Chapter 981 Peculiarity of the Abyssal Rift (Part2)  

After about 12 hours of silence, Lilith couldn't help but mutter to herself, "Bored."

"Eh?" Fire Sorrow had been immersed in reading a rather thick book, but upon hearing Lilith's voice she raised her head and looked at her in surprise, "Did you say something?"

Although she hadn't meant to be heard and had simply said it subconsciously after a long wait with no results of anything, Lilith responded honestly.

"I said I'm bored." She shrugged.

Without waiting for a response from Fire Sorrow, Lilith rested her back on the back of the chair and leaned her head back before muttering, "I'm sorry but I'll go sleep in the meantime. There's no point in waiting just because."

If Lilith had known that this would happen she certainly wouldn't have rushed over but would have spent another day or two together with Bai Zemin on Earth.


Unfortunately it was already too late to want to carry out her thoughts so she could only do what Bai Zemin had reminded her worked perfectly to let time pass without her noticing; sleep.

"Sleep?" Fire Sorrow's eyes widened slightly and a flash of surprise shone in their deep violet pupils. She looked at Lilith, who now had her eyes closed with obvious intentions of going to sleep, and said in amazement, "Lilith, if I remember correctly you said in the past that sleeping is a big waste of time isn't it? How did you..."

The vast majority of Higher Existences, probably more than 95% of them, stayed awake since they didn't really need to sleep and as long as they were out of combat and didn't do too strenuous activities they would always be full Stamina. They preferred to spend their time searching for treasures, resources, training, or even fighting against other factions to become stronger. As for sleeping... They saw the action of sleeping as a great waste of time and a waste of opportunities.

Lilith gently opened her beautiful ruby colored eyes, and as she looked up at the distant stone ceiling above her head, she replied in a low, somewhat sleepy voice, "Mhm... I guess... I'm learning to enjoy the little things in life."

Her eyes closed automatically, softly, and soon her breathing became smooth.

Despite having fallen asleep, however, Lilith's body was considerably tense as evidence that she didn't feel safe where she was and that she was alert enough of the outside world to react to any sign of danger.


Fire Sorrow stared at Lilith with a slightly amazed expression on her beautiful face, and after a few minutes muttered to herself, "Enjoying the little things in life... Those words sure bring back some memories."

When Fire Sorrow looked back down at her book, and even though it was one of her favorites, she no longer felt like reading any further.

She looked at Lilith again and her lips curved slightly as she said softly, "You have changed, Bloody Succubus Lilith."

Fire Sorrow could clearly remember the day Lilith joined the Demonic Army about a decade ago.

Back then, regardless of her beauty and abominably high talent, Lilith was even worse than most Higher Existences; she was not much different from a machine devoid of all emotion that moved with a clear goal in mind, unwilling to forge the slightest of relationships, unwilling to speak more than just and necessary, and unwilling to compromise even with her own life.

It was hard for her to associate the woman in front of her with that cold and even cruel female demon, and Fire Sorrow could say that Lilith's changes had started not long ago since before the previous meeting she was the Bloody Succubus they all knew.

But, whatever it was that had or was making Lilith change, Fire Sorrow was happy for her as this Lilith was not only nicer but the change was certainly for the better.

To her surprise, Fire Sorrow found herself yawning and as she looked at the book on the table she could feel her eyelids closing to the point where she soon began to nod as a wave of exhaustion hit her without warning.

How long had it been since she had slept? Fire Sorrow didn't know... but probably a few thousand years.


Approximately 4 hours later.

A portal as black as the wings of a raven opened in a corner of the meeting room, and a Lucifer dressed in black pajamas made of silk cloth walked out from inside.The wolf-headed slippers on the front made no sound at all every time he took a step forward, but when Lucifer paid better attention to the situation his movements froze and he subconsciously stopped breathing.

... What's going on here?

Seeing Lilith sleeping comfortably in her chair with her head resting on the backrest, and even more shocking, seeing Fire Sorrow leaning gently on the table and resting the right side of her face on the open book, Lucifer was stupefied.

Could it be... Could it be that someone cast some kind of sleeping skill or something?

Lucifer sniffed the air several times in an attempt to discover some kind of particular scent capable of inducing people into deep sleep but found nothing strange at all after several tries.

Actually, he knew that nothing supernatural was going on. It was just that Lucifer found it hard to believe exactly because nothing supernatural was happening.

He walked to the main seat and sat down without making a sound as he looked at the two sleeping women. His eyes stopped mainly on Fire Sorrow, and after he turned his gaze to Lilith a glint of gratitude shone in his light green pupils.

Whatever was going on, Lucifer could tell it had to do with Lilith.

Soon, he found himself yawning and before he knew it he joined the two women, sleeping comfortably with his forehead resting on the table and his arms casually outstretched. Surprisingly and although his posture was not elegant at all, somehow he didn't look much worse than the two beautiful women sleeping a short distance from him.

The first to wake up was Lilith, whose eyes slowly and gently opened two hours after the arrival of the Leader and founder of the Demonic Army.

Her expression was truly a wonder to appreciate as her gaze fell upon the beautiful violet-haired lady and the golden-haired gentleman whose hair was as long as a woman's sleeping nonchalantly.

Not long after, perhaps an hour later, Fire Sorrow opened her eyes and stared dazedly at the wall with her face still resting on the open book. Somehow she felt as a newborn would probably feel when opening their eyes for the first time to life.

"I... I fell asleep?" Fire Sorrow mumbled to herself as she slowly straightened her body using her hands on the stone table as support.

When Fire Sorrow realized where she was and what had happened, she immediately looked in Lilith's direction and her violet eyes met two bright ruby colored eyes looking calmly at her.

Lilith simply nodded silently, and Fire Sorrow smiled slightly as she nodded back at her but for a completely different reason than the -I hope you slept well- nod from Lilith. Fire Sorrow's nod was one that showed her gratitude, but Lilith probably hadn't understood the message. After all, she hadn't done anything great in her eyes.

"Looks like a pajama party formed without us even realizing it." Fire Sorrow whispered under her breath as she looked at Lucifer snoring softly with his head resting on the table.

Pajama party? Lilith was slightly dazed as she remembered how much fun that night at Bai Zemin's house had been.

Approximately 40 minutes later, the giant stone door opened from the outside and a person wearing night-black plate armor of imposing appearance and holding a spear of the same color in her right hand walked into the room with firm and confident steps.

This female with snow-white hair and eyes of the same color looked silently at the two women who turned to look in the direction of the entrance and nodded back at them before calmly sitting down in front of Fire Sorrow and on the opposite side of Lucifer.

After a brief silence, Fire Sorrow looked at the tip of the spear where there were stains of dried golden blood and asked with a faint smile, "Did you hunt something good, Luciah?"

"I had the intention, but the prey had allies so he got away... but I managed to tear off several scales." Luciah replied indifferently.

"...So, what dragon are we talking about?" Fire Sorrow asked slowly.

"It's Bringer of The End." Luciah looked at her and said calmly, "For the record, they started it."

The corner of Fire Sorrow's mouth twitched a couple of times but she said nothing.

Bringer of The End, a giant Seventh Order dragon only slightly weaker than Doom Roar. Such a beast had actually taken a beating from Luciah without even inflicting her injuries, at least not visible ones.Lilith was astonished, but Fire Sorrow was not.

This was because in the entire faction, Luciah was second only to Lucifer.

Even Fire Sorrow admitted to not being able to beat her in a normal one-on-one battle.

Not many minutes later, Valiant wearing thick plate armor with two oversized swords on either side of her waist stepped into the hall with heavy dinosaur-like steps.

"Looks like there are still a few missing." She commented as she took a seat and gave a nod with a stoic expression on her face.

Her voice had barely fallen when several Sixth Order stocks entered the room and after respectfully greeting those already present stood on either side of the table keeping order.

As Crow arrived in the meeting room with a slight smile on his handsome face, he nodded to all the ladies present before focusing on Lilith. His eyes couldn't help but light up as he took seat but he didn't say anything and just limited himself to appreciating her overwhelming beauty and charm.

As for Lilith, she paid no attention to him nor was she bothered by his eyes. To her, Crow's eyes were no different than any other man's eyes and she could care less about his thoughts or feelings.

Just then and as if it had been timed, Lucifer growled softly but clear to everyone in the silent room. Slowly and with lazy movements, he straightened his body and stretched his arms skyward making the bones in his body thunder as if he had just slept two or three days at a stretch.

He looked around at everyone present, focusing more on those seated at the table, and immediately noticed an empty space.

"Everyone, good morning. I hope you've had a good life so far." Lucifer nodded with sleepy eyes before turning to look at Fire Sorrow, "What about Hellscar?"

"I'm afraid I don't know." Fire Sorrow looked at the empty seat and said somewhat worriedly, "Although Hellscar is a bit loud and not very smart he was always quite punctual, often even arriving at meetings before everyone else."

"Well, let's wait for him a little longer." Lucifer nodded calmly before looking at Lilith steadily.

"Is something wrong, Your Majesty?" Lilith asked calmly after being watched for a few seconds.

"Ah, sorry." Lucifer looked her in the eyes this time, making Lilith realize that he wasn't looking at her... at least not exactly her body itself.

"Bloody Succubus, I like your new earring. That's an item attached to a Legend grade treasure isn't it?" Lucifer suddenly pointed out.

It was then that everyone noticed an extra accessory on Lilith's body.

The earring was long due to the sapphire-colored feather with a faint sky-colored glow around it, reaching about halfway up Lilith's neck. The body of the earring was completely golden with silver colored runes that besides empowering it certainly added even more charm to the object.

"That's right. Your Majesty has quite good eyes." Lilith nodded without pretension.action

Lucifer nodded and continued, "Did you get a good blacksmith? What about the rune incriptor? If you want I can ask Sammi and Tommi to make a new earring for you using that Legend grade feather." "That's not necessary." Involuntarily, Lilith's face turned slightly frosty and her tone of voice became slightly aggressive as she rejected Lucifer's offer without even thinking about it or processing what he had said.

This earring was an anniversary gift that Bai Zemin had given her and one that he had worked like crazy for a long time to forge, not only investing time and effort but also using all the best materials he had to give her the best.

Even if someone offered her 20 Legend grade treasures in return, Lilith would still prefer the earring he had gifted her. To her, this was a priceless gift and she certainly wouldn't let anyone even touch it not to mention modify or destroy it.

"I see... If you say so then forget it." Lucifer nodded after a brief silence and didn't press the matter any further.

"Lilith, just now you went a little mad didn't you?" Fire Sorrow smiled and said in a joking tone, "Somehow you remind me of the ladies in romance novels I used to read in the past when they protect something their loved ones give them on special days."

Lilith's expression didn't change, but her eyes moved to Fire Sorrow upon hearing her words and when Fire Sorrow saw the surprise in Lilit's gaze she opened her eyes wide.

This time it was her turn to be surprised.

"... For real?"

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3
