Aidan spent almost a week in a state of meditation. How did he eat? Very simply, the barrier, although it covered the entire perimeter of the walls, so that the arrivals could not leave the trap, but it did not block the external influence. So, for example, several small trees sprouted inside and Aidan could easily draw their life and replenish his energy. Besides, he still had enough food. In the end, he is unlikely to starve to death, but rather to die of old age or a long wait. The magic of life allowed him to take power literally from the air, it was only necessary to accumulate energy.

Only, very soon something happened that changed everything ...

Huge and black like night energy filled everything around, a silhouette stepped out of the darkness and looked at the three statues with contempt:

- Not alive and not dead, abomination! - With a relaxed wave of his hand, Aidan sent a black blade at the soulless opponents, trying to cut them. But nothing happened and, as expected, only led to the worst consequences. Unfortunately, while undergoing transformation, Aidan remained himself, but all his emotions changed, and his intellect only grew with each new treatment, so as soon as he saw the bloody light in the eyes of the three slightly damaged statues, he just snorted. He was not at all interested in the pitiful pieces of stone, but he was well aware that he would have to get rid of them first in order to get out of this despicable place!Just a moment and a wave of wind reached Aidan's face, he blinked and bowed his head down in bewilderment.

"Wow ..." surprise was reflected in his eyes. Blood was gushing from his body in a fountain, and part of the belt was simply cut, along with several organs. Only, the black marks pulsed and he recovered instantly. The huge hole lit up with a golden glow and everything quickly overgrew, leaving behind only a deep bloody scar.

The next moment, Aidan abruptly went to the side and immediately lost his hand, he absolutely could not keep up with the enemy!

The swordsman continued to run from side to side, and then a golden arrow rushed towards Aidan!


- Enough! - with a furious wheeze, the guy attached the severed hand back to his shoulder, and a wave of death burst out in all directions!- A pitiful parody of life! - the only one who was not moved by a terrifying wave of magic, swung his huge poleaxe. Aidan was not afraid, his eyes flashed, and he immediately rushed towards the ax, his right hand along with his shoulder was immediately cut, but the guy easily got close to the monster's skull and thrust his fingers into its eye sockets. After a terrible roar, a volley of stones scattered to the side and again threw the archer and swordsman back, but one of the arrows immediately pierced Aidan's chest. But he, having lost his arm and even the right side of his body, calmly stepped forward and raised his hand, pushed the liver back and leaned the stump of a large part of the meat together with the skin. The lungs and ribs connected again - the veins flashed and everything began to heal before our eyes with a terrifying speed. When converted under the influence of magic, Aidan became almost invulnerable! If he were in his right mind now, and this terrible pain would simply destroy his consciousness. Not to mention, he would not even be able to understand how he died and would not even be able to heal in time. But now, these pathetic wounds for him were no more than minor cuts. He considered himself invulnerable and behaved appropriately!

- Now you, trash ... - rushing from the spot towards the archer, Aidan created an armor of ice and waved his hand, the entire space was instantly covered with icy hell. A black blizzard enveloped the statues, but they stubbornly continued to move. The archer broke the distance, and the swordsman headed towards him through the chains of ice.

This fight was just awful. No man could have fought so mercilessly towards himself and his enemies!


Peering into the endless horizon, Aidan closed his eyes for a moment, listening to the movement of the playful waves. He could not help but rejoice in the light breeze, because he had been trapped for almost two years. He was able to destroy those statues, though not without harm to himself. Using his own power, he killed two, and then finished off the swordsman with a silver spear. On that day, Aidan was really angry, he destroyed everything around him until he broke all the walls and the ground to the very bottom of the barrier. But, he did not manage to get out. For two damn years he increased his strength, meditated and went through several transformations and again rampaged. Due to the fact that he could not comprehend the magic of life and death, he never took his state under control. He barely managed to do at least something only on that day, he began to remember the moment of his death - at least a little, but this allowed him to increase some understanding.

Using a magic spear, as well as constant bursts of magic, he was able to destroy the barrier and get out. Day after day, he attacked one place and only two years later it bore fruit. He was even able to open the next passage to unknown rooms, but then sealed everything with his ice and hurriedly left that place. Aidan came out of there a completely different person. Scars, muscles, long hair, he looked like a true savage. In that riot, he only managed to collect several parts of the body of the count's son. This was the only proof of his death.


Tears of mother and father ... He still remembered how they lost hope. At least that woman ... The Count, apparently, did not believe in success for a long time, especially after the disappearance of another wizard.

After that ordeal, Aidan had little empathy. He was simply too tired, without food and water, purely on the magic of life - this constantly increased his state of madness. Almost every month he again turned into that devil, but without the ability to destroy something around him, he hurt himself by cutting off his toes or feet ... Horrible memories. Aidan's loneliness was not frightening, but rather the endless silence in the darkness and these attacks. If not for the magic of life, he would simply rot there - replenishing the ether, he could heal himself and replenish his strength. Gift and curse rolled into one, really terrible magic ...
