Turning his cold gaze to the enormous Tenrou Tree, Aidan snorted and turned away. He knew that he would not be interested in it. There were too many secrets hidden in this tree, and he felt a hidden danger from him - he would never harm him without the proper strength. To absorb this tree, you need to be ready to withstand the consequences. He realized this even at the moment when he first touched him. It is quite a common reaction, especially if you understand what your magic wants to enhance yourself. Unfortunately, he could not control some things, still remaining in the role of a spectator ...

Aidan sprang abruptly into the woods. The hour of murder has come, the hour of the desecration of the holy land! Even if he could not touch Mavis and Tenrou Tree, he easily came up with another method to play with life, to show her all her insignificance and despicable weakness!

Wherever he swept, the black haze of death covered everything in the path. Trees and animals died in the blink of an eye. Not so long ago, the birds chirped happily and greeted Aidan, but now - he mercilessly takes their innocent lives! No pity or compassion, he defiled everything in his path. The trees grew dull, dead leaves fell everywhere. The beautiful flowers withered, and the animals quickly dried up and fell dead. Eyes filled with life grew dull and covered with a dull veil of old age. Dead lands were spreading across the island at a noticeable speed, no one could leave it!

Meanwhile, on the other side of Tenrou Island.

The quietly dozing guy abruptly opened his dark eyes and slowly rose, turning:

- What is it? - Zeref almost half a minute continued to stare into emptiness and frowns. He didn't even have words, he just got up and continued to stare in an unknown direction with disbelief. Suddenly he grabbed his head and grimaced:

- Damn, not again ... Aaaa! - uttering a painful cry, a wave of death escaped from the guy in all directions - at the same moment all the trees around immediately dried up and died. Dead leaves fell and the numb bodies of birds fell from the trees like rain. With a sad sigh, Zeref turned away and began to walk away:


- Who is this ... Damned? His aura is different ... Surely this era will turn out to be different ... Who is he? - although he was curious to find out who was emitting such a strong aura of death there, he still did not tempt fate and provoke his madness. He knew very well that one wrong step would lead to the worst. It is better for him not to meet people, especially those who possess such magic.

- Why did you let him in ...

Zeref could not understand the reason, he knew well that she would not let a stranger on this land ... That is why he chose such a secluded place. He spent these three years in quiet solitude, and then someone unknown appeared.

She should definitely know the answer ...

Continuing the path, he could not get this man out of his head. For three years he thought about the future, he expected at least some changes, but the cycle continued ...

Stopping, Zeref raised his head to heaven and sighed sadly:


- I guess I should still find him ...


The forest died on the way. Aidan wandered slowly in the dead thicket and chuckled viciously, releasing waves of death. He really liked to turn everything around into a gloomy cemetery filled with silence beyond the grave, so he did not even intend to stop.

High in the sky, several golden lights quickly came together to form the silhouette of a beautiful girl. Instead of the old smile and carelessness, Mavis' face showed concern. Now she realized what the true side effect of Aidan's magic was.

- He is different ... I could not control it, but he seems to be killing everything on purpose ... I don't understand, it doesn't look like the curse of Contradiction. It's like he's becoming possessed. Moreover, he is in complete control of his strength ... And what about his body? - Mavis studied everything from above. From this distance, not even Aidan could feel her, but she could see everything clearly. She was haunted by black veins on his body and, completely unusual for Anxelam's curse, behavior. He clearly did it with clear intent. He did not want to save his life, on the contrary, he seemed to want to kill everything in his path and even enjoyed it! The curse of Anxelam has only two forms: either you value life and unintentionally kill everything around, or you completely discard feelings and become a cold-blooded creature. But now Aidan was acting like a demon obsessed with killing every life along the way. Emotions seemed to be controlling him and definitely not the best.

- So that's why he chose this place ... - involuntarily, the girl's gaze moved to the other side of the island:

- He could not feel, I'm afraid if these two meet, something dangerous might happen. - Mavis glumly returned her gaze to the side of the riotous Aidan. Black marks on his body increased, he suddenly stopped walking, but simply stopped and turned his cold gaze to an unknown place. Mavis also looked in that direction and frowned.- It's him! - After a light sigh, the girl shook her head: - It looks like this meeting can not be avoided.

Mavis frowned seriously as she continued to watch Aidan move. He, like a wild animal that sensed the prey, jumped off the spot. It was there that Zeref had just emitted a wave of death.

- If he attacks him ... - Mavis couldn't let that happen! Even though she had promised not to show up to him, there were no other options now.

Leaping forward, Mavis quickly reached the ground and began chasing Aidan. It moved with amazing speed, continuing to destroy any vegetation in its path. But suddenly, he stopped abruptly. A familiar aura filled with purity and light touched him and his thoughts instantly got confused. He turned sharply and said hoarsely:

- Mavis ...

- Sorry, - landing on the ground, the girl smiled tenderly: - You can't go there. If he loses control, you can get hurt.

- He? - Aidan's face immediately reflected rage, the aura of death exploded, scattering in all directions! Like a thousand years of anger, sweeping away all life for hundreds of meters. Even Mavis shuddered and stepped back a couple of steps - a weak golden barrier appeared in front of the girl and easily extinguished the waves of dark magic. The girl immediately frowned, she did not understand why he was suddenly angry.

Suddenly Aidan laughed furiously.

- Little girl! Don't you dare compare God to a pitiful rubbish incapable of resisting the curse of the petty god of Death! He's just dirt under my feet! As soon as I devour his insignificant powers, I immediately learn the very essence of Life and Death! - went bared his teeth, Aidan walked over Mavis's body with a hot look:

- Your small body may be attractive, but there is nothing more tempting than true strength! As soon as I can comprehend the very essence of my magic - nothing in the world will stop me!

- You ... - Mavis frowned darkly. - You don't remember what you say! You may be strong, but there is no way you can kill him. You're only going to make yourself worse, please, just ...

- Silence! - Aidan's eyes flashed with an ominous light, his hoarse voice like a demonic grinding thundered even louder:

- I feel from here your knowledge of life, I do not know how this old bastard allowed you to find a connection with the eternal magic, but it will become mine too! Once I'm done with this pathetic parody of a dark wizard, I'll show this worthless world the true essence of this name! I will turn everything into my kingdom of death! Even Acnologia will bow before me!
