
After a while, the sounds died down, the laughter and screams of the wizards simply disappeared along with the darkness of the night. The fire was burning out, drunken mages were snoring in the guild, and Aidan sat on the roof in splendid isolation and watched the dawn.

The moon and stars were slowly losing their brilliance ...

Suddenly, a little old man appeared not far from the guy. Makarov carefully looked around and stopped at the edge of the roof, watching the remnants of a burning out fire. Nearby, Happy and Natsu were snoozing in an embrace, and Gray with a bottle of wine leaning back against the guild door. The stormy night ended so calmly. Late, Cana and Erza left with Wendy, and after that Mira left with Lisanna. However, the Elves are still asleep somewhere in the side of the bar. This time even someone gave him a drink until he was blue in the face ...

Aidan hadn't taken a drop of alcohol that night, but somehow this morning he still felt like he was drunk. From minute to minute, he was preparing to leave, for that night he had time to say goodbye to everyone.

- Beautiful morning ... - the guy smiled, admiring the bright dawn. The sun slowly swam over the horizon and covered the world with its scorching rays of heat. Magnolia, sparkling in the morning, is beautiful.

Makarov also admired the beautiful sight and nodded:


"It's true, I remember my first day when I just became the new Fairy Tail Master. Ha ... I sat here until the morning. Glorious time ... - turning his eyes to the ground, Makarov muttered irritably:

- Although, even then, the guild was not so destroyed!

Aidan laughed, clapped himself on the knees, and finally stood up.

- Yeah ... Cleaning is to be done here ... It's good that I'm dumping.

- Oh, you bastard! - the old man grumbled: - No shame, no conscience!

- Ha-ha, I took the task there, I'll be back in a month. Aidan turned to the Master and nodded slightly.


- I hope everything will be all right ...

- Hmm, are you still asking? - Makarov grunted: - Come on, if you stay late, I'm not going to pull the skin off you, but someone more terrible! - Hmm, - a series of goose bumps ran down the guy's spine: - It's hard to argue ...

Remembering the menacing looks of the girls, especially Mira, Aidan was definitely going to hurry up.

"Well, in any case, after Galuna, I will stay for a week and survive the conversion, and then I can go back. Delov ... Just there and back "

That is why no one was particularly worried, after all, everyone knew that he was only leaving for a month, for magicians from Fairy Tail this is a common thing.

- Okay, where are you going? - Asked Makarov, without obvious interest.

Aidan turned his gaze to the sky and said enthusiastically:

- Another step on the way to the future, I can finally do at least something ...

Makarov looked thoughtfully at the guy and nodded with a grin:

- Then try.

Aidan's smile hid a lot, mostly confidence, while his eyes sparkled with faith and determination. He turned to the old man and nodded, and then simply jumped off the roof and walked slowly towards the rising sun. As always, a strong back, an even and confident step. Makarov involuntarily smiled, following the silhouette with a thoughtful look:

"Back when he was thin and weak ... Ha, nothing has changed. Eh, be careful ... "- turning around, the old man sighed and headed further into the guild. The time has come to punish the violators!


Sad, gloomy and somehow quiet. By evening, the whole guild was filled with a heavy atmosphere. Mainly because of the punishment of Makarov, who forced almost everyone to clean up mountains of rubbish and repair the building. Moreover, the majority did not even move away from a terrible hangover. But, someone sighed for another sorrow ...

After Aidan left, Wendy, Cana, Erza and Mira sat in the guild and talked quietly. Everyone was not in a good mood, especially Mirajane, she generally wanted to kill someone, but continued to restrain herself, looking at sweet Wendy.

- Maybe let's go on a mission? - Cana suddenly offered, sipping wine. - Can ... - Erza nodded: - I just wanted to try his gift ...

Again the conversation touched Aidan and Mira involuntarily touched the bracelet on her arm:

"I could have warned you that you would leave at night ... Although, whom I am deceiving, everything was clear anyway ... He behaved too nicely, but I, as always, let him ..."

- So, that's it! - Wendy stood up abruptly and looked around with displeasure: - What are those gloomy faces ?! Collect things, today we go on a mission!

`` Uh, but ... '' Erza tried to argue, but Wendy cut in firmly.

- Today the Master gave me a task, I can't do it alone. Let's go together, I already called Natsu!

- Well, why not ... - Cana sighed and shrugged. She definitely wanted a distraction, the booze was useless here.

All the rest quickly agreed and very soon the girls gathered for a common task. Meanwhile, Aidan made his way to Galuna.


Reaching the island turned out to be even easier than he initially thought. It took only a day as the wizard finally reached the distant Galuna. Using ice, he crossed kilometers across the sea at an amazing speed, and at dawn he already set foot on the sandy shore. On that day, he visited this significant place for the first time.

The gloomy firmament, dotted with countless stars, covered even these distant lands with its endless canvas. Aidan smiled involuntarily and felt the coming vitality. Very quickly, he penetrated deeper, touching small insignificant insects, making his way through animals, right to the deepest part of the island, meeting a unique demonic race. Even without eyes, Aidan quickly sensed their silhouettes.

- Demons, yes ... There is something interesting in their bodies, I still can't look deeper, so it's not clear overall. Maybe if you kill them, you get to comprehend something? Yes, it sounds cruel, but still ... - Thinking, Aidan continued to walk into the depths of the island. Of course, he was not going to kill, but he still did not cancel some of his theories. For example, comprehend the magic of death or living in sanity and thereby avoid future conversion. That is why he often thought about death ...

Having made his way into the forest, the wizard took out a round lacrima from his backpack and quickly contacted Ikaruga.

- My lord, - the girl, as always, bowed politely.

Aidan, in turn, did not exchange for empty words:

- I'm on the island, come to the pyramid. No goals in sight yet?

- Got it. - the sorceress nodded: - Two more ships have arrived, they are probably waiting for someone, as they set up camp near the pyramid.

- Okay, wait for me..
