2909 Proper Timing (Part 1)

The file contained holograms depicting the physical appearance of all Orpal's known aliases, Night's trademark spells, and Baba Yaga's spell to destroy the Horseman.

Lith also warned his contacts on Jiera to be wary of any unknown Awakened who had suddenly appeared after the fall of the Golden Griffon and to keep the hunt for Night a secret from anyone they didn't trust.

"What's the point? Meln isn't stupid enough to use his real appearance and it's not like you can include his energy signature in the bounty either." Kamila said in frustration.

"True, but based on what the cursed objects Meln sent after Solus said, Night has been ostracized by their kin as well." Lith replied.

"Now if Meln is cornered and uses one of his spells in front of an Awakened, his cover will blow and all those who met him will be able to recognize him no matter what form he takes.

"Also, I've just given the local cursed objects the means to destroy him. Meln's life on Jiera has just become as dangerous as on Garlen and the best part is that he won't know it until it's too late."



Jiera Continent, Wayfinder's camp.magic

"For how much longer do I have to stay here?" Kelia asked. "I thought that as soon as the people of the Kingdom were done building their Warp Gate, you would have sent over the materials to build our own.

"Patience, my child." The Empress shook her head. "The Wayfinder is not only a means of transportation, but also the only defense both our expeditions are going to have until the fortifications of our respective settlements are completed.

"Even with the Black Tide gone, there are many threats on Jiera and we have no allies there."Without the Wayfinder, the people of the Kingdom would be vulnerable to an attack. First, they need to finish to fortify the area and place permanent arrays. Then they can lend us the Wayfinder.

"The starting point of our colony must be far away enough from the Kingdom's to avoid conflicts while they expand. It also requires a mana geyser and to be as safe as possible.


"The search is going to take a while and after we find the right place, we are going to need protection as well. We are going to keep the Wayfinder until our Gate and settlement are complete or our mages will be sitting ducks.

"During all that time, the Kingdom's colony is going to be on its own, and without the personnel they'll send along with us to operate the Train and the DoLoreans. You can't expect them to gracefully hand everything to us and trust that we won't try to crack the secrets of such powerful artifacts out of the goodness of our hearts."

"I understand, mother." Kelia gave the Magic Empress a deep bow. "I didn't mean to rush things, I'm just eager to return home. My fifth year of academy is going to start soon and with Verhen gone, there's not much I can do here."

"Don't worry. Your break has barely started and from now on things are going to proceed quickly." Milea replied.

"What if our mages and I started looking for a good site for the camp? It would save us time and-"

"Absolutely not!" The Empress cut Kelia short. "The Gate also ensures that whatever happens, the members of the expedition can receive reinforcements or leave Jiera at any moment.

"After what happened with the Black Tide, you should realize how reckless it would be leaving its protection."lightsnovel

"I thank you for your thoughtfulness, Your Majesty, but I'm not like the others. Dusk can heal any wound I suffer and even if I meet something that can threaten my existence, I can call upon Baba Yaga." Kelia replied.

"Really? And how do I explain to the team that I'm letting a mere fourth year student fly around alone?" The Empress scoffed. "Even better, what if someone witnesses your regeneration abilities or Baba Yaga's intervention? It would expose your existence and destroy your future.

"You can't change your energy signature and once people know that Kelia Sunbry is Dusk you would have to stay in hiding just like Meln Narchat. Don't be silly, little girl. You are neither immortal nor invincible, just tough to kill.

"The moment you get away from the Gate and the White Sword Squad, you are just a green-cored Awakened. There are plenty of things out there that can make you regret the day you were born."

Outside the camp, from a safe distance, Orpal kept studying the magical formations in search of weak points he could break through. There were so many targets inside, so many people he hated.

All he needed to get his revenge was one opportunity to sneak past the barriers and decide who he would kill first.

lightsΝοvel He was aware that revealing his presence on Jiera would cost him his anonymity but with Thaymos' failure to chase the Garleners away, it was only a matter of time before he lost it anyway.

'I'll make Leech pay for having come here to steal what little I've left and the price will be the lives of everyone he loves.'


Village of Lutia, a few hours after dinner.

Going from the middle of the night of the Desert back to the Kingdom where the sun was high in the sky was always an unsettling experience.

Not only because the members of Lith's family still had a hard time grasping time zones and that they could cross such great distances in one step, but also because the jetlag made a mess of their sleep cycle.

Yet the Verhens had decided to return home immediately because they were already awake and, after hearing about what had happened on Jiera, they had tossed and turned in their respective beds before giving up on sleep.

The thought of Orpal being responsible for Lith's latest misfortune made Elina's and Raaz's guts twist into a knot more than any lost city could.

Elina because she was worried about what her wayward son might do next Raaz because he burned in outrage and couldn't stop daydreaming about Orpal being caught and tortured to death.

'Gods help me, this is the first time in my life that I'm regretting to not have asked Lith to Awaken me. I'd give anything to be capable of casting just that one spell. The spell that is going to send Meln where he belongs. Sleeping with the manure.' Raaz thought.

"I'm surprised that you left the kids in the Desert, Mom. Why didn't you wake them up?" Lith said while guiding Shargein by keeping a hand on his neck.

The Wyrmling was walking on all fours, carrying the babies on his back. Each set of his furled feathered wings acted as cushions while the scales on his back slightly curved themselves to keep Valeron and Elysia upright.

"To what end?" Elina sighed, carrying the sleeping Surin in her arms. "They would have begged me to let them sleep, worried about our sudden leaving the Desert, or both. There's no point in upsetting Aran and Leria.

"They are safe and sound in the Desert and their pets are with them."
