Chapter 962 Absolute Frozen Domain Earring  

While Shangguan Bing Xue was busy leading the army and Wu Yijun was in charge of asserting the faction's rule in the south/southeastern part of the country, Bai Zemin naturally did not spend the entire month and a half resting and enjoying himself.

No... In fact, even if he wanted to lie back and watch the show eating popcorn it was not possible given the circumstances he was in.

True to his word, five days after all the members of the Transcendent faction stationed in Inner Mongolia except Kong Jun gathered at the Mother Fortress, Bai Zemin led the troops in a northeasterly direction.

The target they were aiming at was a goblin base, again.

In fact, according to what Xian Mei'er had said, most of the enemy alliance bases were populated by goblins.

However, after thinking about it a little better they all realized that it was nothing surprising considering that goblins reproduced hundreds of times faster than humans so it made sense that they would take up more space; their numbers were bigger after all.


The only thing that kept the goblins from dominating the world was the fact that the talent of 99% of them was pitifully low as those capable of breaking beyond the Unclassified stage were the vast minority.

When Bai Zemin and his team of over 30,000 soul evolvers were approximately 60 kilometers away from the enemy base, however, they were ambushed by a series of explosive traps that held them back for two full days before with the efforts of a small team of 19 soul evolvers with the skill Magical Explosives Detector they were able to break through to their initial target.

Magic explosives were a kind of item that could be created by magic engineers, they were relatively easy to make after understanding the theory behind them but this did not mean that the power of these small items was low. A single one might not be a big deal, but if a Second Order soul evolver was caught in a blast of 10 or more magical explosives, they would certainly become an incinerated corpse. Upon arriving at the goblin base, the troops of the Transcendent faction belonging to the Blood Spear Legion and the Blood Whip Legion were met with a transcendental amount of resistance as ironic as it may sound.

They fought not only against goblins but there were also human troops stationed on top of the walls firing heavy machine guns capable of turning the body of a First Order soul evolver into a paste of pierced meat.

There were also some battle tanks and 10 assault helicopters and around 20,000 soul evolvers of the human race.

However, Bai Zemin showed no mercy to the other side regardless of whether they were goblins or humans. He did not allow his men to show mercy either, and after about 2 days and 1 night of warfare, the cornered enemy finally decided to surrender.


It was precisely at that moment, when the enemy surrendered, that Bai Zemin gave one of the cruelest, ruthless, heartless, and to some extent craziest orders he had ever given and would give in the future to come.

"Leader, the enemy is surrendering." Fu Xuefeng sighed in relief as he watched the little over 30.000 soldiers and 2000 soul evolvers throw their weapons beyond the base walls as they knelt down on their knees.

"Now we just have to take care of the remaining goblins and victory will be ours." Kang Lan smiled slightly with a poisonous haze around her body.

However, even after several seconds, Bai Zemin did not give the order to apprehend the surrendering enemies and imprison them to avoid being stabbed in the back.action

"Leader?" Nangong Yi looked at Bai Zemin in confusion.

Bai Zemin looked at the surrendering humans in the distance and his blood-red eyes flashed as he said in a cold voice, "We do not accept surrender from anyone."

At first, no one understood what he meant. But his next words were far clearer.

"Kill them all until there is no one left alive. Be it dog, cat, goblin, or human... None of it matters.""Leader!"

"Leader Bai, please reconsider your order!"

"They are our compatriots! They were just following orders just like us!"


Of course, Bai Zemin's order was not very well received considering that among the enemies there were many innocent people who did nothing wrong and were just following orders from the person who fed them.

Seeing that even Nangong Yi, Nangong Lingxin, Fu Xuefeng, and some other people close to him were hesitating, Bai Zemin closed his eyes for a moment, and by the time he opened them again the only thing left in his gaze was indifference.

His order was indeed too cruel. It was not fair that others should bear on their conscience the death of those who were surrendering. Therefore, he decided to bear it all alone.

Under the terrified eyes of allies and enemies alike, the bodies of the goblins and humans on the opposite side of them began to puff up before exploding into a mass of multicolored bloody mist.

The total number of enemies had been about 30,000,000 at the beginning of the war. Although this was a large number, to Bai Zemin it was not a number he needed to fear. He could have wiped them all out in a matter of hours or even minutes if he gave it his all.

However, he did not dare to expend his energies so casually. After all, Bai Zemin was now aware that there was a terrifying enemy that might be watching from the shadows and waiting for the perfect moment to attack him at his slightest sign of weakness.

As he slaughtered indiscriminately with an expression as cold as ice, Bai Zemin felt two gusts of wind rush past him and in just an instant there were two people on his side who began slaughtering both goblins and humans alike.

Cai Jingyi's two daggers were no different from the reaper's call in her hands. Her movements were fluid as water and free as the wind but deadly as fire.

With a small magic wand in her left hand and a sword in her right hand, Xia Ya used some magic skills to suck the life energy of the enemies around her while her right arm turned into a blur and for every swing of her sword a head flew into the air. Bai Zemin looked at the two women and calmly said, "You two don't need to do this, just ignore my previous order. I understand."


Cai Jingyi yelled, greatly surprising everyone.

She did a full spin and slit the throats of the 7 nearby enemies before pausing for a moment as she looked at Fu Xuefeng and the rest with fury VERY rarely seen on her face.

"You all keep letting Bai Zemin carry everything, since the beginning it's been like this! And you, Fu Xuefeng! Are you still the same coward who didn't dare to kill those pieces of trash at the university?! Open your eyes once and for all!"

Cai Jingyi was usually calm, playful, and even a little mischievous. Seeing and hearing her outburst, everyone froze in fright for a moment before different reactions showed on the faces of everyone present.

Fu Xuefeng clenched his fists in anger and bit his lip so hard that his teeth drew blood. Without saying anything, he slashed forward with his dagger and a flash of bright blue lightning turned the body of a human soul evolver into ashes. Immediately after that, he lunged forward and began to slaughter without showing mercy despite the troubled expression on his face.

Kang Lan and all the others sighed in their hearts, but in the end, they all began to kill even though they knew it was not exactly the right thing to do. Cai Jingyi's words had a great effect on them, especially on those who had been with Bai Zemin since the beginning of this new era.

He always carried the worst things, they knew that. Therefore, now they wanted to help him a little to lighten the weight that weighed on his heart like a thousand-ton rock.As for Xia Ya...

"I don't understand why you guys are making such a fuss. Just kill and be done with it, for god's sake." She rolled her eyes and said casually while killing dozens per blink, "We just have to follow the Leader, don't make things so complicated when they're not."

Despite being highly respected not only because of the number of lives her skills had saved and her terrifying power that allowed her to somehow link to Bai Zemin's records, Xia Ya was not particularly looked upon favorably in the faction by the other higher-ups except for a small number of them. This was due to her personality; in her eyes, everyone was replaceable except Bai Zemin.

That's how important he was to her. He was basically her ladder to heaven, and if he fell she would never be able to get very far compared to where she could have gone.


After wiping out every existing life inside and outside the first enemy base, the news that the troops of the Transcendent faction was not sparing anyone regardless of whether they surrendered or not reached Liang Peng's ears, and although he tried his best to suppress that information, it was not so easy as one of the officers who was in the room during the meeting in which this fact became known leaked it whether by accident or not.

Fortunately for him, although there was some chaos among the survivors, the soldiers and soul evolvers reacted with burning fury towards the Transcendent faction; especially towards Bai Zemin whom they began to call Blood Tyrant for his acts of cruelty.

This caused the pressure on Bai Zemin and his group to grow immensely as the enemy would now be fighting to the death. However, no matter how hard they tried, the enemy bases continued to fall one after another as time passed.

After taking down the first base besides the Mother Fortress, Bai Zemin and his team faced the terrifying army of the Third Prince Xian Kun again. The sea beasts teamed up with the goblins and humans to defend and attack in the process.

Now facing at least 200,000,000 enemies because of Xian Kun, Bai Zemin's progress naturally slowed down. However, slowing down did not mean stopping; he led his group to victory after victory as they cornered the enemy, pushing them further and further back as they took base after base.


A month after leaving behind the Mother Fortress with half the army to defend it.

During this month, several of Bai Zemin's titles had been modified as the bases of each subdistrict and district were finally recognized by the Soul Record as limbs of the Transcendent faction.

Like his title Ruler of Beijing, Bai Zemin received other titles such as Ruler of Shanxi, Ruler of Jiangsu, Ruler of Shanghai, and some more.

Aside from fighting and leading the army, Bai Zemin spent much of his time alone in the Collector's Pocket World. With great effort and after 3 full weeks in the outside world's time, he had finally finished the creation of the earring he had started earlier with the intention of attaching the Feather of the Frozen End to it.

Three weeks in the outside world meant 21 days, but in the Collector's Pocket World 21 days of the outside world meant 210 days. In short, Bai Zemin had spent more than half a year packed with failures and products he was not satisfied with to finally be able to forge the perfect earring.

While everyone was resting after taking down the enemy's second-to-last base, Bai Zemin entered the Collector's Pocket World alone. He walked towards the house and headed straight to the basement when he was suddenly greeted by a girl's emotionless voice.

"Bullet, I finished my part."

Looking toward a corner of the basement, Bai Zemin found the figure of Kali sitting in her wheelchair. She was slightly paler than usual, but Bai Zemin could have sworn he was seeing a faint smile on her dry lips.

She pointed toward the work table and said clearly trying to stay calm, "Look for yourself."

Bai Zemin walked over to the worktable and looked at the elegant earring for a moment before gently touching the needle.

The records immediately flashed in his eyes.

[Absolute Frozen Domain Earring....]

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3
