"This is Sky Destroyer. Requesting permission to take off."

"This is Control. The entire area has been completely cleared. Sky Destroyer, you have the green light for takeoff."

"All green for takeoff. All functions check out."

"External teleport magic circles deactivated."

"Disengaging all support equipment."

"Cornerstone power commencing. Main engine on."

"All engines are on."


"Output gate open."

"External pressure level has increased."

"Turbines have been activated."

Lin Shaoyan, leader of the Sky Destroyer's control and maintenance team turned to face the throne-like seat in the center of the spacious room and said in a respectful voice, "Leader, we can take off at any moment."

Bai Zemin opened his eyes and said calmly, "Take off."

"Take off."


"Taking off!"

Everyone felt a slight tremor as the over eight turbines roared and the body of the huge warship that had been silent for months shook for several seconds while with the front end pointed towards the clouds.

There were a total of twelve seats on either side of the commander's throne, six on each side placed parallel to the throne. In them, twelve geniuses with classes focused on ship control, weapons, and technology that surpassed that of Earth by several years who had been studying the Sky Destroyer after being carefully selected by Bai Zemin made everything easier for him.

While it was true that Bai Zemin had the ability to control the entirety of the Sky Destroyer by himself, a warship was meant to be controlled in different sectors by different people to bring its potential to the maximum possible.It was much more efficient to have one operator in charge of a task and focusing 100% of their mind on that task than to have Bai Zemin alone having to split his head between dozens of cannons, maintain the engines, control the shell temperature, raise or lower the magic barriers depending on the moment, monitor the remaining energy, etc.

Standing on either side of Bai Zemin, Wen Yun and Wen Yan watched in amazement as the front wall suddenly seemed to transform into a huge screen displaying in clear detail everything happening in front and outside the ship.

Wen Yan watched everything with wide eyes, as for Wen Yun... She put one hand on her waist and the other on Bai Zemin's left shoulder as she noisily said, "Hah! Who knew we would visit outer space someday, right, Yan?"

The two twin sisters had also been trained to know the functioning of the Sky Destroyer, and thanks to their tutoring they were two great extensions to Lin Shaoyan's team except that they were not steady members.

Standing on top of the south wall of the base, Wu Keqian, Sun Ling, Evangeline, Wu Yijun, Shangguan Xinyue, and many other people of great power watched silently as the large warship broke beyond the clouds and became a small blue glowing spot.

Seconds later, the Sky Destroyer was no longer visible at all.

"...Flying into outer space, uh..." Sun Ling muttered with her eyes still fixed on the sky. "Many things I thought I would never have the chance to see or do now don't seem so impossible anymore."

"That's because Bai Zemin brought us this far." Wu Yijun responded to her mother's words. She used her big, bright black eyes to look toward the place where the Sky Destroyer had disappeared as she said softly, "It was him the one who changed the fate of many people."

Shangguan Xinyue chuckled, and as she looked up at the sky she said in a playful voice, "A college boy from an ordinary family like most people in the world who aspired to an ordinary job has taken over China in just over a year, and the previous president of China who had everything his whole life is now held prisoner in a dungeon more than 70 meters underground... Life really is very interesting."

Hearing Shangguan Xinyue's words everyone fell silent as if by prior agreement, and when they thought about their past lives some of them were surprised.

"... I thought I would always live under the shadow of Father and the Wu Family. But now I have not only surpassed my father's status but also led my family to survive in this new era." Wu Keqian smiled with complicated emotions as he recalled the past. "A simple decision can change so many things."

"... If at that time we had decided to stubbornly oppose and fought against that little boy." Sun Ling smiled bitterly and shook her head. "Really, a simple choice can lead us to hell or heaven depending on which door we choose to open."

"Oh, none of you nor the Wu Family would have fallen to such a precarious level." Shangguan Xinyue winked at Wu Yijun as she said with a suggestive smile, "You two gave birth to a beautiful, talented, and very intelligent daughter who either because of her crush or her ability to judge chose correctly where to stand at the right time."

Wu Yijun's uncle sighed and many complicated emotions shone in his eyes.

His son, Sun Jie had been Bai Zemin's best friend in the past. However, Sun Jie simply played with the trust Bai Zemin had in him, and he did it in the worst possible way.

Bai Zemin was nobody in the past, and Sun Jie had everything; they were both people from different worlds.

Now, Sun Jie was just a level 20 soul evolver without any real combat ability, and if it wasn't for the fact that medicine had advanced tremendously and magic now existed Sun Jie wouldn't even be on his feet after the blow Bai Zemin gave him that day a year ago.

Thinking of the endless opportunities and possibilities that simply disappeared because of a simple bad choice, Sun Jun couldn't help but stare at the reddish-haired man on the screen of the tablet he was holding.

"... Tian Wu, that girl... She'll probably have to live with regrets for the rest of her life. All because of a bad joke that wasn't funny at all." Feng Hong's somewhat muffled voice came from the tablet.

He was in Shanghai taking care of the base under construction around the seaside area, but when he heard that a big operation would be taking place to search for a natural treasure capable of solving his daughter's situation he naturally wanted to take part as far as he was allowed; even if it was just watching the ship take off.

"I just hope that she can continue her life, and maybe someday be really happy." Feng Hong sighed before cutting off the communication.

Despite having said those words, Feng Hong knew her daughter's personality very well.

Past Feng Tian Wu was arrogant in a disdainful way, and when she was in high school she looked at all people from normal families as inferior creatures who could only work for pittances of wages for the rest of their lives.

However, Feng Tian Wu matured a lot as time went by, and despite still being arrogant that disdain of hers towards people disappeared and turned into indifference towards everyone in general. She knew she was competent, and therefore lost interest in others.

The problem was that now a person who was MUCH more capable than her had appeared, a man; the same man she had laughed at years ago and had caused him considerable trauma.

Feng Hong was not an idiot, he was a grown man of age with a lot of life experience. He knew in his heart that even if his daughter did not feel love for Bai Zemin she was certainly interested, and for her sake, Feng Hong hoped that this interest of her would soon disappear and not escalate into something else.

Because although his interaction with Bai Zemin had not been particularly much, Feng Hong was clear about one thing.

Bai Zemin was the proudest and most arrogant man he had ever met in his entire life. Even if he hid it, the aura exuded from his bones made even people who were in high positions for a long time feel that they were inferior.

Such a person certainly knew how to keep grudges... even if he forgave.


"Full cover magic barrier... Turn off." Lin Shaoyan slowly stood up tremblingly as he looked up at the large screen to his right. The image of vast outer space was reflected in his watery eyes as he stammered, "We have successfully left Earth's atmosphere... All controls are working perfectly."

The 45-year-old man who had been rejected by the CNSA had finally fulfilled his dream of outer space travel.

He turned and looked at Bai Zemin with eyes overflowing in gratitude, "Leader, we are in outer space!"

,m Bai Zemin stood up abruptly, and with great excitement waved his right hand outward.

In response to his gesture, the back wall turned into a large screen just like the front one, except that instead of showing the vast outer space what it showed was the image of the beautiful and bright light blue planet.

At the same time, on the hottest star in the Solar System, a beautiful pair of fiery red eyes glowed for an instant before fading out again.action

As Bai Zemin watched the scene in front of him in a daze, what he did not know was that the guardian of his target for this great operation had already noticed him... and this in itself showed that the difference in strength was more than big; at the very least, it was big enough for the battle to be lost even before it began.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

We have been in the top 1 GT for 10 months in a row, and it means a lot to me to see that my effort pays off. Many thanks to you, who still donate your golden tickets and support Blood Warlock <3
