Chapter 952 Never-ending enemies  

Nangong Yi's claws and tail made him the most vicious of them all to the point that 30 minutes later he had to take the initiative to pursue enemies as the goblins and sea creatures seemed to be avoiding him.

Bai Zemin frowned as he remembered that Nangong Yi had the Dragon Transformation skill. But if he remembered correctly, that skill had already reached its peak and the scales definitely didn't shine like diamonds.

He would have to ask him later what was going on.

When Bai Zemin looked at the little pink-haired beauty standing in the middle of the battlefield surrounded by enemies but firm and graceful like a goddess, his eyes lit up slightly.

Xiao Xiao was surrounded by four whirlwinds of water rising up to the sky. All enemies who came near her were sent flying into the eye of the storm and turned into a pile of bloody mist. At the same time, the water droplets that were released from the four whirlwinds due to the high rotation speed turned into countless sharp darts that took the lives of up to many thousands in a matter of seconds.

"Is that Water Maker?" Bai Zemin asked as he looked at Xiao Xiao in surprise.


"It is." Xian Mei'er nodded as she took a step forward and stopped beside him. Her eyes looked at Xiao Xiao tenderly and she said softly, "Xiao Xiao is a genius among geniuses. She is the only creature of our sea race that does not lose any part of her power regardless of whether she is in the ocean or on land. Another benefit is that being her allies we do not weaken either for as long as we stay close to Xiao Xiao."

"Mmm..." Bai Zemin nodded with a thoughtful expression on his face. Soon, however, his attention turned to Luo Ning and he got another surprise when he saw the girl surrounded by what seemed to be at least a thousand black tigers.

However, he knew that these black tigers were actually large black cats.

At the same time as Luo Ning bravely wielded a sword that was even bigger than her, the shadow cats used the shadows of the enemies to assault them from behind or from the sides, wiping out more than 2000 enemies per passing second.

Just like everyone else, Luo Ning had grown enormously, and Bai Zemin knew that she would grow even more in the future. She was destined to become a great existence someday, after all, Luo Ning had started to evolve from an early age even risking her life on multiple occasions.

On the other hand, the least conspicuous but most terrifying of all...


"... Human Leader Bai Zemin, is that girl really your daughter?" Xian Mei'er asked as she looked at Bai Shilin with strange eyes.

"My records are in her soul, so even though she was not born by conventional means, you can consider her my daughter." Bai Zemin replied.

Bai Shilin was truly terrifying, to say the least.

She was like an invisible hurricane of wind that her enemies could not see or touch. Bai Shilin seemed to disappear every so often due to her high Agility in combination with each stomp powered by over 2500 Strength points, appearing only briefly before disappearing again after deciding on a new location to attack.

Everyone, regardless of whether it was Unclassified or First Order, regardless of whether it was a small green goblin or whether it was a large 3-meter-tall shark, all of them had their heads exploded into flesh paste without even knowing how they had died.

Only Bai Zemin and Xian Mei'er who were following Bai Shilin's movements could tell that the cause of such a disaster was her little white fist.

Moreover, Bai Shilin was slowly getting used to launching physical and magical attacks at the same time as there were hundreds of ice swords dancing around her, chopping enemies at lightning speed.

"She's killing at least 3000 for every passing second." Said one of the female tritons behind Xian Mei'er in astonishment.

"And she's not even punching the ground to cause more devastating attacks, otherwise that number would be much higher." Pointed out the other.

"They're all holding back to save Mana and Stamina, there's no need to use big attacks against this kind of enemy... let's see how long they can keep it up." Xian Mei'er shook her head, to which Bai Zemin nodded without saying a word.

The number of enemies falling per second was certainly terrifying, at least 13,000 goblins and sea beasts were losing their lives on average. This meant that more than 700,000 enemies were falling for every passing minute!

The war had already been going on for 30 minutes, which meant that during this period of time, there were about 20,000,000 enemies who had died.Even in the open field, the blood flowed like roaring rivers. The incomplete corpses along with fragments of flesh joined together to give rise to mountains outside the east wall of the base and no matter where one looked one would definitely see at least one arm or leg lying on the ground.action

The problem was that the goblins seemed to have decreased in numbers, but the sea creatures seemed to have no end as they came from the distant horizon.

"Dammit, how many soldiers does this brother of yours have?" Bai Zemin couldn't help but curse under his breath.

"I told you." Xian Mei'er shrugged her shoulders. "No one knows how big the army of the Third Prince is. The truth is that even my father no longer dares to challenge my big brother Xian Kun"

Sea creatures did not have such a monstrously high reproduction rate compared to goblins, but they could still reproduce way faster than humans and most land creatures. A single fish was capable of setting thousands of eggs, and in a short time, those thousands would become thousands of soldiers.

However, for a "test" raid this was simply insane in Bai Zemin's eyes.

It was at that moment that for the first time an enemy managed to break through the defenses and rushed towards the wall with bloodshot eyes. The First Order swordfish had a fierce expression as it looked at the terrified soldier who did not expect the sudden assault at all, but before the soldier lost his life, the swordfish's body swelled up like a balloon in full ascent and exploded noisily, spraying hot blood on the face of the soldier who with weak legs fell on his butt in lingering fear.

Xian Mei'er looked at Bai Zemin out of the corner of her eye but said nothing despite the slight surprise she felt, surprise which increased when she saw that Bai Zemin had not even looked at the swordfish and his expression remained as indifferent as before.

That first time was only the beginning of many. In a short span of five minutes, more than ten thousand enemies managed to break through the defenses of the human soul evolvers and two minutes later the first man lost his life after being decapitated.

This man had died despite being a level 30 soul evolver, and had been decapitated by a level 22 goblin.

"They're running out of Stamina." Xian Mei'er remarked with interest to see the reaction of the man standing next to her.

"Of course. They've been fighting for almost 40 minutes against thousands of enemies at the same time without even getting a split second to rest." Bai Zemin replied in a cold voice, "Even a machine would tire under such circumstances not to mention living beings."

In reality, they had all reached rock bottom several minutes ago. They were simply pushing each other as the ferocity of the leaders had affected the combat style they fought with, leaders who had been affected by Bai Zemin's practically maniacal combat style.

"All First Order soul evolvers, retreat to the walls! Gunners, give them cover as they retreat!" Bai Zemin ordered in a deep voice.

At the end of the day, he had no plans to let his people die in this place. Soon and under the intense fire of thousands of laser beams, all the soul evolvers retreated to the base safely. Some of them simply collapsed on the ground, fainting from both pain and exhaustion with scratch and bite wounds all over.

Ten soul evolvers with healing skills stepped forward and immediately began to work together with a team of medics.

On the other hand, the war continued its course, but the pressure on Fu Xuefeng and the others increased by astronomical amounts after losing the support of the rest.

Twenty minutes later, something that practically set the seal on the current situation occurred.

"L- Leader Bai!"

Bai Zemin looked at the soldier who was staring at him with a pale face and calmly asked, "What's wrong?"

"T- The electromagnetic rifles overheated... If we don't stop firing they will be destroyed, but I'm afraid if we stop the fire..."

The meaning was more than clear. The electromagnetic rifles with Unclassified Soul Stones could take out 1 Unclassified enemy per shot if the soldier hit the right spot. With approximately 7,000 electromagnetic rifles firing practically at the same time, at least 1000-2000 goblins or sea beasts would fall per second.

In fact, it was the electromagnetic rifles the ones that had been supporting 40% of the war. Without them, it would be difficult to continue now that the human troops had retreated.

However, Bai Zemin's response left the soldier dumbfounded.

"I see. In that case, have them stop shooting and rest."

"This..." The soldier gulped audibly as he heard his order. His eyes looked out over the battlefield, and even though he couldn't see them he knew that amidst the seemingly endless sea of enemies, there were allies still fighting bravely."L- Leader Bai... Commander Fu and them..."

"Do as I say." Bai Zemin casually dismissed him.

"R- Roger!" The soldier had no choice but to obey, so after one last look at the hell beyond the walls, he left.

"Hopefully, you really do have the power to take this base on your own." Xian Mei'er commented calmly after the soldier left. She looked towards the horizon, sensing dozens of Second Order auras approaching. "Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to hold the fort tonight."

Bai Zemin said nothing and continued to watch the battle with coldness.

Of course, with the electromagnetic rifles and all the First Order soul evolvers out of the battle, the pressure on Bai Zemin increased tremendously. Tens of thousands of enemies jumped towards the walls, but none of them succeeded.

Those closest to Bai Zemin exploded into a bloody mist, and under the power of the skill Blood Manipulation along with his terrifying magic power that blood mist swept those farther away, turning all the enemies within the mist into dried mummies that were nothing but skin and bone.

At this point, the two female Third Order tritons responsible to protect Xian Mei'er had already discarded all contempt for the human man in front of them. Regardless of everything else, being able to take down tens of thousands of enemies at the same time by himself without falling short of Mana was an impressive feat. This was the first time they had seen a First Order soul evolver successfully doing such a thing.

The pressure on Fu Xuefeng and the others had increased so much that even they, elite soul evolvers among the elite, had no choice but to give their all to avoid getting hurt. With the appearance of Second Order enemies, different levels of wounds gradually began to appear on their bodies as the speed at which they killed began to decline.

The number of 13,000 enemies killed per second dropped when the First Order soul evolvers retreated, and that number dropped even more when the electromagnetic rifles ceased firing.

Fu Xuefeng had just killed a Second Order shark man when a grimace of pain crossed his face. He looked at the bloody wound on his abdomen and a fierce lightning flash shone in his usually timid eyes. However, before he could do anything, a calm voice sounded from the high wall behind him.

"Xuefeng, step back."

"Eh." He looked back in surprise even as he hacked his enemies to pieces and said loudly, "I still-"


Hearing Bai Zemin's firm voice, Fu Xuefeng gritted his teeth angrily not at Bai Zemin and his order but at himself and his own lack of power.

"I understand."


Fu Xuefeng was the first to leave, then it was Luo Ning, minutes later Nangong Yi, Xiao Xiao, and Nangong Lingxin.

Two hours later, the only existence still fighting was Evangeline who despite being surrounded by enemies had yet to receive even a scratch. Most surprising of all was that except for her slightly altered breathing she did not seem to be tired at all, slaughtering thousands with her dagger just like before. She was, at the end of the day, one of the most powerful soul evolvers in the faction. Being an Agility and Stamina type soul evolver, Evangeline could fight for hours even without anyone's support.

"This woman is truly impressive." Xian Mei'er praised with honesty.

Because Evangeline fought in the south and this was the first time she came to the north, the two had never fought on the same battlefield so only now did Xian Mei'er see her in action.

"Leaving Kong Jun aside, only that female named Feng Tian Wu is more capable than her."

"Feng Tian Wu?" Bai Zemin looked at her in surprise, "Is she more capable than Evangeline?"

Xian Mei'er looked at him with a strange expression as she slowly said, "... If it comes to physical prowess, this Evangeline woman is incomparable... But, when it comes to purely destructive power, Feng Tian Wu is even stronger than me. You didn't know that?"

Bai Zemin shook his head.

Although he knew that Feng Tian Wu was powerful and talented, he did not expect Xian Mei'er to hold her in such high esteem.

Xian Mei'er looked towards the battlefield and said indifferently, "In a 1 vs 1 battle between this blonde woman and her, I'm afraid this woman would only have a chance to kill her if she managed to take her by surprise... If Feng Tian Wu were here, probably half of all these creatures would disappear first before she would run out of Mana. Her fire skills are really powerful... although they consume a lot of Mana."

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3
