The journey to Akane continued mostly in silence. Mira dozed on Aidan's shoulder, and Ikaruga continued to hold her long katana and admire the views outside the window. Sometimes she remembered her old companions and sighed at their sad fate. She really wanted to know who had put the task to kill them. She wasn't particularly angry with Aidan or Fairy Tail, but rather disillusioned with the Skull Dynasty master. He ran away with his tail between his legs, abandoning his guild, a true shame ... Ikaruga was not afraid of death, but did not want to die either. Going after Aidan was clearly a better decision than a simple inglorious death. She had no doubt he had all the abilities to finish her off. Joining such a person did not harm her pride in the least, in her life she believed only in the sword and in the instructions of her father. After his death, she had to survive in a rather difficult place and the ability to kill very quickly came in handy. The magic of the sword became its basis, and the killing was just work. Ikaruga did not feel much affection for her comrades. They often completed assignments together and rarely talked about personal topics. But, the girl was still a little sad, continuing to admire the views outside the window and mentally hum a sad melody. Now she didn't know what to do with hers and was a little nervous about her new master. For the first time in her life, she decided to serve someone, like her father once did ... He did not ask her to kill and did not give orders, all this made her a little nervous. There was no question of trust, perhaps she believed him even less than he believed her ...

A few hours later, in the late evening, using magical transport, Aidan and his team reached the Akane resort.

Bright lights and people scurrying everywhere gave this place a festive atmosphere, and the music and loud laughter turned into pleasant echoes, not at all capable of spoiling the first impression. It felt as if they were in a completely different world, full of fun and colors. Small town lights illuminated all the way to the center of the resort pavilions. There the company of wizards stopped.

Stopping at a three-story hotel, Aidan turned to the girls.

- Okay, let's rent rooms. I didn't come here to have fun, so we don't have more than two days. If you want to relax, you can start, just do not create problems.

- Understood the master, I will accompany you. Ikaruga bowed obediently.

Mira cast an annoyed look at the girl and snorted.


- I didn't come to have fun either, do what you're going to do and return to the guild. By the way, you're not going to drag her with you, are you?

Aidan smiled in response.

- Ikaruga will go on one mission, we'll deal with the guild later. Let's go take rooms.

Stopping in the lobby, the guy went to the receptionist and ordered three separate rooms. Ikaruga, like a shadow, kept up with her master, and when she finally received the key to her room, she was a little surprised:

- Aren't we going to be together?

- Do not pretend, I said "numbers" and this also concerns you. It's not that I don't trust you so much, rather your behavior ... It would be better for you to have your personal number and don't make such a face, don't even plan to come to me.


"Uh, I get it," Ikaruga sighed and nodded. "Then I can guard the door?

- I took you not for the sake of protection, not for the sake of your body, not for the sake of a personal maid, take that already.- Okay, - the girl calmly agreed. Although, Aidan got the impression that she just turned a deaf ear to his words.

"Yes, and what is there to be surprised at ..."

After handing over the key to Mirajane, the wizard finally went to his room. Now it was worth getting rid of unnecessary things.

Taking a quick look around his room, Aidan tossed his backpack onto the bed. The room contained a fairly spacious room, with a small kitchen and bathroom. The magical lacrimas controlled everything from the light to the temperature in the room, the flush in the toilet, and even the fridge with booze. Everything is just top notch. Soft carpets on the floor, a beautiful chandelier on the ceiling and nice blue walls with beautiful white patterns.

In the middle of the room was a bed with white linens, and nearby there was a small balcony with an ideal view of the low-lying beach. In the distance, there was a huge Ferris wheel and a very bright square with hundreds of colored lights, an amusement park and a casino were located just in that direction. Aidan chose one of the wealthy hotels near the coast and did not regret seeing his temporary possessions.

"Although, I would do without all this magic stuff all over the place. These lights dazzle in the eyes ... It was worth choosing a hotel with a good jacuzzi, there you can at least relax. Although the balcony is spacious, you can relax there too ... "

As soon as the guy went out into the fresh air, he immediately breathed in deeply. The pleasant sea breeze was very invigorating.

- It brings back memories ... In almost the same place I ended up in the past ... - Looking back, Aidan noticed the bed against the wall. But instead of crimson sheets and dead bodies, the room was well lit by magical lights.

"A terrible day ... It looks like it is imprinted in my memory forever. Ha ... "- after admiring the views a little, Aidan decided to return to his room and stopped in front of a large mirror, involuntarily examining his reflection. First of all, the black and gold clothes, in a slightly strange style, were striking. All the muscles and scars in it for show ... Although it might seem stylish, but to Aidan's taste ...

"This Derek, couldn't find normal clothes for me?" In her I look like some half-naked fool. I certainly don't mind flaunting my abs in front of girls, but the vest is not my style. Yes, and wounded pants, uh ... It's worth buying something normal later. I don't want Ultear to see me in this.

Remembering something, Aidan suddenly nodded in surprise.

- But really ... - rummaging in his pocket, he abruptly pulled out the golden key in front of him and clearly said:

- Open the gates of the Lady of the Court! Virgo!

In a flash of golden glow, a slender figure of a petite girl appeared a meter from Aidan. He called her again ...

Celestial spirits, as it turned out, are capable of possessing amazing beauty, comparable to beautiful human girls. Virgo was definitely a beauty of the highest rank. Petite, pretty, slender and at the same time possessing a certain unearthly charm. Quite impressive breasts, for her small stature and at the same time juicy and sensual thighs. In her playful maid outfit, she looked extremely adorable. Just a lovely sight!As soon as the girl appeared, she immediately bowed politely:

- Master. Have you decided to finally punish me?

- I think you're in too much of a hurry, we haven't even signed a contract. Last time, you mostly talked with Mavis.

- Hmm, right, let's shake hands. - without waiting for an answer, Virgo touched her thin palm to the guy's hand and quickly shook it:

- The contract has been fulfilled!

- So simple?

- Well, yes, you have my key, but I don't have many conditions. I will always come whoever you call, you are my lord. - quickly bowing, Virgo calmly asked:

- What would you like?

- Can you find me some normal clothes?

"Hmm, master, you're pretty handsome anyway." - The Virgo calmly ran her warm palm over the guy's strong torso and nodded:

"You'd even better take off the top.

- Yeah, thanks ... Judging by your tastes, I will have to deal with this myself.

- And now ... Will you punish?

Aidan narrowed his eyes and asked slyly:

- Can you undress?

- As you wish! - without letting the guy smile at her venture, the Virgo instantly appeared before him completely naked!

"Damn, she's crazy! Doesn't even hesitate! " - as if reading his thoughts, the girl spun and jumped, demonstrating all her forms!

Aidan swallowed, the Virgo's figure was impressive ... Slender thin legs, delicate sparkling skin. Impressive breasts, moreover, upturned, also with cute pink papillae, as well as a tightened ass, with all her playful appearance she simply beckoned to her. It was the second time in a day that Aidan faced such a serious provocation. But, and this time, to his regret, he is forced to restrain himself.

"What a day ... I want to go back to the guild ..." - remembering his Erza and Kana, he could only dream of a sweet reunion ...
