In horror, the bear looked at the remnants of a paw, almost to the elbow it completely evaporated, as if something had torn it. Even the blood did not flow, since the paw had dried up to the shoulder, having lost all its life!

"Fucking bastard!" - even getting angry, he realized that he was faced with the most disgusting enemy possible. He had no ranged attacks and could not block his homing attacks. Now he was just an easy target! In his memory, few people at all could damage his durable skin or withstand the blow of a bear's claw!

- What kind of magic is this ... - growling, the bear was amazed more and more, because he did not even feel pain after all this! But the chilling fear only intensified. This time, as if death itself had come for him, this magic simply killed everything in its path ...

In fact, if this bear had at least one ranged ability, it could have dragged on. Aidan could not yet kill with one wave of death, so in his hands such powerful magic did not look so impressive yet. But, against the current enemy, this was quite enough. No protection could save him the fleeting devouring of death ...

The old man knew that he could not escape, but he did not dare to attack either. He was afraid ... it was no longer just fear of a powerful enemy, it was fear of death itself, inexplicable and terrible, oppressive and terrifying.

Only Aidan didn't let the enemy think for a long time, he moved again, the black veins on his body grew even more, then he finally overtook the bear in the forehead. Gathered, the old magician used his last resort!

- Graaaa! - a terrifying roar escaped from the jaws of the monster, which immediately slowed down the approaching enemy, only the air wave did not affect the ball of darkness at all, it continued to increase. In his current state, Aidan completely forgot about everything, investing in every blow to the fullest.The bear grew in size, its eyes were reddened, and all its fur was sharpened. He was ready to put everything in this battle, a feeling of hopelessness filled his soul, but he was not going to give up just like that, without a fight!


Only, no matter how hard he tried, Aidan's face did not flicker with surprise or anticipation, the former cold gaze filled with lust for blood burned with a silver shine.

The bear hit with a paw, and Aidan threw the black orb to attack. At such overwhelming speed, the two forces collided again!

A terrible roar shook the remaining snow, the trees broke, the surviving animals turned into a bloody mess, and then two silhouettes were thrown out from the snow veil to the sides. No matter how strong Aidan was, the bear was able to answer with dignity, but the monster itself smashed several trees to pieces and spat out a whole stream of blood. His remaining paw looked no better than the first now.

The lull after the collision did not last long ...

The bear has lost both of them ... Two of his precious paws. Moreover, a piece of flesh was missing in his chest, it was as if he had been torn out by an unknown force.

Even realizing that he survived, he trembled even more. Death seemed to bent over the back of his head and whisper something incoherent with a mockery ...Blood began to flood everything around, and the bear began to cough up blood and roar hoarsely, after which it abruptly turned into its human form and, with heavy breathing, tried to roll over onto its stomach. He did it, somehow, but he could ... And then he looked in the direction of the recent collision. There was hope mixed with fear in his gaze. But as soon as he looked there, his face immediately twisted in horror!


A couple of tens of meters from the defeated magician, the young magician as if in nothing had got up. His right arm was twisted at an indeterminate angle in several places, but he didn't seem to notice it. He cracked his neck and pulled his right hand with his left hand. After an unpleasant crack, all the bones returned to their place, but they were still shattered, but not for long ... The hand lit up with a golden glow, and then Aidan calmly squeezed his hand a couple of times and grunted contentedly. Even his bloody chest immediately tightened and no scars remained. He used life magic as easily as he used death magic! Then his hand suddenly brightened and the black veins tried to disappear, but all this happened only for a moment, then the pallor returned, as did the black streaks that again filled the empty spaces.

The defeated old man could only smile sadly, and then close his eyes in anticipation of death. He knew for sure that he would die, in whatever battle he fought, he had never felt like this. A distinct awareness of his own death for a man on the edge instantly awakened memories of glorious days, of happy times. But, I wanted to live even more ... As soon as the old man heard creaking steps in the distance, the world around quickly turned black. Even with his eyes closed, he felt as if all sounds had evaporated, a deadly intent covering the area with its boundless shadow. The world lost all colors and evaporated before our eyes.! The old man's eyes opened again and even half-dead, he suddenly wanted to live with all his heart, his soul shrank in horror, he was afraid to disappear - to melt into eternity, along with the snow! The mere presence of the Assassin of the Gods of Life and Death could instill in others both the warm breath of life and the icy horror of death. For a person, these two opposites cause quite logical behavior ... That is why the magician, who should not have been so afraid of dying, was frightened for some reason. After all, understanding that you are going to die is not at all the same as feeling it ... Aidan's magic slowly penetrated into the old man's soul and began to influence her. Like a deadly curse, she began to destroy his faith and hopes. This is what will happen to anyone who has touched death magic without being a God Slayer.

Finally Aidan approached the old man, he did not kill him, but simply looked at the bloody trail left on the surface of the snow. The dead man continued to clutch at life in panic and crawl with all his might towards his chance to live at least one more moment ...

For a moment, the young wizard froze. It is not clear why, but awareness and a feeling of satisfaction filled him. Aidan wasn't himself now, but he could clearly sense the glimmer of a fleeting awakening from the magic of death. The understanding of death itself came quietly and imperceptibly.

- Your life leaks away ... - he said, still hoarsely: - You are afraid to die, but at the same time you leave life behind. - Having collected a handful of bloody snow, Aidan squeezed it and closed his eyes for a moment. The blood had long since turned cold, merging with the frozen shards on the ground. It was really wonderful. Life mixed with death, like blood and ice, giving rise to something beautiful ...

Standing up, Aidan began to pace slowly down the bloody path. The old man continued to slow down and slow down, and the amount of blood increased, even his hands began to bleed, but he, biting into the snow, just continued to crawl, quieter and quieter.

Finally, after another couple of minutes, he stopped, the blood continued to flow, noticeably more slowly. It was then that Aidan reached the dying man, sat down in front of his head and again collected a handful of snow with fresh blood, which quickly cooled and turned into water. This time was different from the past, it all happened right before his eyes.

- That's all ... you can't escape. - red drops touched the snow again and merged with it. No matter how the blood tries, only an icy end awaits it.

- I ... Do not ... - already about to say something, the old man just opened his mouth and at the same moment his eyes glazed over. Life left them, and Aidan suddenly grinned, and that grin soon turned into a furious laugh. It is not clear why, but, he was amused by this, how the life of this person flowed away in an instant, turning the body into a simple pile of bones and meat, looked really funny!

He laughed briefly, losing his emotion again. Grabbing the old man's head, Aidan slowly dragged him through the snow, wanting to complete a beautiful picture ...
