Chapter 111: Exchange application [1]   "It's about the multi-academy exchange"

Listening to Donna, I couldn't help but massage my forehead.

…damn, with everything that had been going on lately, I forgot all about this.

hmmm, well, more than me forgetting about this, it was more like it slipped my mind. After all, we still had a couple of more months before this event would happen.

"As most of you know, during the month of March, we will have exchange students staying at the Lock for a month in preparation for the Multi-Academy youth tournament"

"This time, the academy has decided that only students from the four great academies will participate in the exchange, as the district and regional academies have agreed to exchange with one another…"

Listening to Donna speak, I couldn't help but find my brows knitting slightly.


The four great academies.

The four other human academies that could almost rival the Lock in terms of their educational system. Though they weren't on the same level, they were the closest substitute out there.

"Lutwik academy, Theodora academy, Kuzk academy, Vellon academy…"

Those were the names of the four great academies.

The human domain had five great cities. Ashton city, Park city, Lewington city, Dromeda city, and Conviction city.

Altough each city wasn't far from each other, because of the threat coming from beasts and villains along the way, it took about five hours for a person to make it to one of those cities. With Ashton city being the reference point.


Thus, if a person from one of those cities wanted to send their child to the Lock, they would have to send them all the way to Ashton city.

As a result of this, they may not be able to see their children for a very long time…

Some people were willing to do that for the sake of their children's future, whilst some couldn't do it.

Be it for economical problems, or the fact that they couldn't part ways with their children, some just couldn't send them all the way to Ashton city to make them join the Lock.

…and that became an issue.

A lot of talents weren't being nurtured properly.

Very talented individuals that could rival some of the most talented people in the Lock were being provided with lower-end education.

This was a big problem that cost humanity a lot of talented people.

Noticing this situation, each city mayor, with the permission and sponsorship of the central government, decided to set up their own academy.

One that would be the pillar of their city.

Of course, each city mayor wasn't selfless enough to set up an academy for the greater good of humanity. The main reason why they built their academy was to retain their talents and keep them in their city so that in the future they would become high-ranked heroes that represented their city.

After all, each city was currently in a tough struggle against the demons.

…and that's how the four great academies came to be.

Four academies that although weren't at the level of the Lock, were the closest thing someone could get to the Lock.

Lutwik academy — Park city

Theodora academy — Lewington city Kuzk academy — Dromeda city

Vellon academy — Conviction city

"Anyways, although most of you know that information already, that's not the reason why I brought the topic up."

Pausing, Donna took out a pile of papers and placed them on the podium before her.

"Right here, on the podium before me, there are application forms that you guys need to fill in order to apply for an academy exchange with one of the four great academies.

"Since this year it's the four great academies' turn to do an exchange to the Lock, next year, during your second year, it will obviously be your turn."


So basically in the month of March, our class will be filled with exchange students coming from the four great academies.

I already knew who some of them were as they were either going to become Kevin's ally in the near future or become Kevin's enemy.

Couldn't be helped. There was bound to be an arrogant person here and there.

"The exchange will only last a month or two, and just like this year, it will start two months prior to the Multi-Academy tournament…"

Squinting my eyes as I listened to Donna, I glanced at the papers on the podium.

Another word that had caught my attention as she spoke was the Multi-Academy tournament.

As the name suggests, it was a tournament between all academies in the human domain, be it four great academies, the Lock, regional, and district academies, they would all be there.

It happens at the very end of each academic year, and it wasn't like the usual tournament arcs where it would be a 1v1 tournament to decide who was best.


It was a tournament with many unconventional games such as the Code breaker, Academy virtual guild wars, Abyss scavage, Tower defense, and many more games…

Heck, one of the games was a retouched version of football.

In essence, the tournament was extremely unique. More so than it being something to display the individual achievement of each student, it was more to display the academic might of each academy.

It wasn't like those boring tournament games that you would usually get in novels where it just consisted of plain fighting.

No, it was very different from that.

Another thing about the Multi-Academy Tournament was that it would be broadcasted throughout the whole human domain.

Its popularity was enormous. Rivaling the Olympics and World cup of back then.

…and precisely because of its popularity, that tensions were high whenever the Multi-Academy tournament was near.

"Regarding the tournament, we will select applicants based on your performances by the end of the year…and from there we will place you in the first year squad that will represent the tournament"

Glancing at everyone in the class, Donna brushed her ponytail to the side and continued

"When we select you, you have no right to refuse. Two months prior to the tournament, you will be exempted from all classes and will be directly put under strict training from the best professors in the academy…and during that time you are training, according to your performance, you will be placed in a squad participating in specific games…"

As Donna' spoke, I couldn't help but notice a lot of the student's beside me breathing heavily.

…Their reaction was understandable.

After all, if they stood out, they would without a doubt gain both honor and fame, and if lucky, they could catch the interest of some of the top guilds.

This tournament wasn't just a display of academic might, it was also a chance for students to shine.

"Anyhow, tournament aside, by filling the application form right here, you are agreeing to an exchange program with one of the four great academies"

"I personally believe that this is a great opportunity for you all, as you will get to explore a whole new city as well as a new educational system that can rival that of our very own, here in the Lock…"

"The selection will be random, so don't expect to have your friends be in the same exchange academy as yours as there's a high chance that you will be assigned to different places"

Nodding my head as she spoke, I couldn't help but once again realize how bad of an author I was.

'The selection will be random'

With a deadpan expression, I couldn't help but recall the fact that Kevin, Melissa, Emma, Jin, and Amanda all ended up in the same academy during the exchange.


So much so for random.


Clapping her hands to get everyone's attention, Donna smiled

"Alright, I think that's that for the announcements. You are free to take one application if you wish to apply for the exchange program…"

As she spoke, Donna started packing up her stuff. Leaving the application forms on the table, Donna briefly glanced at us before saying

"Once you're done, come find me at my office in section B. I've already told the guards that I'm expecting some students so just show them your ID card and they will let you in…I hope to see you later"

Like that, finished with what she wanted to say, Donna directly left the classroom.

"Get me one!"

"Me too!"

Soon after, like a swarm of bees, multiple students immediately headed towards the podium and took an application form.

Shaking my head at the sight before me, I patiently waited for everyone to take a form before taking one for myself.

Not gonna lie, the idea of going to another academy for a couple of months was tempting. After all, once Kevin and the rest went to their exchange, the plot wasn't going to move forward.

Might as well just study in another academy…after all, apart from a few things, the four academies were just as good as the Lock.

It was also not a bad idea to go visit another city whilst at it.

I wanted to spread my mercenary group'sinfluence there too. After all, Ashton city wasn't the only important place.
