
The rhythmic sound of the train was accompanied by a tense silence. Erza and Mira tried to ignore each other, while Aidan adjusted his glasses and continued reading the book. Even though the two were annoyed with each other, he was more than happy, even though the fun and drunken days were over with the mission. The long stagnation in one place annoyed most of all, and now with becoming a senior wizard, he could afford very good assignments. It remains only to live to see them ...

After a few hours, the train finally reached the terminal station. Aidan smiled at the quietly sniffling Mira opposite. Sleepy and curled up like a kitty, she didn't look so formidable. Although ... Before the train stopped, a couple of the girl's eyebrows twitched slightly, and she immediately regained her former sly expression. Aidan could only chuckle and look at Erza, her head resting on his left shoulder. It looks like this tension knocked the couple out of strength. Pushing Erza lightly, the guy whispered to her:

- We arrived, wake up.

"Mm, a little more," the girl muttered, shaking her head slightly and puffing out her cheeks.

- Grr! - Mira snorted: - Completely insolent! Get up, come on! Stop cuddling here, we're on a mission!

Erza gritted her teeth and jerked her leg, the sharp edge of steel leggings immediately cut into the leg of the disgruntled Mira.


- Ahhh! Oh, you ... - the girl already had tears, and she immediately fell back into her place:

- I will kill you ... Ay-ay!

Erza puffed out her cheeks and looked into the guy's face:

- Why did you take it ?! From her only one problem!

- Oh ... - Aidan got up and threw on his backpack: - I already told you, you can look at each other with anger as much as you want, but don't dare to fight. This is my first S-class assignment, just like yours, so hold back. So sorry Erza.

- Wh-what ?! I?!At Aidan's scowl, the girl shrank, and then sighed and glanced at Mira with displeasure:


- I-I'm sorry.

Mira just snorted and, as if nothing had happened, she got up and went to the exit.

Erza walked her off with irritation, and then looked at the guy with resentment, frowning her sharp eyebrows. Without saying anything, she took her huge baggage and left too.

- Oh, probably this is normal, - meeting the eyes of some grinning old man, Aidan just waved his hand and went to the exit too.

On the evening of the next day, the three friends broke a halt. On the Magic Transport, they managed to travel several kilometers, changing in turns. Finally, they almost got to the right place. Not far from the ghost town, where the White Harpy guild was once based, they decided to wait until morning.

Recently, Mira and Erza have quarreled more than once, but the benefit did not get out of control. Aidan tried to control these two.

On a small hill in the light of the fire, admiring the sparkling stars and the beautiful moon, Aidan playfully looked at the bored girls and smiled.

- Since we have become almost friends ...

- Nearly? Erza grunted in displeasure. "Are you sure?" I remember we were already friends ...

Mira just turned away, continuing to gnaw at the fish.

- Okay, I know that you are on edge. I wanted to tell you a story since we sit so bored.

- Another story? - Mira grinned: - I really thought you would not start.- What? I thought you liked them.

- I like it, - Mirajane grinned and looked at Erza.

- Only the company I do not like!

"Shut up," Erza just waved her hand, she was already used to such communication, and Mira didn't react too much, just crossed her legs and buried her chin in her palm.

Aidan made himself comfortable and nestled his head on his backpack.

- Okay ... So it happened just at the moment when I left the snow-capped mountains. It was a cold place ... I went to look for a worthy opponent in the nearest town. It was called Toli Astor, Toli Klastor ... In general, it doesn't matter. There I got to know a rather funny company from the Saint Hound Guild. Believe me, these guys are real weirdos. It was a glorious fight ... At that time my experience was rather poor, I only visited a couple of places and fought with simple weaklings. But, not that time ... That girl controlled real snakes! Brr! How I hate snakes and all kinds of bugs! Oh, and I ran then ... As soon as I remember, it already throws a shiver!

- Hmm, and what kind of girl is this? - grinned Mira, looking at the frowning Erza. Thin scarlet eyebrows took on a serious expression again, Mirajane was always amused, and on the contrary, Aidan liked it.

- Oh, it doesn't matter, she's creepy, so that I go to that place again ... In general, we started a fight and then something happened that I had never expected - these snakes began to spit out more snakes! Wow, that was so exhausting ...

Erza frowned at first, but when she heard the sequel, two beautiful laughs quickly filled the area around the lone fire. Aidan was only happy to continue his story. In Saint Hound, he really met a lot of crazy people. Starting from their master with a dog's head and a pair of angel wings, ending with everyone else. There were enough beauties there, but they only looked like cute girls in appearance, in fact, this is a real madhouse.


The next day, the three finally made it to the ghost coast. The day before, they walked around the ghost town, completely covered in thick fog. They did not manage to meet more than one soul there. Even Aidan could not find a drop of life there, the most amazing thing is that there were grass and trees, insects and animals dug holes and calmly grew and died. But, as for the people ... Who needed to take people? Difficult question, but, probably, it was not without magic. Death did not reign in the air, but rather some frightening darkness. Aidan always disliked such places, but he still continued his way deeper, reaching the foggy coast. Taking the boat, they headed to the lighthouse, as they could not find anything else. The strangest thing is that the path to the Lighthouse was still visible in this dense fog, it clearly looked like a trap, but in the current situation there were no more options. Therefore, I had to go straight to the forehead to the enemy.

To everyone's surprise and even to some kind of anticipation on the part of the two girls wishing to fight, they did not meet a single ghost on the way.

Already swimming close to the shore of the lighthouse, Aidan frowned sharply, as he felt a lot of vital auras, and then some emerald glow flashed on the lighthouse. As soon as something lit there, the fog reacted and began to cover everything around. Its density increased at a noticeable rate, after a couple of seconds this ghostly beacon disappeared from sight, and then Aidan lost, perhaps, even his hands.

- What the hell ?! - Mirajane was indignant: - What are these tricks ?!

- Don't yell under your ear! - Erza cried out: - E-aidan, where are you ?!

"I'm here," the guy replied calmly, continuing to concentrate on the auras of life.
