After what happened in the park, Mirajane hurriedly returned to her hotel room. Everything in her chest was still trembling - she simply could not calm down!

"Oh, how so!" - constantly blushing, the sorceress nervously squeezed a plush bird in her hands:

"He's so, so ... So I still ... And I had to behave like a fool! Wow ... I even kissed him, again ... "- blinking from all these feelings, Mira mentally tuned in:

"You need to learn to control yourself!" - she understood that she was thinking too much about it, but there was nothing she could do:

"Hmm, I wonder if he liked it? Judging by his displeased face, he still suffered a lot! " Chuckling, Mirajane nodded.

"Let it go! He will know how to invite any girls from the street to our team! "

Having reached the hotel, the sorceress smiled sweetly, looking around:


"Damn ... He said that for some reason we came ... Still, it turned into a date. Eh, I could not oppose anything, after all, he is so cute! I didn't think that I would behave like these fools ... Oh, he looked at me like that! I wonder what will happen now? Does he want me to be his girlfriend? " - suddenly remembering Erza and Kana, Mirajane snorted:

"Hmm, I don't want to share with them! Why did they become the first ?! Heck!" - cursing with displeasure, the girl has already climbed the stairs:

"Okay, I can put up with these two, but if there's at least one more! I'll strangle him for sure! "


In the meantime, at the entertainment pavilion of Akane Resort, Aidan spoke to Ikaruga with obvious suspicion.

- So you followed us?


- Excuse me, sir, but, just in case, I looked after everything from the shadows.

- You are not my personal samurai, you should not follow.

- Hmm, but ... - the girl smiled a little: - You are right, but ... I feel your distrust. Your light bypasses me and I feel so sad ...

Aidan narrowed his eyes.

- Speak as it is, do not shirk ... You are right, I do not trust you, and if you go on your heels without millet, it will only get worse. From this you draw even more attention.

Ikaruga bowed."Sorry ... but I really want to follow you. In the beginning, I just decided to avoid an unnecessary fight, but when I thought about leaving, I just had nowhere to go. My former employer is no match for you ... Until that time, I could not even imagine that someone younger than me, and even Eder, could possess such power. I want to be your sword!

The swordsman came closer and said excitedly:

"If I follow you lord, my blade will definitely have many great battles. Mugetsu-ryu loves to shed blood, but only worthy enemies! I have been in the Dynasty from the very beginning, but all I had to do was fight weak people and shed blood for money. There is no art in this ... Every time, sadness overcame me ...

Ikaruga behaved too emotionally, this made her words seem even less truthful. Aidan did not really attach any importance to them, he did not even want to understand them. For him, actions were much more important. Therefore, no matter what the girl said, no matter what sad story she spun, he still did not change in his face.

"I learned to wield a blade since childhood, but when my parents died, Eder accepted me into the Skull Dynasty and taught me how to survive. You are from the Legal Guild, so you may not understand, but, I had no choice ... After several years of assassinations, my team became infamous, I would never have been accepted anywhere other than the dark guilds. You are my chance master ... if the Dynasty is destroyed, I can try everything from the beginning, as my mother taught me ... My blade can bring more than just death. I want to follow you.

"She clearly won't stop ..." - Aidan didn't jump to conclusions, but didn't want to continue this conversation.

"Okay," he waved his hand and didn't argue. He did not believe a single word of her, they sounded even less truthful than the "sincere" emotions on Ikaruga's face. Although, he was inclined to believe that perhaps all her emotions are the same. She used her sexuality unknowingly, especially when paired with her revealing outfit without underwear. She may not have lied, just a story without facts didn't really impress him. He had enough of his own problems.

Ikaruga saw Aidan's distrust, but there was nothing she could do. How could he have believed a former killer? All she had to do was to accept the situation ... At least she told him everything that had accumulated and no one stopped them this time.

- So, can I follow you?

- You can, but since you call me master, at least listen to what I tell you. If I told you to wait in your hotel room, you know what to do?

The girl smiled shyly:

- I understand.

- Okay, let's go, I need to go somewhere. If you really want to help, then go to Galuna, - Fumbling in his pockets, Aidan pulled out a wallet and handed a few bills to the girl:

"It's for your expenses, tomorrow I'll give you the communication lacrima, and then you'll go to the island and scout the situation.

Ikaruga accepted the money and asked:

- And then contact you?

- Yes, as soon as you check everything, you will tell about the situation. Also, don't draw attention and try not to kill anyone. Only as a last resort, understand?

- Got it!

Chuckling at her enthusiasm, Aidan continued his way through the sparkling streets of the resort town. After a while, he stopped at one of the lanes and carefully looked around:"It seems correct ... He said to find a statue of some dog ..."

Continuing on the way, the magician explained about the task:

- A team of wizards with a huge piece of ice should arrive on the island. Try not to attract attention. As soon as they appear, let me know. Also report any oddities.

- Understood, sir, I can handle it, I give my word.

"That's good," Aidan smiled and suddenly stopped.

- And here is the dog with a pair of tails.

Ikaruga was surprised.

- So you were looking for this?

- Almost, the statue is a landmark. An acquaintance of mine did not give an accurate map, but said that I would definitely find out I needed a place. Have you been to this resort?

- Well, - the sorceress smiled bitterly: - Once ... But, I did not have time for entertainment, besides, people of the council have our faces, and I am considered a dangerous criminal. Wandering into such places can be dangerous ...

"Hmm, so the rune knights may come for us tomorrow?"

Ikaruga smiled shyly.

- I don't think so. I probably only know my face in the council or their high-ranking wizards. We've always been stealthy, so it's very unlikely that anyone will come for me. But, if something like that happens, I assure you, sir, you and your girlfriend will not suffer from this in any way.

After her words, the wizard smiled slightly and shook his head:

- This is not what I meant ... Since you decided to be frank, then I will cover you. Which is why you better not go to Fairy Tail for now. And maybe you should change your image, you attract the eyes of every man along the way.

Ikaruga smiled shyly again.

- Got it.

- Ha, here we are! Stopping next to the imposing two-story pavilion, Aidan whistled.

- Wow ... I really thought he exaggerated, but here it is ... No wonder he bragged, I admit.

The two-story building was decorated with a huge sign with three red snakes, whose foreheads were occupied by two pairs of impressive symbols in some ancient language. This coat of arms was a family one; not far from it there was a large poster with the name of the shop and even an approximate assortment. In the large windows on the first floor, thanks to the many lights of the garlands, some of these goods could be clearly seen.

"Bouncer, said a small shop, and here ... It seems that the family of this fat man is not so simple. However, I suspected it, he was painfully arrogant "

Turning to Ikaruga, Aidan said:

- Let's go.
