Bai Zemin naturally had no idea that he was being watched closely not only by Fire Sorrow who probably shared a strange relationship with him in case he really was the reincarnation of the Heavenly Wolf Sirius but even his beloved little succubus had returned after so many months.

Devastating the records of the giant Leviathan was extremely difficult not only because they were scattered throughout its colossal size but also because of the fact that the beast was a creature of ancient times that had existed for at least a few million years.

Besides, even if Bai Zemin could overwhelm his enemy in combat it didn't mean that he had the ability to devastate its soul and existence easily.

'Shit, being limited by my own Order of power really is a big pain in the ass' Bai Zemin sighed, paying no heed to the roars of pain the crazily writhing creature let out.

While it was true that choosing difficult paths would eventually lead to a longer travel and thus greater rewards in the process, breaking through the wall that led to that path was troublesome and time-consuming.

That was precisely why regardless of the extremely large number of geniuses that existed and still do, many were only shooting stars in the night sky, sparkling for a second before disappearing forever as they did not have a firm foundation and those already established did not give them time to grow.

Unlike when Bai Zemin used Record Devastation on Thao Zhi, this time it was not "so easy" in comparison.


At that time, Thao Zhi was on the verge of death and his overall strength was much lower than that of the Leviathan. On the other hand, the giant Leviathan was not only more powerful overall and its level much higher but it still had enough fuel to fight for hours if Bai Zemin were to release it.

Fortunately, as the saying went, even the hardest rock of all would eventually be cracked by small drops of water after a long time.

Ten minutes later, Bai Zemin used his wings to stay above sea level as he watched in amazement at the large lifeless creature slowly sinking into deep water.

The Leviathan had been stripped of its deepest records but it was still at least 500 meters long... A true monster without a doubt.

"I wonder if its meat will be at least a little helpful or not." Bai Zemin flew down and after stepping on the body of the sinking beast sent it straight to the Collector's Pocket World; it was too big for his storage ring.

Bai Zemin was also curious about the scales and spines, as well as the teeth of the Leviathan. Even if they were no longer as hard, tough, or sharp as they were before Bai Zemin devastated the creature's records its entire body was still a treasure capable of being turned into numerous weapons.


After a full minute of silence, listening to nothing but the buzzing of the waters and the winds blowing from everywhere, Bai Zemin turned around, "I should be getting back."

However, he had only flown 100 or 200 meters when his expression changed.


A breeze that was many times softer and more delicate than all the others caressed Bai Zemin's face with tenderness and affection like that of a lover caressing their sleeping partner. More importantly, that soft and gentle breeze had something that he could never forget or mistake even if he was turned to ashes and scattered to the wind.

Unfortunately, even after looking around for several seconds like a hopeless madman Bai Zemin still didn't see the one he was expecting to see.

A glint of disappointment shone in his black eyes, and as he slowly closed them he couldn't stop a bitter smile from appearing on his face, "Lilith... I wonder how she is now... Maybe I can ask Fire Sorrow about it if she comes back soon... She owes me an answer anyway."

Considering that he had been in the Collector's Pocket World for over two months, the amount of time he hadn't seen Lilith was far more than the amount of time she hadn't seen him... He was finally beginning to understand a little of what his little sister Meng Qi meant that game night when he showed her the power of the Collector's Pocket Watch....The power of the watch was indeed terrifying, but even its wearer could lose their head if he or she wasn't careful.

"Are you really willing to use such a valuable opportunity as the one I gave you to ask such a petty question just like that?"

A voice that contained surprise as well as some reluctance and a hint of regret brought Bai Zemin out of his thoughts.

He lifted his head and looked ahead, noticing for the first time that at some point someone he hadn't expected to see so soon was standing in the middle of nothing looking him in the eye with a complicated expression.

"Fire Sorrow? I thought it would take you at least a week or two to come back."

Fire Sorrow forced a smile and said softly, "...Let's just say I finished sooner."

Bai Zemin tilted his head in confusion, but before he could say anything else his body became stiff.

Two slender arms slipped slyly under his underarms, and soon he was enclosed in a soft but tight embrace at the same time as his bare back felt the caress of the female breasts he was so familiar with that even through the soft silk they were unmistakable.

"Little rascal, we have only parted twice but both times we have been reunited with water in the area."

Lilith's voice was no more than a whisper in his ears, and he easily noted the longing, the joy, the pride, and the guilt his lover felt so clearly that it seemed as if their spirits had merged perfectly leaving the other to feel and understand what the other was feeling.

Several seconds passed, and during that time the only sound that could be heard was the sound of the wind gusting and the sound of the waters swishing back and forth.

Fire Sorrow stared into Bai Zemin's eyes, and it wasn't hard for her to notice that although he was actually looking at her his heart and mind were completely focused on the woman who was hugging him from behind... No, he was still so shocked that he probably hadn't fallen into reality.

'I see...'

Fire Sorrow didn't need to cast any magic spells or activate any skills. She also didn't need any more time to find out if Lilith had used her natural Charm to affect the young man's mind and heart before her.

If the two thin lines of crystalline tears falling down his surprised face were not enough, then the fact that he was willing to miss such a great opportunity just to find out how Lilith was doing was more than enough answer for Fire Sorrow to understand that the love Bai Zemin felt for her was not only genuine but also sincere and free of impurities.

"What's wrong? You missed me so much that you can't help but cry?" Lilith teased.

Bai Zemin closed his eyes, and with great difficulty managed to say a few words, "... I don't want to hear that from you while your tears are running down my back."

"..." Lilith closed her eyes and said softly, "It's moisture from the ocean... I have nothing to do with it."

Watching the pair of two pausing just like that as if the world around them had suddenly ceased to exist or matter, Fire Sorrow felt for the first time in her life incredibly uncomfortable. It was a kind of discomfort that came deep from her chest, and for a moment she felt panicked as this was the first time this had ever happened to her... at least that she remembered, because memories of millions of years ago were sometimes too blurry.

A few minutes later, Lilith slowly disengaged from Bai Zemin and he quickly regained his bearings as he remembered that they were not alone at this moment, and that it would probably be better to celebrate and express happiness for the reunion later.

Bai Zemin turned and stared at the face of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life, but unlike 99.9% of men who were lost in her beauty he looked beyond.

"...You're wounded." He sighed and a complicated light shone in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

Lilith exchanged glances with Fire Sorrow before looking at Bai Zemin with hidden bitterness, "... You really can notice it. I suspected it after I found out that your race evolved but to think that it's really like that..."

The difference between Lilith and Bai Zemin was so, so immense that it would probably be easier to say that a white cloud and mud didn't have that much difference between them. Even yet, he was able to see through it easily despite the fact that Lilith had tried to hide it.

This also confused Lilith and Fire Sorrow, since even if Bai Zemin's original race had changed it should still be below both of them.

However, Lilith and Fire Sorrow were human long before they were demons, and even though their records had been modified the base was still the same. Therefore, Bai Zemin could sense that base thanks to his race being High Human.

"... I'm sorry." He didn't comment on how Lilith knew about it but apologized again, confusing Lilith greatly.

"Zemin, what are you apologizing for?"

However, he simply shook his head and said nothing.

Just at that moment, a gust of wind blew from the distance bringing with it a voice thick with disdain, "He's apologizing with you because he's blaming himself since he couldn't protect you."

Lilith raised her head slightly and her eyes sparkled strangely as she looked at Shangguan Bing Xue mounted on Little Snow: "... I see you are still stuck at the same level... Oh well, nothing to be surprised about."

"At least I have a better understanding of his thoughts and feelings. Better than you do, it seems." Shangguan Bing Xue smiled slightly.

"Heh." Lilith closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head.

Bai Zemin looked at Shangguan Bing Xue and then at Fire Sorrow, but soon realized that the former did not seem to be aware of the latter's existence.

'It seems that Fire Sorrow doesn't want Bing Xue to know about her.' He didn't give the matter much thought since it was none of his business anyway.

Shangguan Bing Xue shifted her focus back to Bai Zemin and said casually, "We managed to secure the aircraft carrier, and although there are 2 warships that were lost the rest are fine."

Bai Zemin nodded and asked in a serious voice, "What about the sea beasts and the girl from before?"

"The sea beasts stopped coming out of the ocean and retreated after we killed the three Third Order leaders. Feng Hong was poisoned by the blue-ringed octopus but it seems he somehow managed to get out of that predicament by burning the poison in his blood using his flames." Shangguan Bing Xue narrated calmly before frowning slightly, "As for the girl from before, she simply can't speak at all... I'm afraid she might have suffered too much trauma, and in the worst case scenario she might never speak again."

"... I see." Bai Zemin nodded with a frown before sighing, "For now we'd better get moving."

Soon, the group of five dashed towards the shore... except that neither Little Snow nor Shangguan Bing Xue knew that among them was an unknown Higher Existence.


Back on the grounds of where the prestigious Shanghai University once stood, Bai Zemin looked at the photos one of his men had handed him, and after looking at the last photo and moving on to the short video saved on the hard drive of one of the computers, he couldn't stop his fingers from clenching inward crumpling the documents a bit in the process.

"So cruel...!" he could barely speak through gritted teeth.action

The photos showed images of the lower floors of the naval base's central building, and there were also some papers detailing some information, including the identity of the girl with the ability to command the zombies.

Her name was Shen Jingjing, and this year she would turn 8 in October.
