
After about an hour, Aidan finally reached the hidden area of ​​Tenrou Island. At the foot of a small rock, in the roots of a tall tree, an unusual tombstone was hidden. Aidan stopped nearby and looked around.

- How quiet ... - he melted on a small wasteland, the stone ground under his feet was covered with dark roots, as if they were living, they spread over the area around. This place was too secluded, but even so, fireflies circled around the grave and gave this place a magical mystery.

Walking a little further, Aidan stopped at the monument. Tall, hewn out of light stone. The two central slabs rose above the four at the edges and had a semicircular hole in their middle, it was in this place that a bright golden glow burned. Its light was mesmerizing.

All slabs were covered with moss, various vegetation and small roots. The years took their toll ... Aidan climbed the only three steps and rose slightly above the monument, touching the highest part of the slab:

`` So much magic ... '' Aidan stared at the golden flame in the center of the stone and smiled.

"I can feel the transfer of your energy in this clot of magic. Your comprehension of life is incredible ... - Without any fear, Aidan reached out to the glow and touched it. At the same moment, a cute cry swept through the area, and then the glow took off, quickly transforming into a human. Aidan chuckled slyly and looked at the flying girl.


A short, sweet little beauty. Long wavy brown hair touched her bare feet, and green eyes, hiding something mysterious in their depths, examined the boy who had arrived with curiosity. Pale skin, small nose and cute ahoge made this girl look even more charming. Even though she looked like a little girl, she still seemed incredibly beautiful.

Landing on the ground, Mavis blinked in surprise.

- Who are you?

Aidan glanced over the girl's pretentious pink dress, then settled on her beautiful face. Now he understood why Mavis was considered a beauty - he even felt uncomfortable from the fact that he continued to stare. Therefore, the guy coughed and still answered her:

"I'm Aidan from Fairy Tail. Glad to meet the First Master.

Mavis was not surprised, only her little white wings next to her ears twitched cutely.


- I see ... What kind of magic do you have? She is strange ... - the girl slowly walked up to Aidan and scowled at him:"And y-where are your clothes?" - she said a little embarrassedly, slightly frowning her thin eyebrows:

- And what about your hand?

- Well, - the guy answered with a wry smile: - I faced one problem, all this since those times. Besides ... - the guy looked sideways at Mavis's legs and grinned: - Can you put on your own shoes first?

- Hmm? - the girl continued to study the guy. Mavis's height barely reached his chest, so when the couple studied each other's faces, it looked strange. Finally Mavis shook her head and asked sharply:

- How did you know who I am?

- I guessed it.

- True? Mavis chuckled sweetly. "I don't believe you!" So what is your magic? It seems familiar to me ...

Aidan shrugged his shoulders and held out his hand, on which the dark figure of a kitten instantly appeared:

"I'm the ice wizard.

- Yes? Mavis grabbed the figurine sharply and examined it with interest.

- Nice! Hmm ... - she immediately flashed curiosity in her eyes: - So you are the Killer of the Gods?

Aidan was not particularly surprised, so he immediately nodded with a smile and asked:

- How did you know?

- Well, - Mavis continued to playfully examine the kitten and giggle.- He is so cute! Can you do more?

Aidan shrugged and extended his hand to the side. At the same moment, a dark cold gathered in one place and formed a huge cat, as tall as Mavis herself. The girl smiled happily and jumped up to the kitten:

- How alive! The beauty!

Aidan's eyebrow twitched, but he didn't laugh, he just asked:

- How did you understand that I am the Killer of the Gods?

"Hmm," narrowing her eyes slightly, Mavis proudly replied, "Your magic has a trace of old laws, very ancient magic, it's easy to understand. I know at least two kinds of God Slayer magic, but she's so boring ...

Mavis sat down next to the kitten laughing.

"So he used ice ... Not surprisingly, there is a trace of the old laws in any God Slayer magic. But how he was able to penetrate the tree ... "- the girl suddenly understood something and turned sharply to Aidan:

- Wait ... Do you have any more magic? How did you get in touch with the Tree? Plus ... - Mavis finally noticed the oddity - butterflies circled around Aidan, and the birds were singing louder than usual. Mavis knew very well how the animals behaved on this island, but this time ...

The girl began to think intensely, completely ignoring the guy. She tried to guess herself and seemed to be disconnected from reality. However, Aidan was in no hurry to answer, he clearly knew - if he spoke about the magic of Life and Death, it is not known what it would lead to. Even if she was a wonderful girl, kind and sweet, he still did not want to reveal his secret. Even if she and the First Master were able to somehow help him with this, he still did not want to initiate others into this secret.

Only, once upon a time, Mavis was subject to a curse ... Perhaps she knows much more ... Ada thought hard, he wanted to tell at least someone and share this problem, but not the first person he met, right? No, this definitely cannot be done now. No matter how charming she was, he did not come to her for this.

"Yes ... Life and Death are my burden, there is no need to devote others to this" - deciding on this, the guy calmed down. Even if Mavis was suspicious, he decided not to tell her. It's not a matter of trust; rather, he didn't really want to talk about the fact that he had recently killed hundreds of people and could repeat it at any time. He wanted to deal with his problem himself and was going to live with it himself.

A gentle voice distracted Aidan's determined thoughts:

"Do you have the second killer magic?" Is it related to plants?

At her guess, Aidan could only smile calmly. She was not entirely mistaken, of course, because she could not even imagine that in front of her is the one who possesses the magic based on the so-called curse of Anxelam. She could choose a lot of options, but this one would be the most unlikely and even unrealistic.

"You're right, I can manipulate and feel trees.

"Hmm ... Woody God Slayer?" Sounds strange ... - Mavis stared at Aidan's face for a few more seconds, and then smiled brightly.

- Okay! Show me your magic!
