Chapter 3019 Price of Power (Part 1)  

Price of Power (Part 1)

"Bytra? The Rune Magus?" Orion looked at the Raiju's human form with a mix of shock and awe. "That Bytra? Are you really her?"

"Yes. Who else do you think could build that thing? Me?" Vastor scoffed while pointing at the modified version of the Madness with his thumb.

Orion finally understood why she had always felt familiar. Even though not completely accurate, portraits of the past Magi existed. Orion felt his knees wobbling and needed to sit down on his bed.

"Yes, it's really me." Bytra gave him a cute bow. "I hope it's not a problem."

"A problem?" Orion gasped. "It's an honor. I'm a big fan of your work, Magus Bytra. Thank you for your teachings. Menadion gifted us Forgemastery, but it was you who gave us the means to truly master our craft.


"Without your version of Runesmithing, even today only geniuses with plenty of resources like the Forge Magus would be able to craft a power core."

He bowed to her multiple times, wondering how could Bytra be still alive after all those centuries. How she had met Vastor and why she was at his service instead of the other way around were more than mysteries, they were inconceivable thoughts.

"Thank you. You are too kind." She blushed a bit, not used to receiving praise outside of the Organization.

"Not to be rude, but are you an Emperor Beast?" It would have explained her longevity and beauty.

"Yes." She nodded, receiving another deep bow.

"Nice how you've never been so respectful to me and I'm the one who's going to save your ass." Vastor snorted. "As I was saying, Abthot is the key to avoid using Forbidden Magic to keep you alive. "She's a Fae and she'll share with you her regenerative abilities for the duration of the procedure. She will provide you with nutrients and the life force she steals from plants. Unless you think that carrots should also have human rights."


"Not at all." Orion felt embarrassed. Not only were Vastor's words true but the fact that so many powerful people were willing to follow him and obey his orders meant that the old Professor deserved more credit than Lord Ernas had ever given him.

"Plants have no self-awareness and farm animals are bred to be eaten. Feel free to use either of them."

"Thank you." Vastor inwardly smiled since Orion's definition of acceptable food covered many of the people the Master held capture.

Some were in a vegetative state after abusing alcohol or drugs and others were the dregs of society that he considered worse than cattle. At least cattle played a role in nurturing humanity whereas Vastor's prisoners dragged it down.

"Wait, what's his role in all this?" Orion pointed at Kigan. freewebno(v)el

"Security. Same as Bytra." Vastor shrugged. "We are going to be helpless until the procedure is completed. Kigan will deal with any problem regarding our safety while Bytra will make sure that the machine works without a hitch."

"Before we start, I need to make sure that you understand why every step of the way matters. Sit down and listen." Vastor went over the hurdles of Awakening for normal people before moving on to the dangers for those who exceeded the bright cyan.

When he was done, Orion was deathly pale. After Vastor finished explaining to Orion the difference between Awakened and non-Awakened violet cores, Orion's face lost any trace of color left.

"Good gods! That's why you had me practice fusion magic that way since the beginning." Orion blurted out in surprise. "You had me preparing for this moment all along."

"Correct." Vastor nodded. "The bright blue is powerful, but useless for someone in your situation. I couldn't afford the time to let you master fusion magic first and then learn how to circulate runes.

"My method allowed you to do both things at the same time. It's harder to learn and less efficient than fusion magic but someone as powerful as you needed control, not strength. Also, there was supposed to be no deadline."

Orion opened and closed his mouth, wanting to say many things but failing to find the proper words to do it.

"Whenever you are ready." Vastor said after the silence lasted for a few minutes. "If you need more rest, food, or if you want to call someone before we start, now is the moment."

"I'm fine, thank you." Orion said yet his knees gave out when he tried to stand up. "I won't call my children. They'd notice there's something wrong with me and I don't know if I have the courage to lie to them or to go on with the procedure if they ask me not to. Does Jirni know?"

"Every detail." Vastor handed him a magically sealed letter that only Orion's mana could open. "I kept her updated on your condition the whole time."

The letter read:

"Please, my love, don't do it. As the moment nears, I finally understand how selfish I have been. We wouldn't be in this situation if not for my stubbornness. I asked you to Awaken only because I wanted you by my side as long as our children need us. "Instead, my actions have potentially shortened my life and by deciding to Awaken so soon, you are endangering yours. Please, I can't bear the thought of losing my husband so soon after my daughter.

"What am I going to tell our children if something happens to you? How can I keep living if the family I've sworn to protect abandons me because my recklessness causes your death?

"If you won't do it for me, do it for our baby. If I lose the battle against the Myrok, Dripha needs to have at least one parent. I can cheat any opponent but not death. Please, come back home and stop this madness before it's too late."

"You didn't tell her, did you?" Vastor had realized the gravity of the situation when Jirni's usual stone face had crumbled upon learning the reason of her husband's disappearance.

"No. She made her choice despite my objections. It's only right that I do the same." Orion folded the paper with care, put it back in the envelope, and left it on the bed.

"I'm ready. Before we start, I just want to thank you all and let you know that however this goes, house Ernas owes you a debt of eternal gratitude."

"Please." Vastor scoffed. "The words of a dead man have no value so make sure to survive so that I can hold you to your word."

The two men couldn't have been more different. One short and fat and the other tall and muscular. Yet they stared each other in the eyes like equals and shook their forearms like brothers.

"I'll do my best." Orion nodded.

"Now, don't get this wrong, but I need you to strip." Vastor said.

"Here? In front of everyone?" Over half of those present were young-looking women and usually, healers didn't need to see their patients naked.

"You can do it in another room but you'd be naked in the tank anyway." Vastor said.

"I promise we won't make comments." Zoreth said.

"While you can hear us, at least." Bytra chuckled, her joke meant to lighten the mood but made Orion blush up to his ears instead.

fre ew?
