Remembering the days gone by, Aidan finally made it to the agreed place. It immediately became clear that he was far from the first here.

- ... if you don't shut up. I'll open your throat! - Mira snorted angrily, at some words from another girl. Aidan had already seen her, as uncommunicative as the rest of the Thunder God Tribe. At least it was, before meeting with Mirajane ... However, it is not surprising, it is still in question who arranged this swearing. Mira was still that badass, so anything is possible.

There are not many rumors about the Thunderbolts, but they say that they somehow met Laxus and have been inseparable since then. All four were already here, and Mira stood aside and argued with Evergreen, although the guys seemed to ignore them, chatting about something of their own. In the distance, Erza sat with her face turned away from everyone, as if preparing for some serious battle, she rubbed her blade with concentration.

As soon as Aidan approached, many immediately noticed him. Everyone except Laxus didn't seem to care who was taking the exam with him. The guy was surrounded by a confident aura of a winner. Aidan did not crush his hopes - in any case, the winner will be determined at the end. The only one he could think could really compete with him even a little was perhaps this Dragon Slayer. At least he could show at least some level of strength. So Aidan also had a lot of confidence in the present day. Laxus was the oldest and probably the most experienced of those present. Perhaps after dozens of different duels, Aidan didn't have the same experience even now.

Mira and Evergreen continued to quarrel and were about to grab each other's throats. Aidan sat down opposite Erza and waved his hand.

- Hello. How do you? Are you ready?

The girl looked up and her face immediately softened. Brightening, her lips stretched out in a beautiful smile:


- I do not expect much, but I will be glad to fight with you. I got stronger, you'll see.

- I know. - the guy smiled encouragingly.

Erza lowered her head a little and looked at him from under her brows:

- Not often we ... Well, we, alone ... Like that time.- Yeah, - Aidan nodded with a grin: - We should repeat, go on a mission for example ... well, or on a date.

Erza nodded at first, and after the word "date" she sharply lowered her head and blushed. Grabbing the blade tighter:

- A-yeah ... - her whisper was interrupted by a loud voice:


- Gathered! So, where is Cana ?! - Makarov looked around everyone with his menacing look. He, as usual, appeared out of nowhere, frightening everyone.

- I'm here, - suddenly someone's voice was heard, and then the cutie Kana came out into the clearing. She was breathing heavily, as she was probably in a hurry, but still came.

- Huh ... I'm late, - coming closer to Aidan, she smiled at Makarov: - I'm not on purpose, sorry ...

- It's all right, - the old man nodded with a smile, and then returned the cold expression:

- So, since everyone is here, we will begin the first stage of the senior wizard exam! Now I will tell you the basic rules. Listen carefully, this applies to everyone!

The Thunderbolts with their whole team stood on the sidelines, moving away from everyone. To the right of them were located: Erza, Kana and Aidan, and in front of the master stood Mira. Everyone listened intently.

- This exam has two stages. As in the past year, I will give a chance to pass to everyone who has the ability to pass the last stage and show their skills. But, do not flatter yourself, even if you get to the end, the last test will be from me personally. He will test your determination to fight to the very end. First of all, the first stage! - Makarov stood on a huge cobblestone and looked at the children with a cold expression:

- All of you will go through this forest, for everything you have no more than ten minutes. As soon as you reach the river, I will meet you there. All those who do not cope with the allotted lines are eliminated! Don't grin, '' Makarov chuckled mockingly, glancing at Bickslow:

- If you think that today's tests are only for speed, I have to upset you - all this is only the first stage. All those who manage to get through the second, you will have to tighten up again. - grinning maliciously, Makarov suddenly disappeared, leaving behind only one word:- Let's start!

Before no one even had time to move, yellow lightning crackled in the air, and then Laxus rushed at top speed into the forest. Although he considered himself the absolute leader in this confrontation among the kids, he was not going to give at least someone even an illusory chance of success. He wanted to crush everyone instantly!

"Let's see what you can, brat!" - grinning as maliciously as his grandfather, the guy swept through a hundred meters. His speed was impressive, especially considering how the other candidates just stood and did not move. The gap only widened! Of course, not for long ... The sound of lightning had not yet disappeared before the others rushed into the forest. Only Aidan remained standing, flapping his eyelashes in surprise.

- Damn it, wow ... a real race! And I really thought it would be boring! - laughing recklessly, Aidan flashed his brains and noted his fastest way of movement, focusing on the weaker one.

An ice field formed under the wizard's feet, and dark, sharp blades of ice materialized at the sole.

"That's enough!" - having started to slide, the ice covered the entire path of the wizard at an impressive speed, turning the road into a skating rink. With each passing second, Aidan's speed increased on an astonishing scale. Less than a couple of seconds later, he caught up with Kana without any problems:

- Hello! - the guy grinned, lifting her dress with a grin, revealing a view of cute panties with cubs.

- Oh you! - Cana blushed sharply, stopped and covered everything with her hands: - Bastard!

Aidan did a couple of circles around Cana on his skates and smiled, stopping, holding out his hand to her.

- Will you ride with me?

- What more! Are you going to gape me?

"Maybe," Aidan grinned and grabbed Kana abruptly in his arms and headed for the forest at top speed. In fact, the difficulty of this task was related to orienteering on the terrain, yet it is worth understanding that the forest is not a walk through the wasteland, you can get lost here, even if you do not turn. Such is the property of monotonous territories and ultimately ignorance of the point of arrival. Of course, in Aidan's case, everything was much simpler, water and earth gave rise to life, some auras of living beings were enough to navigate. All living things are drawn to water, they are the best guides.

- Ahh! O-stop! - Kana shouted, grabbing the guy's neck with all her might: - I'll fall!

- Don't be afraid, I'm holding you!

- Ahhh! Put me in my place ...
