxin, Bai Shilin, Shangguan Bing Xue, and Kang Lan.

Nangong Lingxin with her ability to reflect and repel attacks could take care of defending whoever needed it most in times of need either from the fierce magical attacks of the dragons or from their terrifying physical body.

Bai Shilin not only had monstrous physical strength capable of crushing mountains with her small snow-white fists but also had great magical power circulating in her small body; enough magical power to create tens of thousands of ice swords and send entire armies to the afterlife.

Shangguan Bing Xue... She didn't need anyone to talk about her powers. Even if she was still stuck at level 100 and was nowhere near as powerful as Bai Zemin, her power was completely and utterly undeniable. A peak Third Order existence would have to kneel before her in a protracted battle.

As for Kang Lan, she was the third most talented existence for magic just behind Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue in the past. It was not until later with the appearance of Feng Tian Wu and the subsequent birth of Bai Shilin that she had to give up her seat. Besides, her healings would definitely be needed, even Bai Zemin would have to rely on her in case his conjecture was true and the 9-Headed Immortal Dragon appeared on the battlefield.

To the surprise of Bai Zemin and the others, however, a person was waiting for them at the top of the eastern wall of the base.

"Oh, I wonder what that girl will do now." Lilith let out an amused giggle as she watched Feng Tian Wu's slightly crimson hair dancing in the wind.

Bai Zemin along with the others looked down from Little Snow's back, and after his black eyes and her slightly reddish colored eyes met for a few seconds he decided to go down and take a look.

Little Snow landed on top of the wall, and under Feng Tian Wu's intense staring gaze, Bai Zemin dismounted while the others remained on the big white dog's back.

"Feng Tian Wu, I'm glad you woke up." He nodded with genuine relief on his face. However, his expression soon turned serious as he said in a deep voice, "I hope you won't use that skill ever again unless you really don't mind throwing your life away."

Feng Tian Wu stared straight into his eyes for a long time before calmly replying, "There are many things that were thrown away at times we thought they were of no importance."

Bai Zemin looked at her in confusion but did not think too much about her words.

As for the fact that the woman in front of him might be talking about what happened between them in the past... Bai Zemin never thought about it, not even for a brief moment. At the end of the day, in his eyes, there was no reason, way, or explanation for Feng Tian Wu to have any feelings for him.

Time together? In the past, they did spend a lot of time together, but that was a long time ago.

"Let Wu Yijun give you a task or you can head straight to Shanghai with your father if you wish, strong manpower is needed to finish the new base there." Bai Zemin waved his hand about to leave when he suddenly stopped short.

"Let me ride with you."

Bai Zemin looked at Feng Tian Wu and after a moment said in a serious voice, "No need. We can't take many of our powerhouses away from home to go help others."

However, the ever reational and indifferent Feng Tian Wu shook her head like a stubborn brat, "Let me ride with you."

He frowned and was about to say something when she beat him to it.

"For starters, you weren't counting on me to protect any of our bases right? Then I don't see anything wrong with you taking me."

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3
