Chapter 964 Lucifer learns a secret  

Bai Zemin didn't fight his impulses, he didn't have to.

Lilith also didn't do anything opposite to what he wanted to do, quite the contrary in fact. Seeing him lower his head with his eyes fixed on her full red lips, she closed her eyes like a little girl waiting for the kiss of her most loved one.

The kiss they both shared was not lustful at all, there was nothing of messy tongues curling around each other, there was no exchange of drool in large quantities to the point of running down the chin; it was not one of those kisses where the couple wanted nothing more than to devour their partner to satisfy the heat of their bodies but it was a very soft and surprisingly chaste kiss.

They both felt each other's lips for a few seconds before Bai Zemin pecked Lilith's again.

He gently pressed his forehead to hers and looked closely into her eyes as he whispered softly, "I love you a lot."

Lilith's eyes softened as she looked at him silently for a few seconds. She wished she could look at him like that for all eternity, any sentient being regardless of gender would always appreciate words of love from their most loved one even if they already knew how they felt, and Lilith was no different in this regard.


Unfortunately, she was unable to immerse herself in the moment as she would truly like to since time at this moment time was an enemy and not an ally.

"I love you too, a lot a lot." Lilith whispered back as she slowly closed her eyes.

Being aware of her difficulties, Bai Zemin preferred to move back himself rather than be a bit selfish and hold her close for longer. "Go." He said as he looked at her with a faint smile. "I'll wait for you here on Earth, but make sure not to take too long."

Lilith looked at him with unwilling eyes but said nothing to renege against his words. She was not a little kid, she was a grown woman who knew she had neither the power nor the ability to decide on destiny and who was aware that some things were inevitable.

She had it more than clear... She had learned the hard way over the years after all.

"Zemin, sorry... I can't give you anything as a present." Lilith lamented as she bit her lip hard.


Because she was a Higher Existence, she was not allowed to do anything great that would affect a Lower Existence directly. She couldn't take the initiative to attack to hurt a Lower Existence directly but she also couldn't give them treasures or any items that would serve to increase their power; she was already playing with her luck walking on the thin line of the Soul Record ever since she met Bai Zemin.

"But... You gifted me with something so..."

Even though she didn't finish her words, Bai Zemin knew what she wanted to say.

He gently poked the center of her forehead with the tip of his index finger and said in a slightly serious voice, "As I said before, this is not about physical value... I would prefer that you value the earring I gave you not for its power and value on a universal level but for the amount of effort I put into forging it for you."

After a moment of silence, Lilith finally nodded as she realized he was right.

Bai Zemin, her beloved, had spent over half a year alone working on this earring for her!

"Besides, you'll repay me later for all the gifts you'll owe me." Bai Zemin smiled mischievously as he took a step back and looked at the body of the woman in front of him with wolf-like eyes.

Lilith couldn't help but laugh a little amused, and with the mood now a little lighter thanks to what he had just said, she took a step forward and stood on her tiptoes to give him a quick lick on the lips before stepping back just as quickly as she moved on.

"Thank you for the gift, Daddy Zemin." She said in a little girl's voice.

Bai Zemin cleared his throat as he felt a certain fire begin to ignite in him, making Lilith laugh out loud.Minutes later, Bai Zemin was alone in his tent as he stared at the empty place in front of him with a complicated expression on his face.

No more smiles or laughter, there was just a lot of sadness amidst the anger that bubbled constantly in his blood red eyes.

He let out a heavy sigh as he scratched his head and muttered to himself.

"That little bastard Lucifer couldn't have at least waited a few more days? Look what you've done now, ruining everything like this."

Just as Bai Zemin complained, the ground began to rumble and the next moment he heard several explosions coming from a distance followed by the immediate activation of alarm-like skills along with the warning cries of his faction members.

The enemy was attacking.

Bai Zemin's eyes flashed with frustration and ferocity as he ran out of his tent with gritted teeth.

At least now he would have a place to unleash all his anger, sadness, and frustration.

His enemies could only blame themselves for choosing a bad time to come.


Before leaving, Lilith made a stop in the tent of Kali, which was only a few meters apart from Bai Zemin's tent.

When she found the little girl sitting in her wheelchair like a lifeless porcelain doll, she didn't say anything right away but observed her in silence for a full minute before breaking the silence.

"Thank you for not saying anything."

Kali raised her head slightly, and though her eyes were delicately closed her face looked exactly where Lilith was standing.

"I might change my mind, who knows." She replied in an emotionless voice.

Lilith let out some air through her nose in the form of a snort along with a slight smile at the corner of her lips, "I didn't know you had one of those personalities that say 'No' but in reality mean 'Yes'... What do you call these people...? Tsundere? I think that's what that little scoundrel calls them."

"That little scoundrel was confined in a world alone for over two hundred days working practically without sleep at the same time he was dealing with the ongoing war to make you a gift with his own hands." Kali pointed out without arguing against Lilith regarding her personality.

Lilith's eyes softened and she said in a gentle voice, "Mm, he gave me the earring a few minutes ago... Even though he's a little scoundrel, isn't he the best?"

"Maybe. I guess you're right." Kali nodded and said calmly, "Be careful or someone might take him away from you."

"That won't happen." Lilith shook her head, still smiling calmly. "Regardless of anything and everything that might happen, I will be his number 1 and priority always."

"... Bai Zemin is not only very powerful and talented but also has a really charming personality that attracts the opposite sex by nature, even I have noticed this despite being this young not to mention other people... But you sound very confident despite knowing that you have rivals who can be around him at all times and in ways that you can't." Kali pointed out with no change in her tone of voice.

Lilith looked at her for a few seconds and asked with a smile, "Little monster, let me ask you something."

Kali waited in noncommittal silence, but Lilith's question certainly caught her off guard.

"Do you think there is anyone better than you when it comes to runes?"Even after a long time, Kali said nothing. However, Lilith didn't need to hear a verbal answer because she knew what Kali was thinking.

Chuckling, Lilith pointed out, "That's just the way it is."

Surprisingly, the corner of Kali's dry lips moved slightly upward as she heard Lilith's words and finally understood what she was doing.

Just as Kali didn't believe there was anyone better than her when it came to runes, Lilith was telling her without words that she didn't believe there was any woman capable of taking her man away from her.

"Well, only time will tell." Kali shrugged without lingering too long on the subject.

"Take care of him for me in my absence," Lilith said.

But before her body completely disappeared, she managed to hear Kali's reply.

"Don't worry, I'm sure many people will want to take care of him in your absence."

Lilith chuckled to herself, and a moment later she was out of the Earth's atmosphere.

The smile on her face slowly receded and her eyes filled with reluctance as she stared at the bright blue planet in front of her before sighing and darting off into the distance as she used the little spatial knowledge she had to move faster than her Agility would normally allow.

Only a few minutes after disappearing, Lilith returned once more and looked around with a frown as if searching for something. Finally, she shook her head and left except that this time she didn't come back.

Approximately 40 minutes later, a crack even darker than space itself seemed to tear through the area as a figure wearing pajamas walked out from within.

Lucifer looked at where Lilith had departed to before looking at where she had first appeared. The expression on his face was not lazy but rather there was a slight frown on his handsome face that helped to further emphasize the sharpness of his eyes.

"... I knew there was something rotten that day because of her reaction... But I didn't expect this at all..." He muttered in the middle of nowhere.

That day when God launched a sudden attack as a joke towards Lilith, she became frenetic beyond description even though his attack had not even touched her. Lucifer had not given it much thought in the moment, but as time passed he began to realize that something was not right.

However, as Lucifer stared at the empty space in front of him, the frown on his face deepened.

He could see nothing, there was nothing there. But, he was sure of one thing.

"The Bloody Succubus definitely flew out of here as if passing through a portal." Lucifer scratched his neck as he tried to find answers to the mystery in front of him.

Although he came and went through the area Lilith had passed through before, Lucifer simply found himself flying through space normally and without any kind of disturbance.

He even launched a few "soft attacks" to see if he found anything strange but nothing out of the ordinary happened.

However, despite not being able to get any deeper, Lucifer was not disappointed as he was now one step closer to the truth.

"I'm glad I didn't send Fire Sorrow here." He shook his head and waved his right hand, making a crack of darkness open up next to him. Just as he stepped into the crack and looked back, just a second before disappearing, he said under his breath, "Or else that girl might go crazy, and I need her to the max for what's coming."

Seconds later, the crack closed completely and outer space became calm once again.

At the same time, the beautiful bright blue planet that Lucifer could not see but somehow suspected was there, continued its rotation with no change at all.

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3
