Chapter 3130 The Wall (Part 2)  

The Wall (Part 2)

Realizing that she was making no sense, Friya closed her eyes, pinched her nose, and took a few deep breaths.

'Use your brain, not your fists. Faluel is a friend and there's no point making an enemy out of these fuckers.' She thought.

"I'm sorry, Master Faluel. I'm a mess. I need to explain the situation from the beginning. Can these people be trusted?" She actually said.

"If they swear an oath of secrecy, sure." The Hydra replied. "They have willingly died for Thrud many times and are still keeping her secrets. They are nothing but loyal. Also, stop calling me master. It's making me worry.

"As for you guys, you heard her. If you want to stay here, give Friya your word. Otherwise go back to Zelex."


Divine Beasts and Doppelgangers looked at each other, briefly discussing via a mind link. The unanimous consent was that they needed some real-life experience, especially Protheus' children, so they swore on Valeron the Second's name.

They considered him their king and their loyalty went to him first.

Friya nodded and told them about Jirni's Awakening and the Ernas' current issue with the Gernoff.

"That's it?" Leari said with a scoff once Friya was done. "This isn't even a problem, child. It's just a squabble between rogue Awakened and a few boneheads. Even if we didn't swear secrecy, we wouldn't tell anyone because no one cares."

"I do care!" Friya snarled at the Thunderbird. "And this is a problem to me. One you bastards caused when you helped the Mad Queen kill my sister and laughed about it!" "No one laughed at Phloria's death!" Ufyl said in outrage. "She was our comrade. Unwillingly, but still our comrade."

"Really? Does the name Xondar the Garuda ring any bell?" She retorted. "Lith told me Xondar had a good laugh while trying to kill Lith the same way as Phloria died."


"I mean, none of us present." Ufyl lowered his eyes in shame. "Xondar did laugh and he was a heartless bastard."

"Yeah, because you guys are any different." Friya scoffed. "You all played a role in Phloria's death. You've put my family in this situation so unless you have something useful to say, shut the fuck up!"

"I understand you are upset, but I agree with Leari." Faluel tilted her head in confusion. "I don't see why you need secrecy or what you expect me to do about this. I'm not the beast lord of the Ernas region and even if I was, this doesn't qualify as Council business.

"The issue between your parents and the Gernoff is considered a private matter by Awakened law. I have no grounds to intervene. Are you seeking advice on whether to help your parents or not?"

"Not at all. I've made up my mind the moment I learned the truth and I'm going to save my parents' lives. No matter the cost." Friya replied.

"I need privacy because Lith doesn't know about this yet. My mother has some ploy to get his help that would be ruined if he were to know. I know you'll keep my secrets because that's what you have always done for everyone. Even Nalrond."

Faluel nodded for her to continue.

"Also, I know this isn't Council business, but you do have grounds to intervene. After all, I'm your disciple and future Harbinger." At that word, several gasps resounded and all eyes went wide in surprise.

"You have every right to step in if your interests are threatened." Friya ignored them. "I've come here to ask your help and if my current status isn't enough to make you move, I'm offering myself to you.

"You can turn me into your Harbinger right now." Friya stepped in front of Faluel and went down on one knee.

She followed the ritual she had studied in the Hydra's lair to the letter, unsheathing her blade from its scabbard and using it to cut her palms deeply before offering the bloody rapier to Faluel with both hands.

"Slow down, kid. This isn't something for you to decide." Faluel grabbed Friya's wrists and gently pushed them away while healing most of her wounds. "The final decision is mine and I think you are rushing into this because you are upset."

"I'm not rushing into anything." Friya replied, raising her gaze. "I've been thinking about this a lot and this moment is as good as any other. I'm going to live three thousand years unless you plan to kill me.

"Nalrond has Awakened as well and even though we have no idea how long he has to live, he's probably going to last more than a human. He knows about our pact and is fine with it. What are a few decades compared with three millennia? "I might as well get used to it from now on and exploit the benefits as your Harbinger."

"You are insane!" Leari said. "Very few people accept becoming the Harbinger of a Divine Beast despite the great powers they get because it turns them into dignified slaves.

"No one, and I mean no one, has ever become the Harbinger of a Lesser Divine Beast because the gains are much smaller yet the price is the same."

"So said the Thunderbird who willingly served the Mad Queen and became her slave just for glory and loyalty. How hypocritical of you." Friya clicked her tongue in disgust, making Leari blush and lower her gaze in shame.

"Still, Leari is right." Faluel and Ufyl said in unison.

They exchanged a confused look for a second and then, most to everyone's surprise, it was Ufyl who spoke first.

"During my time with the Hydras, I've learned to respect and admire Faluel, but she has little to offer you, Lady Ernas. I recognize the truth behind your words. All of them. I owe you a great debt and I offer myself as weregild for the death of your sister."

"First, I'm already engaged, lover boy." Friya dismissed the offer with a wave of her hand. "Second, you're not even my type."

"I didn't mean it like that!" The Seven-Headed Dragon blushed in embarrassment at the flat-out rejection.

The hilarity of his colleagues, even the na?ve Doppelgangers, made his humiliation even worse than it already was.

"Even though Phloria was enslaved by the Unwavering Loyalty array, I consider myself her friend and hope she shared my feelings. I offered Phloria to become my Harbinger and she accepted, but I have no idea how the ritual works.

"I'm now passing the offer on to you. You can acquire the full powers of a Dragon, my help, and in turn that of the Hydra bloodline. They would never let me die, not until they finish studying my life force for the Harmonizers.

"Just tell me what to do and I-"

"Rejected." Friya cut the air with her hand and him short.

"Why?" Ufyl asked in bewilderment. "I was a Hydra. I have all the powers of a Hydra plus those of my unique Dragon bloodline. I can give you everything Faluel can and much more!"

"Gods, now I see how Thrud managed to keep you guys under her thumb." She replied. "Whatever she did to evolve you, it must have messed with your brains because no one can be this stupid."
