For almost a whole hour, Aidan walked along a long corridor, over time he realized that he was moving deeper into the ground, since the floor and ceiling were at a slight slope.

So at the end of this long journey, he suddenly found himself in a round room with a high domed ceiling. It was decorated with various letters and some kind of mysterious drawings. First of all, in the very center, there was a huge figure of an hourglass, which was entangled by a serpentine entity with the head of a lion. The yellow and orange letters were almost faded, while the white wings and golden eyes of the raptor still gleamed dully, like the hourglass. The further the letters diverged from the center of the dome, the more they darkened. At the very end, the drawings lost their color altogether and became just gray.

Three arches in front and on both sides resembled exactly the same one behind Aidan's back, only unlike her, they all had a unique small altar at the entrance. On each of the altars stood the figure of a warrior in strange black armor, which was covered with dull, cold lines. In some ways, this combination of colors resembled the scales of a snake and a clock on the ceiling.

Even without the torch, Aidan saw a lot here, but that wasn't what he frowned on. In fact, he recognized the symbol on the ceiling, and after contemplating the armor of the statues, he darkened even more.

"Chronos ... Is this his temple? The clock is exactly his, I saw one in that book by Makarov ... And these letters are definitely similar to the descriptions in the books. Unfortunately, I don't know them ... "- paying attention to the figures in armor, the wizard nodded thoughtfully:

"They'll surely wake up as soon as I try to get through. Three moves, three guards ... The question is whether they all move at once and how strong they are. If this is the temple of Chronos, who knows what they are capable of ... Everything about the gods can be dangerous.

With a wry grin, Aidan shook his head. - Well, I didn't come to run away ... - he threw his backpack aside and stretched his shoulders:


- I haven't fought for a long time, it's time to catch up ... Although, - suddenly stopping, he thought:

"Should I open a grimoire for a start? Hmm ... "- shaking his head, the magician took a decisive step into the center of the hall:

- First, I'll check what they are capable of! - Rolling up his sleeves, Aidan stretched his fingers and twisted his hands. The next moment, he sharply extended his palms to the sides and gathered his strength:

- Ice God Crashing Wave! - the area around the wizard instantly darkened! Like tar smoke - everything around was filled with the power of ice, and then Aidan sharply waved his hands in the direction of the central statue. All the power of the ice wave rushed uncontrollably towards its goal, freezing everything in its path! Suddenly, the statue on the way shuddered, all the dust instantly scattered to the sides, and the marks on its body immediately flashed with irresistible magical power!

"Whoa ..." Aidan turned his attention sharply to the ceiling and was surprised to see the hourglass transform into a round black disc with a single golden arrow. Literally before our eyes, all the symbols around sparkled, and then the hall trembled!

The roar shook the walls and ceiling - everything seemed to come to life! The statue parted its palms in a prayer gesture and slammed its palm sharply in the direction of the icy wave.


"Heck!" Aidan teleported abruptly and growled.

- The shackles of God! - a hook immediately broke from his hand and rushed to the hands of the statue, but he did not have time to reach its stone essence, when suddenly the chain froze in the air! It also happened with the ice wave. This whole battle did not last even two seconds, when suddenly time began to matter again! Aidan watched in shock as his magic simply lost all power right in space, the magic of time did not allow him to attack!

The magician could no longer hesitate and rushed into battle himself. He had a bad feeling, especially when he noticed the movement of the other two statues - their sparkling eyes came to life and they prepared to intervene.

Aidan teleported again, only this time behind the back of the first statue, a completely black spear suddenly materialized into his hands, which rushed to the stone head of the enemy. This time the magic did not stop, nothing could stop the spear of death!

After breaking through the invisible barrier of time, the point pierced the stone skull, and after that Aidan clenched his fist! The spear, obeying the will of the owner, trembled sharply and literally flew to pieces right in the skull of the statue, thereby destroying the head into pieces! The fragments were covered with darkness afterwards and simply evaporated literally before our eyes.

At the same moment, time returned to normal, and the ice wave continued its course again, only this time it was rushing towards its owner. Aidan snorted and moved to the side!

Under a deafening roar, the floor and walls cracked, and then began to freeze at an amazing speed. Only pieces of ice remained of the first of the statues. Having lost her head, she completely lost all her abilities and could no longer fight.

Aidan sharply turned his attention to the ceiling and frowned, a second golden hand suddenly appeared on the black clock, this action alone made the wizard break out in a cold sweat. He did not even have time to react, when suddenly the space around him trembled and blurred. In the next moment, everything changed instantly!

- Damn ... - Aidan looked around in shock, he was back in the same place where he started. The hourglass still sparkled on the ceiling, and the three statues in each direction still stood in prayer. But the central one did not have a head. As strange as this place was, it was impossible even for him to recover what was lost after the attack of the magic of death ... Otherwise, there was no trace of the battle anywhere, while Aidan clearly felt the loss of his ether reserves. He knew for sure - he had not dreamed it.

"And why am I not surprised ... So this is something of a temporary barrier. Apparently, only death magic will work here. These statues can stop any magic except equal or superior to their own, and they will not be able to recover. The central one has completely faded and turned to stone, it is unlikely that she will now be able to fight. It looks like I have an advantage ... If I hadn't had my magic, I might just not have been able to escape. It's interesting, it's even better .... "
