Chapter 3023 Crystal Hunting (Part 1)  

Crystal Hunting (Part 1)

Kelia had to admit that she had been reckless while dealing with monsters, hostile Emperor Beasts, and plant folk that threatened Wyrmhold but there was a reason she was so confident in her abilities.

Her equipment had been crafted by Baba Yaga herself and it was made of Davross.

Also, as the host of the Horseman of Dusk, even though she had a bright green mana core she was harder to kill than a Divine Beast. Kelia rushed into battle not because of youthful stupidity but to gain invaluable experience.

With Dusk and her equipment, she could take risks that no one else could. By putting herself into life-or-death situations, she honed her battle instinct and learned to suppress fear and hesitation in the face of stronger opponents.

'What point does it have to have an immortal body if I keep being afraid of getting hurt?' She thought. 'Baba Yaga's seal doesn't affect Dusk's regenerative abilities. I can afford to take one death blow or two if it means killing my enemy.'


"Please, I'm a student of the six great academies." Kelia actually said. "I have met dozens of demanding Professors. I can tell the difference between teaching and nagging."

"Fine!" Farg raised her hands with the palms out. "Since this is our last day together, I might as well admit it. You are right. I've been nagging at you because I'm envious of you."

"You? Envious of me?" Kelia almost crashed against a Cron (bird-type magical beast) from surprise.

Farg was a beautiful woman and a charismatic leader. With her violet core and uncanny mastery of Spirit Magic, Kelia couldn't think of a single reason Farg should be envious of a brat like her. "Yes." Farg sighed. "Even after everything you went through as an orphan, you managed to enroll in one of the six great academies of the Empire. Your talent is so great that the Magic Empress noticed you after the first exam and she adopted you.

"For the gods' sake, she trusts you so much that she Awakened you. As for me, I had to work my ass off to get into the Corps first and then into the Corpse. I've risked my life for the Royals countless times since I graduated from the Crystal Griffon but they didn't Awaken me, let alone adopt me.

"I'm a fake. Every member of the Corpse is a fake Awakened entrusted only with the power they need to serve the Crown but nothing more. You are the real deal."


"Oh." Kelia slowed down since they had come close to a city of the Wild Empire and the number of flying beasts was too great to drive without focusing on the sky. "Thank you. I've never put it that way."

Because none of Farg's intel about Kelia was true. She would still be an orphan begging for food if not for Dusk. He had rescued her, Awakened her, and tutored her until she knew enough to pass the admission test for the Red Emperor academy.

The Empress had just collected the final product. There wasn't much trust or love between Kelia and Milea. They were trying to build both over time but their true bond lay in their business deal.

The Empress needed a loyal Awakened and could use Dusk's expertise while Kelia needed a powerful backer to ensure that Dusk's existence would never be revealed.

"You are welcome." Farg sighed, pondering if spending so much time with a child was making her childish. "Turn around. Even if there's a mine around here, I doubt the Wild Empire would surrender it without a fight. We've not come here for war."

Kelia steered the DoLorean away and they flew for over a hundred kilometers before using Life Vision again. They kept exploring the region until sunset, spotting three mana geysers and mapping their position before returning to Wyrmhold.

The Empire's outpost had already its own Warp Gate and the basic set of defensive arrays would be completed for the next day. After that, the people of the Kingdom would leave and return to Darmoq.

Worst case scenario, in case of an attack the arrays would buy Wyrmhold's forces enough time for reinforcements from Darmoq to arrive via the Gate. Jiera was a dangerous place and mutual aid was one of the key points of the deal between the Kingdom and the Empire.

"I can't believe we are almost done. Just a few days and I'll go back to the Academy." Kelia stared at the campfire while eating dinner. "I'll miss Jiera. Don't get me wrong, I'd never live here.

"But after so many theoretical lessons, putting what I've learned at the academy into practice was a nice change."

"I can't believe we are working together with monsters and undead." Farg pointed at the orc shamans, Balors, and ghouls with her spoon. "Sometimes it feels like Mogar has turned upside down."

Ghouls worked as prospectors, following the mana geyser's current deep below the ground and looking for magic metals and crystals. They were faster than any spell and could locate rich veins of enchanted resources with 100% accuracy without aimlessly digging tons of rock.

Orc shamans were not only Awakened, but they could also use their link with mana crystals to bestow regular people effects similar to Invigoration and negate enemy spells at a moment's notice. Balors were powerful warriors who, despite their inability to use magic above tier three, could single-handedly dispose of a monster horde thanks to their wings and Evil Eyes.

Both monsters and undead worked in exchange for a share of the mines, but their services were well worth it. The Kingdom and the Empire couldn't afford to deploy the troops necessary to protect their respective overseas outposts.

Losing a bit of resources was worth saving the thousands of lives of their citizens that monster tides and lost cities would reap.

"I'm not a fan of undead, but I'd hit that." Kelia pointed at a handsome orc shaman who in his unfallen state was a dark-skinned elf and at a bare-chested Balor whose body was a symphony of muscles.

After a Divine Beast had been proclaimed Supreme Magus of the Kingdom and the Headmaster of the White Griffon had married a Dryad, the public opinion toward the other races and mixed couples was slowly changing.

Especially after Elysia had shocked the Kingdom during her introduction Gala and Dhiral was showing more of his intelligence. Some even said that Manohar the Second wasn't just a second name, but a prophecy.

On top of that, life in Jiera was already hard.

Anyone could die at any time, making the social barriers in the outposts even thinner. Many soldiers courted the so-called reverted monsters, making female orcs and Balors giggle like little girls.

"Kelia!" Farg spat out a mouthful of her stew. "You are still a child. Also, I called dibs on Ba'rai."

"Please." Kelia chuckled. "I'm not a child. I'm fifteen. Next year I'll be considered an adult. Also, you have attended an academy as well. Compared to what happens there, this is a temple of purity."

"That's true." Farg sighed, looking at the Balor way longer than it was polite while wondering if to invite him to Darmoq.
