While Bai Zemin took care of the commotion with complete ease from the sky thanks to now being able to much more easily sense the movements of any living thing, especially human, he used Blood Manipulation to not only attack the hundreds of thousands of mutant beasts on the ground but also used this skill as a tracker.

'No more mutant beasts are coming so this must be the entire army.' Bai Zemin easily noticed and with an indifferent expression on his face he analyzed, 'Since even in all this chaos the mutant beasts are not attacking each other, there must be a Leader somewhere.'

Second Order mutant beasts developed intelligence comparable to that of a 10-year-old kid despite not being able to speak. But upon reaching the Third Order they usually not only gained the ability to speak and get human form but could also command other mutant beasts of lower level.

Since in every world evolution the excess of mana drove the mutant beasts crazy with fear causing them to run rampant and attack the first thing that crossed their path, this situation of coordination and cooperation was too irregular.

About forty seconds later, Bai Zemin noticed a strange movement in the central part of the army of mutant beasts near the north entrance and his expression immediately turned cold as he patted Little Snow's neck.


She didn't need words as her master's murderous intent was too obvious.



The air under Little Snow's feet blasted as she turned into a gust of wind, and in less than 10 seconds she carried Bai Zemin to the north gate of the base.

Bai Zemin narrowed his eyes as he saw a centaur-like creature standing next to a dozen giant mutant beasts.

Except for the centaur, the 12 giant mutant beasts were all Second Order.

Bai Zemin patted her neck again and Little Snow responded in the same manner as before.

The centaur was the Leader of at least 80% of Inner Mongolia's mutant beasts and was previously in alliance with the Third Prince Xian Kun before the latter was kicked out and subsequently killed by Bai Zemin.


Seeing the human charging towards him, the centaur snorted and raised his right hand. A deep green bow formed in his palm and at the same time as he tightened his grip on the energy weapon a golden-colored arrow formed in his left hand.

Bai Zemin had a cold chuckle and in an instant Annihilation of the Falling Sky turned into an elegant-looking golden bow. He put a fire arrow using the power of the Endless Blue Lotus Flame into the golden bow's energy string and at the same time as the Third Order centaur released his attack he did the same.

The two arrows reached each other in a flash, but something the Beast Leader did not expect happened.


His Solar Energy Arrow simply exploded when the deep blue arrow hit it, and without losing speed or power, the enemy's arrow turned into a flash and in an instant came before his needle-sized pupils.


[You have received the Soul Power of Second Order Sinister Wind Wolf level 82....]

[You have received the Soul Power of Second Order Colossal Mammoth in Shining Armor level 86....]

[You have received the Soul Power of Third Order Yun Tian level 132....]


As Little Snow soared back towards the sky, Bai Zemin looked coldly over his left shoulder.

On the ground, a sea of blue flames had spread and continued to spread across the battlefield. In the center of the previous explosion, a crater 900 meters in diameter and at least 200 meters deep had become a hell of blue flames; there was not even a trace of the 12 generals or their Leader.

The death of the Beast Leader meant two things.

First, the mutant beasts that were obediently behaving and attacking the human base immediately went berserk and the wild nature coursing through their veins took control over their senses. Instead of just attacking the human base, the creatures now began to kill each other to become stronger and suppress the sense of danger that overwhelmed them so much.

Second, the battle was close to culmination.

In reality, with the Beast Leader alive or dead, the outcome was still the same. The battle was destined to end soon as a level 132 soul evolver had no way of representing any danger to the current Bai Zemin.

Thirty minutes later, all the mutant beasts had been killed. Some Second Order escaped in the midst of the confusion as they realized that their lives were in danger if they stayed any longer while the Unclassified and First Order mutant beasts could only fight to the death as their instinct screamed in their hearts."Leader!"

Kang Lan quickly approached Bai Zemin with the intention of reporting that the situation was under control. However, her steps soon stopped and her expression changed.

Under Bai Zemin's confused eyes, Kang Lan looked away and said in a somewhat trembling voice, "Leader, I- No... The base. The zombies, we captured almost all of them dead- I mean, alive..."

"...Kang Lan, what's wrong?" he asked with a frown.

"Hah! I knew there was something strange and that's why I didn't approach. Looks like I did the right thing!"

Bai Zemin raised his head and saw Cai Jingyi giving him waves with her little hand in greeting.

Kang Lan took a deep breath and said in a serious voice, "Leader... You, you evolved didn't you? And it surely wasn't a simple Order evolution."

"...Let's say you're right." Bai Zemin nodded.

"Of course." Kang Lan took another deep breath before exhaling as she nodded, "Somehow I feel like I want to pounce on you right now. So I better not get too close until I get used to this excessive charm surrounding you."

"This..." Bai Zemin was at a loss for words.

"Hahaha, it seems that even our Kang Lan is not immune to our King's male charms!" Cai Jingyi laughed high up on the walls as if she found this all very amusing.

She was definitely a little crazy, or maybe she just didn't care about many things after not being able to find her family and experiencing so many things in such a short time. Her personality had changed from fearful and cautious to bold, playful, and indifferent to the life or death of others.

In fact, she was laughing and joking nonchalantly even though more than 60,000 survivors had been crushed to death by the increased gravitational pressure.

Bai Zemin shook his head and ignored Cai Jingyi's jokes. Instead, he asked worriedly, "Kang Lan, where is Kali?"

"... Kali is being protected by Nangong Lingxin in the main villa." Kang Lan still did not seem willing or able to look him in the eye.

"What about Xia Ya?" he asked quickly.

"Xia Ya is with Nangong Yi. It was thanks to her that we managed to capture over 3426 soul evolvers loyal to our faction who turned into zombies." Kang Lan sighed.

"That's good." Bai Zemin nodded in relief.

Although Xia Ya was his Loyal Follower and he knew that she was alive, her importance to Bai Zemin was simply too big and he couldn't let something bad happen to her or Kali.

Bai Zemin looked towards the wall and seeing the petite but charming assassin laughing good-naturedly he suddenly got an idea.

"Cai Jingyi, make a report of the losses and submit it to me tomorrow afternoon at the latest!"

"Ugh." Cai Jingyi immediately stopped laughing and her face rotted. She really hated paperwork even though she was extremely intelligent and capable.

Bai Zemi snorted in response and then looked at the woman in front of him with an apologetic look, "Kang Lan, I'm sorry to have to bother you but have a team take care of all this meat. With half of the resources destined for North China lost tonight we are bound to be more careful."

Kang Lan took a deep breath for the third time in less than two minutes and nodded without saying anything.

Seeing this, Bai Zemin simply shook his head and before leaving told her that if she needed anything she should not hesitate to let him know.


Nangong Lingxin's reaction was even more exaggerated than Kang Lan's.

When Bai Zemin walked through the door and into the living room, she directly stood up and after staring at him for five seconds said in a firm voice, "Let's do it."

"... I think I know what you mean, but just in case let me ask you... What are you talking about?" Bai Zemin looked at her with a dead expression on his face."To bond physically. To mate. Blend us. Make a new life. Use our genes to give birth to one that shares our characteristics." Nangong Lingxin said with burning eyes.

Bai Zemin sighed exaggeratedly and waved his hand, "Nangong Lingxin, go home and rest or help the others. There's a lot of work to do."

"I mean it." She continued, "I don't know what's going on but my feminine instinct is telling me to have a breeding with you."

"Are we wild beasts now?" Bai Zemin shook his head and dismissed her.

Before leaving, Nangong Lingxin looked at him with the eyes of a lioness looking at the male most fit to join and give birth, making Bai Zemin feel quite uncomfortable.

This was the first time she had behaved like this, but considering Kang Lan's response when she saw him it wasn't strange at all.

In fact, Bai Zemin had no idea how fatal his Charm was to women nowadays; particularly to females of his race. His natural Charm was high in and of itself, but with his race evolving into High Human the reproductive instincts in every female to get the best genes would certainly be triggered more easily around him.

At the end of the day, humans were just another animal species.

Shangguan Bing Xue, Shangguan Xinyue, Wu Yijun, and Evangeline were different as the four women had been together with Bai Zemin in the Collector's Pocket World for 2 months and had seen him slowly recover from his extremely pitiful physical condition after fighting Thao Zhi and almost dying.

Bai Zemin looked at Kali who was sitting comfortably in her wheelchair wearing a beautiful black one-piece dress and after a moment asked with a smile: "Powder, how have you been? It's been half a month. Hehe, you thought I was killed?"

Kali put down the cup of tea she had been drinking and set the cup down on the small plate she was holding in her other hand. Under Bai Zemin's confused eyes, she looked toward a particular spot in the room before looking all around before focusing her face on him.

"Bullet, you seem to be quite popular."

'Mm?' Bai Zemin felt confused in his heart.

Although Kali was rather cold and indifferent, it was clear that she relied on him and saw him as someone important to her. After half a month of not seeing each other, it would be normal for her to show a little more interest.

But far from showing interest, her words were extremely strange.

Suddenly, however, Bai Zemin remembered how Kali turned her face around the room in a seemingly casual manner and his heart sank for a moment as he realized what she wanted to say to him.

"Can you take me to my room?" Kali asked calmly. "I'm feeling a little tired."

Bai Zemin's expression did not change and his heart remained calm as he nodded, "Let me help you with that."

He took the plate and the almost completely finished cup of tea from her delicate little hands and put it down on the table.

After taking it easily into his arms like a princess, Kali cooperated and stayed quiet to make his task easier.

Bai Zemin took her to her room upstairs and after laying her on the bed helped her to put on more comfortable clothes to sleep.

Kali did not blush and Bai Zemin did not have any weird thoughts. This was not the first time and certainly would not be the last time he had helped her, and although Kali occasionally teased him by calling him a lolicon she knew in her heart that if there was anyone she could trust in every way it was the man in front of her.

After covering her with two blankets, he gently stroked her hair and walked toward the door.

Before he left, Kali's voice sounded from behind.

"Good job getting back safely."

Bai Zemin smiled and said softly, "Say that at first, you impertinent little brat."

Before closing the door completely, he added, "Goodnight, Kali."

Bai Zemin walked down the long corridor to the end and without making a sound entered his designated room. Without saying a word, he sat on the edge of the bed and stayed silent for a minute or two before apparently speaking to the air, "How about you stop playing hide-and-seek and come out? You've been following me around for a while haven't you?"

Someone capable of hiding from him? Even Evangeline wasn't able to completely hide from Bai Zemin after his Order and Race evolution.

Bai Zemin simply didn't believe that there was anyone better than her when it came to hiding. Therefore, there was only one possibility.

After getting no response for a whole minute, Bai Zemin snorted, "You Higher Existences really have a lot of free time don't you? If it's nothing then go back where you came from, there's nothing for you here."

Two or three seconds later, Bai Zemin finally felt a disturbance in space, and looking to his right he finally saw her.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Many thanks to all the readers who continue to support and donate their Golden Tickets to Blood Warlock to this day, +1000 chapters since its launch.
