Gritting his teeth, Aidan resisted the pull. It was at that moment that the same beautiful and at the same time poisonous voice appeared in his head:

"Heed me, trash! I will take pity on you, because I am a noble Goddess, and not this pathetic Chronos, tfu! " - wiping her lips with her sleeve, the witch grumbled mockingly: "The dogs of Chronos ... Ha, for the bearer of my magic, I will say so. Clean your ears worm! "

"Watch your tongue," Aidan croaked grimly.

"Fleed for the yafik! Tfu! Shut up, I'm talking now! " - the ancient witch began to tease: "And what are you going to do to me ?! You're a fool! I'm in your head, if need be I'll drive you crazy, slowly torture you and ... "

Aidan cursed sharply.

"Stop hysteria! This shit is already sucking me in! If you don't shut up, I'll jump there myself! "

"Grr! Hmpf! How stupid ... you are stupid! And I will not pay attention to stupid ones! So be it ... Hmm, this is a portal in time, almost ... The Path of the Eclipse involves the use of the energy of the World of Spirits, but here they use the Laws of Chronos. I killed several of his dogs here once. Hmm, but these are still pathetic tricks, without his true will and strength, this portal is just a toy. "


- And what does it mean? - her words only confirmed Aidan's guesses, in fact she did not say anything useful.

"What means? Pf! That's what I told you, the worm ... You will see for yourself, in ten breaths it will throw you out of here. They're broken, you're just a loser! In the best case, you will be thrown into some hole, but most likely it will just tear you to pieces! "

She began to giggle and infuriate even more ...

- How did you get ...

Aidan did not waste time on this fool, but realized the main thing - he really is doomed! It would be impossible to escape, he already felt himself being pulled into this gate with amazing force.

"Damn it ... you knew from the beginning ?!"


"Of course, I'm not as stupid as you! You are even worse than a slave, I would not even entrust you with guarding my slippers! "

- As soon as I find a way to kick you out, I'll do it right away, bitch! - Aidan swore and without further ado he went to the portal. He hated standing still most of all, and still could not stand, this simultaneously pleasant and poisonous voice in his head.

How can you screw up so much in a past life that this crazy woman was slipped into him ?!

Darkness... "Y-you! Idiot, what are you going to do to me ?! Weak! " - the witch laughed mockingly, and then shouted in shock: "Hey ... Are you crazy? He went into the gate himself ?! "

- You really are sick in the head, aren't you gloating here? Since I die, then you are with me, this option is to my liking, although I will not listen to your chatter. If that's the only way out, what's the point of standing still? - the wizard carelessly shrugged his shoulders and stepped right into the middle of the gate.

- Hmm?

In the end, nothing happened ... Although, the bones had already begun to creak, and the pressure in my head gave off a throbbing pain.

- What the ... - he felt strong distortions in space, but it looks like something was missing ...

The witch watched his actions in surprise:

"What a dumbass ... He didn't even try to find the key, people are all such fools? Thinks magic will save him? Ha, as is typical, little people always believe in higher powers or in luck. Hmm, damn it, if he dies, it will be just disgusting! "

Her mind instantly changed and she started to panic!

Gritting her teeth, the witch shouted:

"Dumbass, take the spear! This is a relic arrow, it is the basis for activating the Gate, if you take it with you, at least you will not die. Live, you have a couple of seconds! "

- You filthy witch, you couldn't say before ?!

Shut up dog! I'm not a wicked witch for you, I am Luna, the first of le ... "

- Blocked! - Aidan gathered his strength and tried to teleport, to which he received only a taunt full of contempt:

"Are you moving in the distortion of time? Stupid! What a dumb one! Tuu-upoy! "

His veins were swollen on his forehead, he just wanted to tear it to shreds! No one in his life pissed him off so much! But, there was no time for swearing, Aidan gathered strength and with a heavy step headed towards the white spear. He was already being pulled into the portal so strongly that he could move his legs ate. The entire wood structure shone with golden lights, and a multicolored swirl formed in the middle of the arch. For the first time since its inception, this thing began to change ...

"Hurry up, fool!" - again shouted the witch, from her former coldness and the trace disappeared, now she behaved like a demanding selfish girl! At the same time, she didn't want Aidan to die and at the same time she wanted to trample him ten thousand times!

Nervously biting her nails, she forgot how recently she gloated and herself brought the situation to this moment. With a heavy step, clenching his teeth, Aidan walked on and stretched out his hand. It was at that moment that the ground underfoot began to crack! Stone dust chipped off and headed towards the swirling vortex in the gate. All stones within a radius of ten meters slowly followed, as if they were being sucked into a black hole. Everything around was crumbling before our eyes! Only the altar with the white spear continued to stand calmly, like a column, on which the laws of time and space did not act, it calmly floated in the air.

- Heck! Aidan gritted his teeth fighting resistance. He turned his palm and a chain of death energy formed on it in a black flash.

The pressure has increased again!

- Kh! - it's amazing how fast it grew!

By the will of its creator, the black chain flew to the white column. At impressive speed, she reached her goal! The laws of attraction did not work on the magic, so it entangled the column without any problems.

Aidan gathered strength in his legs and jumped sharply. Already in the air, his body shuddered and flew in the direction of the floating stones. The attraction has increased again!

- Heck!

The chain of magic did not break, he acted quickly and climbed right in the air, simultaneously dodging a small stone dust crashing straight into his skin. Blood began to ooze from his forehead ...

"Hmm, not bad ..." - the witch behaved in a collected manner, while twisting her blond curls on her finger: "Although, you should be a fool not to wander about women, but to train!"

- W-shut up! - croaked Aidan, feeling the terrifying force of gravity, all that remained in space was a huge attracting gate with a growing funnel of energy, a white pillar with a magic spear placed in a special depression and a black chain along which the wizards scrambled to their target with a creak in their bones. Now he really regretted that he had not trained harder, as well as his carelessness with the spear ... It was worth it to really pick it up right away!

In less than a minute, the situation changed so dramatically!

"Well, are you there soon? Got it out already, slow as a worm ... "- Luna curled her lips and pulled out her hair in irritation.


Aidan's blood vessels burst in his eyes, and all his bones cracked with pain! Being in such a position, his body gradually became stronger, but the pressure also increased - these gates seemed to be planning to end the last one remaining in this space. Their only goal was to get rid of this stubborn man! The clock on the top of the gate has already cracked, and the three hands have stopped at exactly twelve!

It was at that moment ...

A terrible howl pierced the ear!

Aidan was bleeding from his nose and ears, but at the same time he sharply stretched out shaking fingers and grabbed the base of the white spear. In response, as if sensing its master, it flashed brightly and easily separated from the depression in the column. At the same moment, the black chain was destroyed, with a flash of golden light, the spear went into the space bag, and then Aidan crashed into the vortexes in the teleportation gate with unimaginable speed. One moment, a flash of scorching flowers and the world was completely darkened!

Sticky darkness filled time and space ...

In a matter of seconds, the wood gates cracked, the clock in the pommel completely disintegrated and disappeared in a whirlwind, and then it simply evaporated.

Meanwhile, Aidan was hovering in a strange place. Consciousness left the wizard long ago, so he did not even notice how the gold dust, which just a moment ago took the form of a clock, penetrated his skin, reflecting a small pattern of a gold clock on his chest, and then they pulsed and simply evaporated.

The world was filled with all the colors of the rainbow, and the speed of movement increased. Over time, the light turned into a dazzling radiance that engulfed everything ....
