
Aidan spent the next week at the guild, this time he did not take on assignments and just waited for the exam, resting. So while there was still time, he either spent it with a bunch of new drinking companions or walked with Wendy.

This day should have passed as usual, he wanted to get drunk in the evening and go fishing to the river, but now, one bully decided to stick to him ... And so their acquaintance happened.

- I told you, get your stuff out of here!

Mira indignantly demanded from Aidan to clear the bar. He laid down everything with books and along the way drunk looking for some information about some interesting secrets of the magic of spirit casters. He used to do it in the library, but not this time ... who's not too lazy to go out for a drink?

Aidan dismissed Mira in annoyance.

- Leave me alone, let me finish. - Taking a sip of wine, he continued to turn the pages. Magic carried away, and especially that magic that could make life easier for a person familiar with a developed future. Rearmament and teleportation are one of those. Aidan wanted to get hold of something so useful as quickly as possible. Yes, even rearmament had a lot of applications, like transformation. Of course, the magic of summoning spirits is just a warm-up, but it was also worth it in the right hands.


- Yes, I will ... - gritting her teeth, Mira came closer and brought down her furious kick right in the direction of the guy. Only, Aidan was at times different from his past, so ...

After a distinct clap, Mira's leg was in his steel grip, the guy did not even turn his head, but simply pulled his hand up sharply. After a resounding rumble, Mira smashed the nearest chairs and landed against the wall with a loud cry.

- Ahhh! You bastard!

Looking at the girl sprawled in the corner, the guy just grinned. He was a little drunk, so he miscalculated his strength. Although, with her, there is simply no way - unlike Erza, Mirajane was a real bully.

- Leave me alone, - the guy dismissed, as if driving away an annoying fly, and then returned to the books, straightening his glasses. For the second day he was reading here calmly and no one bothered him, when suddenly this spiteful person appeared and began to demand something. She didn't even try to speak politely. He may have occupied the entire bar, but this is clearly not a reason for a fight. If everything is so, then it is immediately clear that Mira came here just for problems.- That's it! - Abruptly rising, the girl growled: - You're finished!

- Ohh, - Aidan rubbed his temples irritably and turned around: - And why are you all tempted to fight ?! What's wrong with you? Don't you have anyone else to stick with?


- Yes ... Yes you! I'm not bothering you, it's you who get in the way! This is not your place, it is common! No more tables ?!

- Hmm, what is the idiotic reason? There is still plenty of room, - Aidan glanced at the remaining half of the bar: - Are you blind ?! So tell me you just wanted to fight!

- Hmpf! You asked for it yourself! Do not expect mercy! I want to see how strong you are there, if you beat this arrogant!

- So it's all because of Erza ?! - the guy frowned irritably: - You have nothing else to do ?! I'm too lazy to waste time on you, get out!

- That's it! - with a furious cry, Mira threw towards Aidan.

The guy grimaced in displeasure:

"What's wrong with her ?! This is not how I imagined Mira ... Ohhh! " - slightly bowing his head to the side, Mirajane's fist swept just a couple of centimeters from Aidan's face. He abruptly shifted his torso to the side, and stabbed with his palm to the side. There was a cry and Mira once again went flying, overturning the nearest table.

- Ahhh! Here ... Is that how you treat a girl ?! - I heard a displeased cry. It seems like Mira only got more furious with this attitude towards her. Aidan tried not to hit her hard, either the first time or the second. Therefore, such blows only angered this rabid girl.

Aidan remembered a lot, but he completely forgot that just a month ago, Mira was completely different ...

- Eh, - jumping off the chair, the guy stretched out his hand and it instantly became covered with dark ice, forming a real demonic hand.- Well, if you want to fight, I'm always ready. Show me your Demon Reincarnation Power!

Mira immediately changed her face:

- So you know too ...

- I'm very quick-witted. I have many talents, for example, I do not bully people without a good reason. Because if I lose my temper ... - grinning viciously, Aidan took a step towards the meeting, as Mira rose. Instantly, the air across the guild went cold. Even those who could resist the cold thanks to their magic involuntarily trembled. Chilling the God Slayer is not a simple frost at all. Even the windows froze, and ice currents slowly spread from Aidan's feet, covering the floor around him, slowly swallowing the tables.

- What is it ... - even if she was brave quite recently, the enveloping frost changed everything. Mira even felt as if her magic deep inside began to freeze from one of his chilling gaze.

"What kind of magic is this ?!" - everyone else in the guild kept repeating the same mentally. Although no senior wizards were present, many of those present were still experienced wizards. But this was the first time they encountered something like this. The magic itself seemed to succumb to this piercing cold and seemed to fall asleep.

As soon as a slight fright was reflected on Mira's face, Aidan smiled a little and the frost enveloping all around immediately dissipated, the whole guild instantly lit up with the bright glow of the sun and the warmth of life - the dark atmosphere dissipated without a trace. Only a deep sense of hidden fear, still reminded of what happened a moment ago. The power of the Ice God Slayer took the breath away and sealed emotions in the heart, turning them to ice.

Aidan turned around and calmly waved his hand.

"Your soul is not strong enough yet. You can't even resist my cold, what can we say about the battle. Instead of bullying strangers and fights with weaklings, it would be better to go on a mission and take an example from Erza.

Returning to his seat, Aidan mentally sighed.

"Since when have I cited her as an example for beginners ... Although, I must admit, Erza's mood even surprised me. I think she will do her best on this task. "

The wizards in the guild looked at each other in bewilderment and continued to ferment, discussing what had happened to the general laughter.

- Yeah, this guy gives ...

- Ha-ha, I agree, I almost wet my pants!

- Yeah, terrible magic ... As if the heart was covered with ice.

Many with glee, and many with obvious nervousness, talked about their feelings. It shouldn't be surprising, though, that it wasn't that Aidan had shown strong magic, but rather that there was no one among those present who could resist him. Probably even Mira could defeat them all, perhaps even if these people were twice as many. Therefore, this is quite normal. Fairy Tail is not famous for its quantity ...
