Even at the moment when Aidan arrived at the guild after a long absence, he first encountered this sensation. When he was here for the first time, this did not happen. However, not surprisingly, the magic increased, as well as his understanding, it did not even come close to the past. So Aidan has reached the point where sensing other people's auras in life can very soon become just a passive ability ...

Of course, he was not going to talk about this with Makarov, at least not yet. Revealing this secret won't change anything. At least for now. Besides, there are more important things to do ...


On the evening flight, Aidan took the train to Clover, after informing friends of his departure. Cana was not particularly surprised, Erza grimly agreed, and Wendy was certainly upset. He found Natsu and Lissana in a hut in the woods, this cute couple were still waiting for Happy's birth. Gray went on a mission altogether, but he never got to know Mira. This girl was clearly not eager to make acquaintances. In any case, Aidan did not insist, after all, the parents of the three sisters and brother died not so long ago.

Having finished with everything in Magnolia, he immediately set off on his way to the unfinished place. Clover was the first stop.

A day later, Aidan finally crossed several kilometers. The ancient forest where Nirvana was hidden again appeared before him.

- Now everything is different ... - stopping at the edge of a small rock, he opened up a beautiful view of the boundless forests under his feet. From here, Aidan could clearly sense the life of every ancient tree, young and old animals. It was a real relict forest.


- From this side, life, it seems, really, some kind of dull ... This forest seems to embody the past, unable to die. I believe the Nirvites influenced this place. From that, my mood fell so much. Magic never ceases to amaze me.

Descending the hill, Aidan walked quite a bit and finally reached the very area where the Cat's House was supposed to be located.

"Here I am, here again," with a kind of sad smirk, Aidan continued to walk through these forgotten lands, in silence, barely feeling the light whirls of the wind. For almost a year of travel, he learned a lot about life, but the closer he penetrated into the depths of this place, the more clearly he understood that even the landscape and nature itself can differ in their life incarnations. It turned out that the auras of life with seemingly identical plants are able to convey some kind of intention, as if they were sharing feelings with each other.

As he walked closer to the old thatched hut, Aidan stopped and raised an eyebrow.

"How strange ..." - the same old man Roubaul was sitting right in the aisle, but he absolutely did not radiate any life. Aidan saw something vague as he tried to concentrate, but mostly emptiness. However, how can an illusion, albeit of such a high level, have an aura of life in it?

"Nabula, you have come," Robaul nodded and rose from his focused meditative posture.- Come on. - without further ado, he simply called the guest inside his hut.


"Nothing has changed here," Aidan said with a grin, the dust swirling everywhere. Although, there was still something new - a lone Egg in the corner of the room. It exactly resembled Natsu's egg, only, without any notice: pure white, even in the semi-darkness of the hut, it seemed as if it sparkled with its snow-white radiance. There was definitely something special about him, he certainly had more magic than Happy's, but the vitality was not very different. Although, the dates of birth of these Xids did not coincide - Charlie was a little younger than Happy.

- Here it is, but ... - the old man hesitated, demonstrating his find:

- Here's the deal ...

Aidan didn't answer, he just frowned and quickly walked over to the egg. He realized something unpleasant even without the old man's words ...

Slightly tilting the egg to the side, the guy immediately saw a small crack at its base, it has not yet damaged the entire structure, but this is only the beginning. Difficulties can arise if the crack widens. And now there was no question of transportation.

"It's unpleasant ..."

`` It just so happened, khem ... '' Roubaul coughed in embarrassment.

- His landing was unsuccessful, I was in a hurry as I could, but I was a little late - forgive your pardon.

- Nothing, - Aidan shook his head: - Life and death accompany the living since birth ... I'll figure it out.

Touching the crack in the egg, the young magician closed his eyes and concentrated his life force. It was not a problem for him to close such a small crack, if this egg were not inside a living creature, perhaps it would not have been possible to turn it, but while the little kitten sits there, he could figure everything out.

The radiance of life enveloped the entire egg and the crack instantly healed, the creature curled inside the shell trembled gleefully as soon as this pure energy of life touched it. Aidan unwittingly touched Charlie with his magic, but he did not attach any importance to this, but simply removed his hand.

- It's done. - The cat, immersed in sleep, shuddered with displeasure as soon as the pleasant warmth suddenly disappeared. Her proud character showed itself even before birth. But, after a few more moments, Charlie finally calmed down.Roubaul frowned as Aidan removed his hands from the white shell.

- It's magic ... What is it?

- It doesn't matter ... - the guy got up and bowed slightly to the old man:

- Thanks for the help senior. I'll take care of him next.

He had no intention of revealing his secrets, even to a ghost.

Roubaul paused for a while, thinking about something, but then nodded with a grin.

- Hah, you shouldn't, it was not difficult for me ... You haven't forgotten about your promise, have you? I feel you have become much stronger. Now I am completely sure that you can succeed.

- Well, - throwing off his backpack, Aidan neatly laid out his things and wrapped an egg in a warm cloth:

- So far, I cannot deal with Nirvana, since I do not even know where to start. But, in a few years, I will definitely do it.

Putting the backpack back on his shoulders, Aidan exhaled with relief.

"Now you can finally come back ... I think Wendy will be delighted with such a gift" - smiling warmly, the guy presented the happy face of this little kitty.

Noticing the guy's smile, Robaul sat down next to him and calmly nodded.

- Nabula, I understand ... I've waited enough, I can wait more. I just hope you really keep your word.

- Do not hesitate senior, you helped me, and I am repaying debts. Now I cannot say everything, but the time will come and those who want to use the power of Nirvana will come to this place, then I will also intervene.

- That's how ... - the old man nodded: - Nabula, so I'll just wait.

Saying goodbye to the old man nirvit, Aidan hit the road again. He was going to return to Wendy's guild as soon as possible, and then prepare for the upcoming exam. In the past, he could have missed such an event because it was not needed, but, with the current strength, he planned to find a more difficult job for himself, not only because of the high pay, but also because of his good magical experience. S-class assignments are definitely a real challenge, but now he was just missing it. Until the time of Galun, it was necessary to occupy yourself with something, and such a thing as increasing one's own strength is a quite worthy plan.
