"Would you ever consider taking all your work as a dimensional mage and giving it away just because something might go wrong?" Nalrond asked with a scoff.

"It's not the same thing!" Friya couldn't believe he could be so hard-headed. "I've worked my ass off on dimensional magic since the academy. It's the path that I've chosen as my career whereas you are just being stubborn."

"Please! I've been working my ass on light magic ever since I have memory because I wanted to fix my condition. My people worked on it for centuries. It's not only a career for me, but also my legacy.

"The dream that I share with my ancestor and with all those who have been turned into werepeople by Forbidden Magic." Anger turned Nalrond's voice cold and his teeth into fangs.

"Fine." Friya couldn't argue his point without sounding like a hypocrite. "But why it has to be you?"

"Because I'm the one who had the vision in the Fringe. I've worked on it and the only life force that I'm confident treating is my own." Nalrond replied. "It would take me months just to study the life force of another tribe and adapt the procedure to it.

"Also, I can count on Quylla's help and Lith's tower. Werepeople would never accept being treated by a stranger and Lith would never expose Solus' secret. With their help, I have a chance whereas everyone else doesn't."


"Is it because I'm stronger than you?" Friya was running out of options but she was too afraid to lose him to stop. She didn't care how low she had to stoop if it meant having him in her life. "Because you can't Awaken?

"Strength means nothing. Think of Kamila. Think of my mother. They are both weaker than their partner but they are happy."

"No, our difference in strength isn't the issue, even though I'd be lying to you if I told you that it doesn't bother me. But it's not for the reason you think. I wouldn't care about Awakening if I had a way to get stronger with you.

"To live as long as you do. To not have to be left behind whenever something happens just because I'm too weak. I've lost everything but my life once already. Every time you go out fighting and I stay home, I feel as helpless as the day Dawn destroyed my world while I could just watch."All of this bothers me, but it's not the reason I want to fuse my life forces. It's because I want this curse to end with me. To give my, our children if you'll have me, a better life than mine.

"Whether they want to Awaken or not, to be human or beasts, I want it to be their choice." Nalrond took a deep breath to both calm down and find the strength to say the next words.

"I didn't ask to be born, just like I didn't ask to be permanently stuck between two worlds yet belong to neither. I didn't ask for Dawn to destroy my village. Things just happened and I had to suck them up.


"Seeking revenge was my first real life-altering choice. It led me to Lith, then to Protector, and lastly, to you. Our relationship is something that I've chosen and I treasure it the most for this exact reason.

"If it has to become another thing that I just have to suck it up, it would become meaningless. I can't give up on my dream just because you ask me to, just like you wouldn't give up on dimensional magic for me, would you?"

"No." Friya lowered her gaze.

She knew how hypocritical her request sounded but she didn't regret trying.

"When we started dating, you knew that sooner or later I would attempt to cure my condition but you accepted me. If you have changed your mind and want to break up, you just have to tell me." Nalrond took another step back, giving her space and waiting for her answer.lightsnovel

Countless thoughts crossed Friya's mind. From ending the engagement with him to wondering what their children would look like. Then, as she pictured them growing up, if their condition as hybrids would trouble them like it did Nalrond.

She thought about the sacrifice she was asking him to make. A sacrifice that would reflect upon their marriage over the years, especially while everyone grew old while Friya remained youthful.

lightsnοvεl Yet all of that seemed a pointless worry in the face of death. She'd rather deal with those issues when and if they arose rather than enable what she perceived as a suicidal attempt.

Friya was about to open her mouth to answer when he put his finger on her lips.

"Please, consider this. Failure doesn't mean that I'm going to die for sure. If the wall between my life forces crumbles and I can't merge them, I'll just turn into a hybrid. And since I'm way past twenty, I'll have to make my choice.

"If it comes down to that, I'm going to pick my human side. I won't live as long as you once you become a Harbinger, but I'll finally be myself and our children will resemble their grandparents.

"I have no idea how being a Harbinger works and I'd rather not have them choose between being a Hydra and a Rezar. I love being human and I'm certain that our children would suffer were they to look nothing like their mother."

Those words struck Friya harder than she thought possible.

'Gods, I can't believe how selfish I am.' She thought. 'While I only worried about me, Nalrond worried about us. I've never stopped to consider how the Hydra blood might affect my body.

'I've never questioned how my choice to serve Faluel might affect my future family. Nalrond, instead, is willing to give up on his Rezar side and a longer life today just to make someone who doesn't even exist yet happy. Someone who may never be born if we break up.'

"I have only one question." Friya took his finger off her mouth. "Are you really okay with me becoming a Harbinger? To be the Solus in our relationship?"

"Depends." Nalrond furrowed his brows. "Are you sleeping with her?"

"What? No! Why do you ask?" Friya couldn't understand his logic.

"Then no. I don't mind to be the Kamila of our relationship. Faluel is going to be the Solus since she gets your mind but not your body." He said, making her laugh. "Don't get me wrong, I'd rather not share you with anyone.

"Yet if I have to choose between you becoming a Harbinger and not have you in my life at all, I pick Harbinger hands down."

"Then go to Quylla and tell her to prepare for the procedure. She wanted us to have this talk and we did. There's nothing I can do or say to stop you nor do I have any right to. As you said, this is your life and you have to live it as you see best." Friya sighed.

"What about us?" Nalrond asked.

"I'm still against it." Friya shook her head. "Yet if I have to choose between risking to lose you and losing you no matter what, I pick the risk hands down. We are still together."
